二 研究资料
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M. Fédou, Christianisme et religions pa ennes dans le Contre Celse d'Origène, Paris 1988.
M. Frede, “Origen's Treatise Against Celsus”, in Apologetics in the Roman Empire:Pagans, Jews, and Christians, edited by M. Edwards, M. Goodman, and S. Price in association with C. Rowland, Oxford 1999, pp.131-155.
L. Perrone, “Prayer in Origen's Contra Celsum: the Knowledge of God and the Truth of Christianity”, in Vigiliae Christianae, Vol.55(2001), pp.1-19.
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K. Pchleri, Streit um das Christentum. Der Angriff des Kelsos und die Antwort des Origenes, Frankfurt a. M--Bern 1980.
D. Satran, “Truth and Deception in the Contra Celsum”, in Discorsi diverità.Paganesimo, giudaismo e cristianesimo a confronto nel Contro Celso di Origene, edited by L. Perrone, Roma 1998, pp.213-222.
G. Stroumsa, Barbarian Philosophy.The Religious Revolution of Early Christianity, Tübingen 1999(pp.44-56: “Celsus, Origen, and the Nature of Religion”).
A. Villani, “Homer in the Debate between Celsus and Origen”, in Revue d'études augustiniennes et patristiques, Vol.58/1(2012), pp.113-139.