Lesson Twelve
Key Verbs 关键动词:
collect 收集,收藏,收取,集中
complain(to,about) 抱怨,投诉,发牢骚
complete 完成,使圆满,填写(表格)
Theresa,I have just got the results of the survey back and so now I've got to draw some conclusions from the information I've collected.
——That's good.I'm still writing my questionnaire.In fact,I'm starting to panicas the project deadline is in two weeks and I don't seem to be making any progress at all.
What other interests have you got?Do you collect anything?
——Yes.I collect plastic cards and I've got quite a big collection of telephone cards and subway cards,but I don't buy many now.
Tell me,er,when you're so busy,how do you manage to deal with the dirty plates?Do you collect all the plates off the tables or do you have a trolley,or what?
——After meal,students are usually quite good about that—they bring their plates to a designated area—actually that bench over there in the corner against the wall.
The room was too cold,the air-conditioner was out of order.It was too much for.I will complain to your manager.
——Sorry,I do apologize.I will send a serviceman to your room immediately.
Sabrina,are you strict with your son?
——My son always complains that I'm a strict mother.Anyway,I don't allow him to go out until he finishes his homework.
Oh,this will be a commercial channel of course,but how often do you think it is tolerable to have adverts?
——Well,I don't think we can complain about that,as long as they don't last for ten minutes each time!
You're busy all day long.Do you find enough time to be with your family and your kids?
——Not really,sometimes my kids complain about my being around so little.So no matter how busy I am everyday,I will find some time to be with them.
Well,yes,actually.Do you know what the course requirements are?I mean,how much work is expected for this course?
——Well,you have to complete a tutorial paper.You'll have to give a small talk to your tutorial group.
Well,our current lease expires in August so we'd like to have the move completed by then of course.
——Well,there is a very suitable property that I have in mind here in the city but the owners want a lease signed by the end of this month,May.
Good morning,My name is Yunda.I have to complete the enrolment form,and I'm not sure about some of the aspect.
——Right,let's go to my office,where we can look at the handbook to see how we can help you.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
the result of survey调查的结果;to draw some conclusions得出一些结论;questionnaire问卷,调查表;to panic感到恐慌;to make progress取得进展(进步);plastic cards塑料卡;to deal with the dirty plates处理用脏了的盘子;a trolley小推车,超市手推车,有轨电车;a designated area指定的区域;bench长凳;serviceman(maintenace worker)维修工;to be strick with对待……很严格;a commercial channel电视商业频道;how often do you think it is tolerable to have adverts?你认为你们可以容忍多长时间放一次广告呢?;as long as 只要;all day long整天,没日没夜;to be around so little 待在一起的时间太少;the course requirements 课程的要求;a tutorial paper辅导作业;tutorial group辅导小组;our current lease expires in August我们现在的租约八月份到期;property产业,物业;to be signed签约;the enrollment form报名表;some of the aspect某些方面
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
台风(typhoon)过后,天气转晴。但是我们发现沿着海岸线(coastline)和沙滩上有许多废弃物(wastes)。我们班决定成立一个志愿者(volunteer)小组来收集(to collect)这些废弃物。课后,我们就到海滩上拣(to pick up)废弃物,并把它们运到(to send)附近的垃圾箱(garbage can)。我们很累,但是我们都很高兴,因为我们为保护我们的环境做了一点事情。
向客户收集他们对新软件的需求(requirements)后,我们就在一个月内完成了一套新的软件。新软件非常灵活(flexible),非常方便。但新软件推出(to release)不到一个月,我们就收到客户的投诉(complaints),他们投诉说,新软件没有提供详细的书面说明(written descriptions)。确实如此,我们应该补出(to make up)一份详细的书面说明。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Being grateful(感恩)is an important philosophy(哲理)of life and a great wisdom.It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time so long as he lives in the world.We should learn how to face failure or misfortune(不幸)bravely and to try to deal with(处理,对付)it.If so,should we complain(埋怨)about our life and become disappointed or should we be grateful for our life,rise again ourselves after a fall?If each of us has an attitude(态度)of being grateful,we'll be able to get rid of upset,(沮丧)dissatisfaction and misfortune.Being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life.
When you arrive in Britain by sea or air you go through passport control.There are two gates.One is for people from European Community(EC)countries(欧共体)and the other is for people from other countries.Some nationalities(国籍)must have a visa to travel to Britain.You may also need to complete a white landing card.If you are a student,the Immigration Officer(移民官)may ask you about your course(课程)and if you have enough money.After passport control you go through Customs.Green channel means nothing to declare(申报).Red channel means I have something in addition to(除……以外)the duty free allowance(免税额度).