The Pursuit of Corrupt Elements as well as Recovery of Illicit Money and Establishment of Criminal Judicial Assistance System
Abstract: The task of pursuing corrupt elements and recovering illicit money has vital links with international criminal judicial assistance. However, the current criminal judicial assistance system in China has lots of flaws, such as the wide gap between its status quo and the requirements of United Nations Convention against Corruption, the vague position and imperfect integration of related international agreements in China's legal system, which obstruct the work of pursuing corrupt elements and recovering illicit money. According to this article, China should take measures to realize the effective integration of domestic laws and United Nations Convention against Corruption, speed up the approval of ICCPR, work closely to finalize the establishment of Extradition Law, draw up the inter national criminal judicial assistance law as soon as possible, strengthen the capacity building of law enforcement personnel and judicial officers, launch more overseas prosecutions, in order to improve the criminal judicial assistance system in China and ensure the smooth progress of task of pursuing corrupt elements and recovering illicit money.
Keywords: Pursuit of Corrupt Elements and Recovery of Illicit Money;Criminal Judicial Assistance; United Nations Convention against Corruption