01 Adrift逆境求生
In 1982,Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank. He was floating in a life raft, alone.When three fishermen found him seventy-six days later(the longest anyone has survived a shipwreck on a life raft alone),he was still alive.
His account of how he survived is fascinating. But the thing that caught my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, when there seemed no point in continuing the struggle, when he was suffering greatly, when his life raft was punctured and after more than a week struggling with his weak body to fix it, it was still leaking air.Giving up would have seemed the only sane option.
When people survive these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going. Many people in similarly desperate circumstances give in or go mad.Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the guts to carry on in spite of overwhelming odds.
“I tell myself I can handle it,”wrote Callahan in his narrative.“Compared to what others have been through, I'm fortunate. I tell myself these things over and over, building up fortitude……”I wrote that down after I read it.It struck me as something important.And I told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed far off or when my problems seemed too overwhelming.And every time I've said it, I have always come back to my senses.
The truth is our circumstances are only bad compared to something better. But others have been through much worse.I've read enough history to know you and I are lucky to be where we are, when we are, no matter how bad it seems to us compared to our fantasies.It's a sane thought and worth thinking.
So whatever you're going through, tell yourself you can handle it. Compared to what others have been through, you're fortunate.Tell this to yourself over and over, and it will help you get through the rough spots with a little more fortitude.
单词解析 Word Analysis
例 The life raft was buoyed up by two airtight oil drums.
例 The whole family perished in a shipwreck.
例 Our tires do not puncture easily.
例 It takes a lot of guts to do so.
例 His odds are very poor after he sprained his wrist.
例 His adventure made an interesting narrative.
例 I know that my body lacks the fortitude and courage of a strapping young man, and that I cannot find my niche in life.
例 He is unable to divorce fantasy from reality.
语法知识点 Grammar Points
①In 1982,Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank.
这个句子中有一结构“sb.be doing when……”,表示“当……的时候发生了……”。
例 I was doing my homework when Mary called me.
②But the thing that caught my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, when there seemed no point in continuing the struggle, when he was suffering greatly, when his life raft was punctured and after more than a week struggling with his weak body to fix it, it was still leaking air.
这个句子比较长,让我们逐步分析。第一个that引导的是定语从句,先行词是thing, that在从句中做主语。catch one’s eye是固定搭配,表示“吸引某人注意力”,注意eye要用单数。was后面是how引导的表语从句。这里有两个固定搭配:1.manage to do sth.设法成功做某事。2.keep sb.doing 让某人一直做某事。
例 Disguising himself as an old man, he managed to make his way through the enemy lines.
The police keep the traffic moving.
后面是四个由when引导的时间状语从句。其中,第二个从句里有一个句型是“there be/seems/seemed no point in doing sth.”,表示“没有理由做某事,做某事没用”。最后一句中,注意单词leak的用法。leak的基本含义是“漏”,指由于包装破损或没有妥善包装而引起内部物质的外泄,通常是指液体或气体,引申可指新闻或秘密等。leak可做及物动词,也可做不及物动词。用做及物动词时,后接名词做宾语。
③I’ve read enough history to know you and I are lucky to be where we are, when we are, no matter how bad it seems to us compared to our fantasies.
句中no matter how就相当于however,后面引导的是让步状语从句。
例 No matter how hard he may try, he will not succeed.
No matter how many prototypes we make, we just cannot get it right.
还要注意compare的用法。句中是“compare to”,意思是“同……相比”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较。而compare with的意思是“把……跟……比较”,一般用于两个同类事物之间,着重区别。
例 We may well compare the little girl to a kitten.
She compares me with my sister.
经典名句 Famous Classics
1.Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.
2.As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
3.All things will come round to him who will but wait.
4.Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
5.Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.
6.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say“impossible”.
7.It is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman.