第6章 唤醒心中的梦想
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
It All Starts With a Dream 一切由梦想开始
Doug Evans
Dreaming. Do you or don't you? Do you dream about the future or just have a fantasy① dream after a couple of late night tacos?
Dreams get us going. Dreams direct our lives, our focus, our direction.
Many of us have forgotten how to dream or haven't taken the time to dream in years. We get so busy that we never relax our mind and let it dream. Dare I say daydream?
When we were all kids, we would dream for hours. We had all the time in the world to dream. We had no limits. We had no fears. Short of the "boogie man", we had no idea what fear was.
We could lie in the grass, look at the clouds and dream and dream again. Our friends didn't tell us our dreams were nonsense but instead dreamed big dreams at our side!
Then what happened? Parents, sport coaches, teachers and sometimes our older friends started to steal pieces of our dreams. We were told we would never make the big league—the pros because we just weren't good enough. We were told we could never be that famous actor/ actress—it would never happen. We were too fat, too short, we couldn't sing, we couldn't dance.
These dream stealers started to poke holes in our dreams. Then we started to doubt ourselves. When things didn't work out the way we dreamed, we put up a wall between daily life and our dreams. Heck, maybe you even just plain gave up but I guarantee② that you started to settle. Settle for this. Settle for that! I guess that it's not that bad. I guess I can get by, etc. Words we all know. Words that start to steal our dreams.
Well it's time for a change!
It's time to know and believe in our hearts that dreaming is never optional③!
It's time to dream and then dream again! Dreaming is never optional!
There is a famous philosopher—Mr. Mickey Mouse. Mickey tells us "Believe your dreams can come true. Never stop dreaming, and remember anything, anything can happen!"
It's time to find some quiet time and just let it all go and start to dream as kid again.
What do you really want? Forget all about what Mom wanted for you or where you are "stuck" today.
One hour, one day of dreaming is not enough. It will take some time to remember just how to dream. It took years for you to forget how to dream so give yourselves some time to remember how. Regardless, it's time to start dreaming once again!
"Taking the risk to follow our hearts gives energy to our future and breathes life into our dreams."—Debbie Ford
Once we know our dreams, goals can be established. Goals that will constantly take you a step closer—even if a small step closer towards your dreams. Goals are a plan to help us realize our dreams. Goals plan the actions that must take place.
Dreams and goals are the planning, the thinking, the blueprint of your life. Action is the how! Action is rolling up your sleeves and going for it!
Accomplishing your dreams require:
* Solid clear goals
* Action
* Pursuit
* Persistence
Persistence is often the key. Persistence, or as my wife calls it with me "stubbornness". Call it whatever you want but it is the will to keep going, keep pushing over, around, or through obstacles to get what you truly want in life!
Real dreams are what you truly desire deep down. Dreams are worth pursuing. Dreams are worth sacrifice. They are not—I wish! They are not—I want! They are a burning desire to accomplish something or have something.
Your dreams will happen if you have the courage to pursue them!
Protect your dreams and the dreams of your love ones. Protect them because they are one of your most valued possessions. Don't ever let anyone steal your dreams.
We have established that dreaming is never optional! So what are your dreams? It's now your turn to dream and dream again!
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours."—Thoreau.
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."—Mark Twain
* 坚定明确的目标
* 行动
* 追求
* 毅力
fantasy a. 虚幻的
guarantee v. 保证;担保
optional a. 可选择的;随意的,任意的
Ms. Susan Boyle: An Inspiring Story 苏珊大妈:鼓舞人心的故事
Amy Twain
By the time you read this, you probably heard of the inspiring① life story of Susan Boyle. A 47-year old, unemployed, never been married (and never been kissed) woman from Scotland who elicited lots of praises and compliments not just from the three judges, but also from millions of people across the universe, thanks to Youtube.
Her inspiring story spread rapidly like wildfire and inspires others (especially underdogs② and dark horses③ like her) to reach for your dreams no matter what. The Britain's Got Talent contestant (by far the most popular these days), delivered a strong performance backed up with an even appropriate and inspirational song, "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables. I like watching that show, in the sense that Britain's Got Talent is indeed about talent. It's about talent through and through, despite your looks, and your age. And what I even like most about the inspiring story of Ms. Susan Boyle is that it's as if she's the epitome of dreaming and believing in your dreams—and not putting an age limit to your dreams and goals.
What makes this inspiring story so appealing to the masses, is the fact that we have a not-so-young dreamer dreaming to be a professional singer (wants to be as successful as Elaine Paige at that), when generally, dreaming is associated for the young and their promising future. But here, we have Susan Boyle to change the face of dreaming big and giving us her inspiring story.
Truly, she's not just a living example, but also a living inspiration as well! I know of other singing competitions that imposed age limits on their contestants. It's good that Britain's Got Talent never limits their contestants for a certain age bracket only. Why this allure about second chances and underdogs and dark horses? And why not—it just goes to show that all of us, at some moments in our lives, can relate to being underdogs, since we experienced what it feels like being an underdog ourselves.
We want to inspired and strengthened after failure, rejection, and frustration. An inspiring story like Susan Boyle's is just one strong validation and we felt justified that we can be like her. She's also a real person (and not just any fictitious character) and she's like one of us, living an ordinary life but who wants to have a better life.
So, how who can resist this inspiring story? As we live our day to day struggle in our lives, we all need some bits of inspiration to make us smile, enlightened, hopeful and optimistic④ for our future. And we don't need pretty faces, toned muscles, almost-perfect hair that light up our TV screens to make us inspired.
On the contrary, it's those flawed, ordinary-looking individuals which we can relate to that make us more humane and we can say, "If she can do it, I can too."And I love that smiling aura of Ms. Boyle devoid of any arrogance or self-pity (unemployed, but still looking) when asked what she's going to do onstage.
She said, "I'm gonna wow the audience." And boy, she did more than just that—she even received a standing ovation not just from the crowd, but also from the two judges. Everybody's got an inspiring story—what's yours?
① inspiring a. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的
② underdog n. 劣势者;输家
③ dark horse 黑马
④ optimistic a. 乐观的;乐观主义的
Do You Have a Dream 你有梦想吗
Brian Gosur
Ask any child: "what do you want to be when you grow up?" and you will get an array of different answers. There are always the standard answers like, I want to be a fireman, policeman, doctor, or maybe even president. My grand-daughter wants to be a model when she grows up, and I think she will. She loves the camera and is a very beautiful girl. Of course, I'm a little biased in my opinion, but when you look into their eyes, you see this wonder and excitement when they talk of living their dreams. Their eyes are wide as saucers and they talk about them as if there is no doubt in their mind, they are going to happen.
What happens to all those dreams? What happened to your dream? What happened to my dream? Are you living your dreams? Did you have a dream?
I think as we grow older, our dreams may change. Circumstances① and maturity② set in and alter or change the way we look at life and our circumstances. The wide eyed child has matured into an adult and his dreams have also matured with him.
I always wanted to be a baseball player. I loved sports and played hockey as well, but life's circumstances changed all that and living my dream as a professional athlete disappeared. As I talked with people that have known me awhile and I reveal to them what my childhood dream always was, they kind of look at me a little funny, and say...really? They have that, "I don't believe you," look on their face. Have you ever had that happen to you?
People laugh at your dreams. I don't have to tell you that. If you are a dreamer, and entrepreneurs are dreamers or visionaries, you will have more than one dream and you will have more than one occasion where you receive the looks and laughter at your dreams and visions.
There are tons of dreamers, visionaries, entrepreneurs that come to mind, but I would like to bring just a couple to your attention.
1. Leonardo da Vinci
This man was born on April 15, 1452. He was a true dreamer. His drawings included detailed drawings of flight machines. Can you imagine him trying to talk to his friends about putting together a contraption that would take a person into the air?
2. Thomas Edison
Besides giving us light through the incandescent light bulb, Thomas Edison also gave us the phonograph and accumulated 1,093 U.S patents. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communications and, in particular telecommunications. This guy was always thinking and dreaming of what could be.
3. Charles Babbage
Where would we be without computers today? I remember when I was in high school, computers were in their infancy, and the dream that someday a machine would have such abilities as the computer does today was a very laughable idea. Well, thanks to Charles Babbage, the dream is alive today.
He was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor, and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer. Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs.
What do all these men have in common? They dared to dream. They took the looks, the laughs and the finger pointing, and it didn't deter them from the visions they had. They weren't thrown off track by them.
Zig Zig lar says that he has been laughed at and made fun of and been told that he will never make it all of his life. To continue and persevere③ under those circumstances is definitely a man on a mission. He did not let that deter him from fulfilling his dreams, and it shouldn't with you or me either.
Every one of these dreamers and visionaries had failures, bumps in the road, and people in the way yelling their sarcasm and negative slurs. That should only make you the more determined to win. Success has to go through some failure doors first.
When I played sports and certain people from the opposing team would do their intimidating talking on the field, or I would hear the jeers and yelling from the people in the stands, that just made me all the more determined to do my best and gain the victory. Failure is not final.
What are your dreams? Want to open and run a successful business? Want to open a school for inner city kids? What is the vision you have? I know you can see it as if it is already alive and happening. If this is you, I would like to tell you to never, ever stop dreaming, and don't listen to people come up to you and say, "that will never happen," "you can't do that." You can't stop them from talking at you, but you don't have to listen to them.
You are different. Only 3% of the world's population are dreamers and visionaries. The other 97% live in the box. Don't let the boxers yell their negative talk at you. Don't let them knock you off the road you are traveling. Stay the course, hold the line, and always continue moving forward toward the goals you have and live now the future that you envision. Never stop living your dreams.
"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."—Zig Ziglar
1. 列奥纳多·达·芬奇
2. 托马斯·爱迪生
3. 查尔斯·巴贝奇
① circumstance n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇
② maturity n. 成熟;到期;完备
③ persevere v. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见
Picture Your Dreams 画出你的梦想蓝图
Michael A. Verdicchio
I met a lady recently who I think is in her sixties, although I certainly wasn't going to ask her. She is living a dream she had for a very long time. She told me that she was blessed by God to be living where she is living today.
Over the years I have written a number of articles about dreams, goals and possibilities. I think life was meant to be lived to its fullest. Part of living your full potential is being a possibility thinker.
Many methods and programs can help one realize their dreams and goals. I have in the past written about some of them. But I also know that methods and programs are just that; they are simply methods and programs. What works for one person may not work for someone else. And, you really can't say that a specific method or program was the only reason someone realized their goal or dream.
That being said, the lady I met recently who is living her dream, did something a long time ago. She drew a picture. She told me that she was born and raised in a house in Pennsylvania right in the middle of an apple orchard①. It was her dream to someday live again in a house in the middle of an apple orchard.
So, she drew a simple picture of a house in the middle of an apple orchard. She drew that picture many, many years ago.
There were some things in her life that didn't go as well as she had hoped for. Then, after a number of years, she was living alone. She lived alone for nearly twenty years until she met a widower about seven years ago. After a time of courtship, the couple got married and she moved into his house, which is now their home.
As I talked to her in the driveway② of her new home of seven years, she was relating some of these things to me. She was so happy and truly thankful to God to be living in a house in California, right in the middle of a large apple orchard.
"What are the odds," she told me, "that I would meet someone who owned an apple orchard and that he would want to marry me?" She thankfully added, "Isn't God so good to me?"
Have you ever considered drawing a picture of your dream or goal? Not an artist, you say? Neither is she. That's not the point. The point is, can you see your dream? Can you describe it? Why not draw a little picture of it?
I remember reading a book a number of years ago and one of the incidents in the book was about a picture from a magazine. A man cut out a picture of a beautiful house from a magazine and kept the picture in his office. After moving a few times, the picture ended up in a box.
Years later he purchased his dream house. And, then while unpacking; he discovered the old picture from the magazine. It was not a picture that was similar to his new home; it was his new home! He stared at the picture that he had cut out of a magazine many years before. He stood there holding a picture of the house he now owned.
Can you picture your dreams? Why not draw a picture of your dream? Or, cut out a picture from a magazine of your dream. Or, download a picture of your dream and put it on your desktop computer. Put it on your cell phone.
Our minds remember images. Scientists say that images that have emotions attached to them are very powerful. Perhaps this is a method you may want to explore in reaching your dreams and goals.
No matter what method you use, do something to keep your dreams and goals alive. And never stop picturing them vividly, in great detail, in your mind. See yourself where you want to be, not where you are today. Regardless of the odds, regardless of what others say, your dreams are important because they are your dreams. Refuse to let go of your picture; work towards it until you get it.
① orchard n. 果园;果树林
② driveway n. 车道
Rachel's Dream 雷切尔的梦想
Michael A. Verdicchio
June has arrived; the year is moving very quickly. I know that's pretty silly because there are still 24 hours in a day. But as each day goes by are you getting closer to your dreams?
Have you ever noticed that as children get older, many of their dreams seem to vanish①? At age five or six many kids are anxious, excited and eager and have some of the wildest dreams you have ever heard of.
But slowly, over time, as they get older, those dreams just seem to slip away. And when it comes to adults, sadly, many, many of them simply have no dreams. It is all they can to do just get by. But, that is not so concerning the person whose dream I want to share with you.
I'd like you to meet someone. Her name is Rachel. She is almost thirteen years old. She has a dream.
A week ago, our friend Doug was traveling back to California and he spent the evening with us. He had his two daughters and one of their friends with him. One of his daughters is Rachel.
I was sitting out on the patio after dinner talking to Rachel about school. I asked her if she had any plans after high school. I was delighted with her answer. She knows exactly what she wants to do.
She told me she wants to go to culinary② school in either New York or Paris. She said that it will probably be in New York because her aunt Candice lives there. She wants to learn how to do pastries. But her dream doesn't stop there.
She described what her restaurant/pastry shop would be like. She can envision a special place for family and friends to sit and taste her new creations. She was so excited describing her vision and added that most of her friends have no idea what they want to do.
So, will her dream ever come true? No one can say for sure. But if you ask Rachel, she is absolutely convinced. Time will tell, but that's not the point.
The point is that she has a dream. And I know that there are those who would say, "Well that's nice," seeing it only as a child day dreaming, doubting that it will ever come to pass. But there were things that Rachel didn't mention to me.
She said nothing about the current economy. She didn't have any doubts about what the future holds for her. She didn't mention anything about how the current housing market or stock market might have an effect on her dream.
And again, no one can predict③ the future. But this little girl has a big dream. The sad part is that many big girls and big boys have abandoned their dreams for one reason or another. They have accepted what they call"harsh reality" and are doing all that they can to just get by.
That begs the question, "When do you stop dreaming? When do you give up on your dreams? When do you just forget all those dreams and accept life as it is?" I say,"Never."
One of the biggest reasons people abandon their dreams is that they can't see any way for them to come to pass. Some feel cheated out of their dreams. Others feel stupid for even having a dream in the first place. But what's wrong with having dreams and goals?
Just as no one can predict if Rachel's dream will come true, no one can predict that your dream won't come true. Well, no one except you. When you give up on your dream then it is certain that it will not happen.
But why not keep your dreams alive and even add new ones, even if they never happen. Instead of looking at where life is today, why not look forward to where life can be tomorrow. Many people have a hard time doing that because they are afraid of failing. I would rather fail at trying, then never try at all.
① vanish v. 消失;突然不见;成为零
② culinary a. 厨房的;烹调用的
③ predict v. 预报,预言,预知
The Power of Determination: Glenn Cunningham's Story 决心的力量:格伦·坎宁安的故事
Burt Dubin
The little country schoolhouse was heated by an oldfashioned, pot-bellied coal stove. A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived.
One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames. They dragged the unconscious① little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive. He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.
From his bed the dreadfully burned, semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die—which was for the best, really—for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body.
But the brave boy didn't want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive. Somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive. When the mortal danger was past, he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly. The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body, it would almost be better if he had died, since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs.
Once more the brave boy made up his mind. He would not be a cripple. He would walk. But unfortunately from the waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just dangled there, all but lifeless.
Ultimately he was released from the hospital. Every day his mother would massage his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, nothing. Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.
When he wasn't in bed, he was confined to a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he threw himself from the chair. He pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him.
He worked his way to the white picket fence②bordering their lot. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, stake by stake, he began dragging himself along the fence, resolved that he would walk. He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence. There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs.
Ultimately through his daily massages, his iron persistence and his resolute determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk haltingly, then to walk by himself—and then—to run.
He began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run for the sheer joy of running. Later in college he made the track team.
Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run—this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world's fastest mile!
① unconscious a. 无意识的;失去知觉的;不省人事的
② fence n. 栅栏;围墙
Dreams Will Come True Someday 梦想终会实现
Everyone has his own dream, in order to make your dream come true, you have to pay a lot, some people may give up his dream when they met some setbacks①, and some people will still stick to, always try their best towards to the dreams. There is a player in order to make his dream come true still insist and never give up.
Beijing time on June 16, 2011 North American Hockey League final game came to an end. Boston Bruins VS Vancouver Canucks was 4-0 and won the Stanley Cup of the 4-3 aggregate score. This also is Boston Bruins for the first time won the Cup since 1972 all the players wore their cheap jerseys played on the field and for the goalkeeper② Thomas for the first time in his career winning the MVP.
The goalkeeper Thomas, who is 37 years old, was elected as the most valuable player because he successfully got the ball in the final game for 37 times. As a veteran, Thomas career is actually not smooth, until 28 years old he got the first opportunities to play in the hockey professional league in Europe. In 2005, Thomas became a member of Boston Bruins after six seasons; he and his teammates got the champion throne, their cheap authentic jerseys are welcomed among the fans.
A year ago, suffered from hip injury, he became the bench player from the top goalkeeper. Although all tried their best, they couldn't redeem the lost in the second round of Stanley Cups. Compared to this period, Thomas thought that the years when he just came to North America hockey league soccer were more difficult. "At that time my career was in rising period, but there is not too much chance to play in the game. For many other people, sitting on bench for a long time will choose to give up, but this is not my character, I just want to try to make me more powerful, finally obtained the approval from others, whether internal and external conditions how bad."
Talking about the last game, Thomas said: "we did our best in the whole game and finally made return, played at the last moment, the whole team without reservation, adhere to the body to fight strategy, this might be the different places to the last few games.""If you can insist on in your post long enough, you will eventually can reap③ your ideal and goal." This motto encourages Thomas never give up, for him, the path to success is really long and bumpy, but today, he finally realized the dream and success.
As long as you are unremitting, the dreams will come true one day, Thomas is such a living example.
① setback n. 挫折;退步;逆流
② goalkeeper n. 守门员
③ reap v. 收获;收割;获得