12 Positive Thought Positive Action
Positive thought is the action thatneeds to take place in order to have the law of attraction, which can produce positive results in your life.Random
or negative thoughts result in negative or random unwanted results in your life.
Your thoughts, positive or negative, are your intention at the moment of that thought.

The universe answers your intention and gives you what you think about the most. If your thoughts are negative you are going to receive negative results. Positive results are what we all want and positive or “good” thoughts produce a good result.
Is it really that simple on the face of it? However, the human being is the possessor of a only human trait called the ego.This trait is what produces the negative in us and the ego
must be controlled or overcome every time a negative thought comes to the surface. And I am sure you know that this happens very often indeed.
Further, it seems that one positive thought is worth a great deal more than one negative thought otherwise we would have destroyed each other or ourselves long ago. It seems to me that one positive thought can balance 100 negative thoughts. That makes our job easier by far.
Your positive thought manifesting as positive action can indeed change the world. You can save entire countries and entire populations with only one small act. You must stay alert to positive opportunities which may be as small as a smile or as large as hauling
someone out of a car wreck.
The choice is yours as is every thought and action you perform. Make it a positive one, go ahead to save the world.