066【“吃惊”这么表达是极好的!】It's a surprise...出乎意料的是……
It's a surprise that he's doing well in school. 他在学校表现居然良好,真是出乎意料。
It's a surprise that he ranked first in the competition. 他在比赛中名列第一,真是没想到。
It's a surprise that they have become friends. 他们居然成为了朋友,真是出乎人意料。
It's a surprise that they threw me a birthday party. 真是没想到,他们居然为我举办了生日派对。
It's a surprise to find out that he actually likes me. 他居然是喜欢我的,真是出乎人意料。
It's a surprise to discover that they have been dating for almost a year. 发现他们俩已经交往有近一年的时间了,真是意料之外。
It's a surprise to me that I have passed the test. 我居然通过了测试,真是没想到。
1.A: I can't believe they won the game. No one has expected that to happen.真是难以相信他们居然赢得了比赛。谁都没想到会这样。
B: Yeah, it's a surprise.是啊,真是出乎意料。
2.A: It's a surprise that she hasn't been admitted by Harvard University.真是难以相信她没有被哈佛大学录取。
B: Yes, It's a pity. She has been studying so hard all these years.是啊,真是可惜。她这些年可是一直在刻苦学习啊。
3.A: It's a surprise to all of us to discover that he is going to leave work.他要离职了,我们都觉得很意外。
B: What are you talking about?你在说些什么?
“It's a surprise...”这个句式除了表达“意外”的意思之外,还有“惊喜”之意。如秘密地为他人庆祝生日的时候,就可以在对方刚进门的一刹那叫出一声,“Surprise! ”
温馨提示:“It's a surprise...”还可以演变出“It's no surprise...”,是“意料之中”的意思。在用法上,两者差不多。例如,“It's no surprise that he quit his job.(他辞职是意料之中的事情。)”“It's no surprise to find out that she has lied.(发现她撒了谎,我们都不觉得奇怪。)”