著名的口译专家Gile在认知概念的基础上提出了同声传译和交替传译的脑力分配模式。他指出同声传译的脑力分配模式为:SI=L+M+P+C,即同声传译(simultaneous interpreting)=听力与分析(listening and analysis)+短期记忆(short term memory)+言语表达(speech production)+协调(coordination)。而交替传译的脑力分配模式分成两个阶段:Phase I为CI=L+N+M+C, Phase II为CI=Rem+Read+P,即连续传译(consecutive interpreting)(第一阶段)=听力与分析(listening and analysis)+笔记(note taking)+短期记忆(short term memory)+协调(coordination),连续传译(第二阶段)=记忆(remembering)+读笔记(note reading)+传达(production)。从这里可以看出,无论是同声传译还是交替传译,听辨理解能力都是进行口译活动的第一步。
在连续传译中,我们需要去识别主题信息,主题信息一般由主题句和句中的关键词构成,英语语篇的主题句往往出现在语段的开头,而句中的关键词一般体现为句中的实词,尤其是充当主语、谓语、宾语的实词,因此在听辨的过程中我们要以意群为单位进行听辨,以语块(chunks)化方式摄取信息,扩展听幅(span of listening comprehension),注意提取意群中的关键词,把握句子的意思。在词汇层面,注意名词、动词、形容词等实词;在句法层面注意主语、谓语、宾语或表语等句子的主干结构;在语篇方面要注意抓住逻辑线索;在语意层面注意把握已知信息和新信息;在语气层面注意说话人的重读、强调和重复。请读以下段落,用单斜线“/”对句子进行意群切分。
Relations between the United States and France appeared to grow stronger this week after President Francois Hollande visited Washington. President Barack Obama welcomed the French leader by taking him on Monday to Charlottesville, Virginia. They visited Monticello, the 18th century house designed and built by Thomas Jefferson, America's third president. Jefferson was also one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence and served as America's representative to France from 1785 to 1789. President Obama told President Hollande that Monticello is an example of what he called the “incredible history” between the United States and France. Thomas Jefferson loved France, and was a supporter of the French Revolution. As Mr. Obama noted, France supported Britain's North American colonies as they fought for independence.
Relations between the United States and France/appeared to grow stronger/this week/after President Francois Hollande/visited/Washington. //President Barack Obama welcomed the French leader/by taking him on Monday to Charlottesville, Virginia. //They visited Monticello, /the 18th century house designed and built by Thomas Jefferson, /America's third president. //Jefferson was also one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence/and served as America's representative to France from 1785 to 1789. //President Obama told President Hollande/that Monticello is an example/of what he called the “incredible history” /between the United States and France. //Thomas Jefferson loved France, /and was a supporter of the French Revolution. //As Mr. Obama noted, /France supported Britain's North American colonies/as they fought for independence. //