Study on the Cultivation of Wisdom Health Care Service
Abstract: With the rapid development of the Internet of things, big data, cloud computing and other new generation of information technology, integration of innovation and development of information technology and health care industry, the development of smart health care is the inevitable choice of modern pension system. At present, China's smart health care industry is still in the exploratory stage, the industrial system is not perfect, especially in the privacy protection, infrastructure construction and other aspects of the relative lag. The development needs of China's health pension industry based on the experiences of foreign intelligence and the development of the pension industry, mainly from the wisdom of intelligent health products, online health services, pension business model and service network platform of the four aspects of the force, to promote the integration of information technology and the depth of the pension industry, and actively cultivate the wisdom of health care service industry.
Keywords: Wisdom Health Care Service; “Internet +”; The New Format;Cultivation
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