1.Jeffrey Pinsler, Civil Justice in Singapore—Developments in the Course of the 20th Century, Butterworths Asia, 2000.
2.Edited by A. J. Harding, The Common Law in Singapore and Malaysia, Singapore Butterworths, 1985.
3.Helena HM Chan, The Legal System of Singapore, Butterworths Asia, 1995.
4.Kevin Y. L. Tan, The Legal System, Singapore University Press, 1999.
5.Philip C. F. Chan, Commonwealth Construction Cases: The Singapore Perspective, Sweet & Maxwell, Asia, 2002.
6.Cardyn Choo, Singapore: The PA Pang the Problem of Political Succession, Print Ads Press, Malaysia, 1988.
7.Nigel M Robinson, Anthony P Lavers, George K H Tan, Raymond Chan.
8.Construction Law in Singapore and Malaysia, Butterworths Asia, 1996.
9.Maurice Freedman, “Chinese law in Singapore: The Rout of Custom” in Family Law in Asia and Africa, ed. J. N. D. Anderson(London: Allen & Unwin, 1968).
10.Jayakumar, S. Constitutional Law Case from Malaysia and Singapore, Singapore: Malayan Law Journal Pte. Ltd. 1976.(2).
11.Thio Li-ann, the Post-Colonial Constitutional Evolution of the Singapore Legislature: a Case Study, Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, July, 1993.
12.Kala Anandarajah, Law and Practice of Bankruptcy in Singapore and Malaysia, 1999, Singapore: Butterworths, Asia.
13.Amy Tan, Singapore death penalty shrouded in silence, Reuters, Singapore, April 12, 2002.
14.Chieng, L. K., Use of Noncustodial Sanctions in the Treatment of Law Breakers in Singapore, Resource Material 38. U. N. Asiaand Far East Institute,(Tokyo: UNAFEI), 1990.
15.Wing-Cheong Chan, A Review of the Corrective Work Order in Singapore, The British Criminology Conference: Selected Proceedings. Volume 5. Papers from the British Society of Criminology Conference, Keele, July 2002.
16.Michael Hor, Singapore’s Innovations to Due Process, presented at the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law’s Conference on Human Rights and the Administration of Criminal Justice, Dec 2000, Johannesburg.
17.Pillai, Legal Education in Singapore: Its Development, Problems and Prospects(1980, Maruzen Asia).
18.See Penal Law of Singapore, Chapter IX: Offences by or Relating to Public Servants, Article 161.
30.许心礼主编:《各国手册丛书 新加坡》,上海辞书出版社1983年版。