Exercise 16
Unit 1
1.挥霍的,浪费的 adj.__________
2.巨大的;伟大的 adj.__________
3.熟练;精通 n.__________
4.熟练的,精通的 adj.__________
5.轮廓,外形 n.__________
6.有利润的;有益的 adj.__________
7.浪费;肆意挥霍 n.__________
8.理解深刻的;深奥的 adj.__________
9.深刻性;深奥的话 n.__________
10.丰富的;大量的 adj.__________
11.禁止;阻止 v.__________
12.禁止的;贵得买不起的 adj.__________
13.激增;(迅速)繁殖 v.__________
14.多产的,富饶的 adj.__________
15.延长,拉长 v.__________
16.突出,卓越 n.__________
17.提升;促进 v.__________
18.晋升;促进 n.__________
19.及时,迅速;敏捷 n.__________
20.颁布;宣传,传播 v.__________
21.俯卧的;有做…倾向的 adj.__________
22.显著的,表达明确的 adj.__________
23.校正,校对 v.__________
24.宣传;鼓吹 n.__________
25.繁殖;传播 v.__________
26.推进;迫使 v.__________
27.倾向,习性 n.__________
28.预告;预言 v.__________
29.正确预言的,有预见的 adj.__________
30.使息怒 v.__________
31.吉利的,吉祥的 adj.__________
32.提议;主张 n.__________
33.专卖的;所有权的 adj.__________
34.得体的举止;有分寸的行为 n.__________
35.平庸的;乏味的 adj.__________
36.宣布禁止 v.__________
37.散文 n.__________
1.一位高产的作家 a__________writer
3.为…宣传 make__________for…
5.附加条款 additional__________
8.纠正错误__________the mistake
9.有…的倾向 have a__________for…
10.将…夷为平地__________to the ground
11.沙哑的嗓音 a__________voice
13.高姿态 a high__________
16.有利可图的生意 a__________business
prolong proficient prolific profound prohibit
1.The scrolls were written in a language that is really rare today.Only a few people__________it.卷轴由一种现在非常罕见的语言写就,只有很少的人才精通于此。
2.The transition to settled life also had__________on the family.向稳定生活的转变对这个家庭也有着深远的影响。
3.The government introduced a new law to__________in pubic.政府推出新法律来禁止公众场合吸烟。
4.Having written 140 books to date, he may well be considered one of the most__________of the century.他目前为止已经写了140本书,被视为是本世纪最多产的小说家之一。
5.In their determination to discover ways to__________, doctors fail to take into account that longer lives are not always happier ones.医生们都立志要找到延长人生命的方法,但他们没有考虑到,更长的生命并不总代表着更快乐的生命。
Unit 2
1.起诉;控告 v.__________
2.使(在政治方面)归附 v.__________
3.勘探 v.可能性;前景 n.__________
4.俯卧的 adj.拜倒 v.__________
5.保护的,防护的 adj.__________
6.抗议,反对 n./v.__________
7.原型;雏形 n.__________
8.原生动物 n.__________
9.延长,拖长 v.__________
10.突出,伸出 v.__________
11.谚语;格言 n.__________
12.精打细算的;未雨绸缪的 adj.__________
13.省的;心胸狭隘的 adj.__________
14.供应品;(法律等)条款 n.__________
15.暂时的,临时的 adj.__________
16.挑衅,激怒 n.__________
17.挑衅的,煽动的 adj.__________
18.激起;挑衅 v.__________
19.接近,临近 n.__________
20.谨慎的;精明的 adj.__________
21.大惊小怪的;迂腐守旧的 adj.__________
22.假名,笔名 n.__________
23.灵魂,精神 n.__________
24.心理的,精神的 adj.__________
25.心理学 n.__________
26.(公开)宣传;推广 v.__________
27.好斗的;爱滋事的 adj.__________
28.在…上扎孔 v.小孔 n.__________
29.味道强烈的,刺激的 adj.__________
30.惩罚,刑罚 n.__________
31.购买;采购 v./n.__________
32.纯净的 adj.__________
33.标榜 v.大意,主旨 n.__________
34.目的性 n.__________
35.追求;追赶;事业 n.__________
36.沼泽地;困境 n.__________
37.新奇有趣的;古色古香的 adj.__________
1.prominent prodigal providential snobbish lavish sluggish
2.prodigious treacherous ubiquitous fatal integral colossal
3.profitable arable lucrative considerable deceptive festive
4.proliferate accelerate imply vibrate multiply apply
5.prolific desolate rhetoric productive scenic supportive
6.propose elongate promulgate fascinate disseminate germinate
Group 1
1.prosecute a.an original model
2.proselytize b.lying on the ground and facing downwards
3.prostrate c.to stick out from a place or a surface
4.prototype d.to convert to a new faith
5.protrude e.to officially charge somebody with a crime in court
Group 2
1.provident a.having a strong taste or smell
2.provisional b.careful in planning for the future
3.provocative c.sensible and careful when you make decisions
4.prudent d.arranged, but not yet definite
5.pungent e.intended to make people angry or upset
Unit 3
1.具备…的学历的;符合资格的 adj.__________
2.顾虑;不安 n.__________
3.可以计量的;可量化的 adj.__________
4.量子 n.__________
5.检疫;隔离期 n.__________
6.争吵 v./n.__________
7.宣布无效;制止 v.__________
8.抱怨的;显得恼怒的 adj.__________
9.静止;沉寂 n.__________
10.沉寂的,静止的 adj.__________
11.想入非非的,异想天开的 adj.__________
12.引用,引述 v.__________
13.辛辣;猥亵 n.__________
14.辐射的;容光焕发的 adj.__________
15.激进主义 n.__________
16.根本上;激进地 adv.__________
17.抹布;破布 n.__________
18.盛怒 n.怒斥;迅速蔓延 v.__________
19.褴褛的,破烂的 adj.__________
20.雷格泰姆音乐 n.__________
21.葡萄干 n.__________
22.猖獗的;疯长的 adj.__________
23.摇摇欲坠的;破烂不堪的 adj.__________
24.牧场经营 n.__________
25.变质的,变味的 adj.__________
26.怨恨;怨毒 n.__________
27.使稀少,使稀薄 v.__________
28.正式批准 v.__________
29.基本原理;根本原因 n.__________
30.刺耳的;尖利的 adj.__________
31.毁坏;严重损害 v.__________
32.热烈谈论;咆哮 v.__________
33.夷为平地;彻底破坏 v.__________
34.反动分子 n.反动的 adj.__________
35.可读性强的;清晰可辨的 adj.__________
36.再次确定;重申 v.__________
37.再次确定;重申 n.__________
38.现实的;实事求是的 adj.__________
1.渊博的头脑 profound a.clothing
2.高产地区 prolific b.mechanics
3.美好前景 rosy c.mind
4.防护衣 protective d.gene
5.量子力学 quantum e.scraps
6.检疫期 quarantine f.prospect
7.隐性基因 recessive g.area
8.回收废料 reclaim h.period
publicize querulous rampant prototype prudent
1.The water of the early oceans might thus have become the__________for the fluids of all animal life.早期海水因此可能是所有动物体液的化学原型。
2.It is always__________to start any exercise programme gradually at first.刚开始一项锻炼计划时循序渐进总是明智的。
3.After a theory__________, scientists design experiments to test the theory.一个理论被公布之后,科学家们设计实验来测试这个理论。
4.A__________male voice said, “Look, are you going to order, or what?” 一个男人不满地问:“喂,你到底要不要点菜?”
5.If one day__________, it means that people's increased wage will worth nothing soon.如果有一天通货膨胀蔓延,那就意味着人们增长的工资很快就会一文不值。
Unit 4
1.王国;领域 n.__________
2.使安心;打消…的疑虑 v.__________
3.造反的;反叛的 adj.__________
4.重播 v.__________
5.指责;批评 v./n.__________
6.不守规章的;不服从指挥的 adj.__________
7.重述;概括 v.__________
8.重组;更换演员 v.__________
9.逐渐远去;逐渐减弱 v.__________
10.愿意倾听的;乐于接受的 adj.__________
11.隐性的 adj.__________
12.接受者,收受者 n.__________
13.互惠地;相应地 adv.__________
14.回报;回应 v.__________
15.回报;回应 n.__________
16.互惠;互助;互换 n.__________
17.音乐演奏会;诗歌朗诵会 n.__________
18.鲁莽,轻率 n.__________
19.要求归还;开垦(土地) v.__________
20.隐居者;喜欢独处的人 n.__________
21.隐居的 adj.__________
22.退缩,畏缩;反冲 v.__________
23.回忆;想起 v.__________
24.推荐;推荐信 n.__________
25.重写;重新安排 v.__________
26.和解;调和 v.__________
27.和解;调解 n.__________
28.深奥的;晦涩的 adj.__________
29.侦察 n.__________
30.重数;讲述(亲身经历) v.__________
31.求助;依靠 n.__________
32.娱乐的,消遣的 adj.__________
33.改正,矫正 v.__________
34.恢复;挽回 v.__________
35.反复出现,再发生 v.__________
36.反复出现的;一再发生的 adj.__________
37.反复的;再次发生的 adj.__________
38.弥补;救赎;偿还 v.__________
1.provoke goad protrude revoke invoke gnaw
2.quagmire dilemma satire umpire quantum deputy
3.quash overturn quote relish slash overflow
4.rarefy dilute pacify purify testify attribute
5.ravage devastate enrage gestate overstate salvage
6.rebuke reprimand reclaim recoil mandate remand
Group 1
1.reassure a.to criticize sharply
2.rebellious b.willing to listen to or to accept new ideas
3.rebuke c.opposed to the government of a country
4.recede d.to do something that makes somebody less worried
5.receptive e.to move gradually away from a previous position
Group 2
1.reciprocity a.not known about or understood by many people
2.reclusive b.a mutual exchange of privileges
3.recollect c.to put right something that is wrong
4.recondite d.to remember something
5.rectify e.living alone and avoiding other people