About the Author
Michael F. Malinowski, PMP, has more than 22 years of IT project management and programming experience. His responsibilities have included managing new development projects, process improvements, and IT maintenance. This experience included implementing purchased package systems as well as in-house development projects.
Michael presented portions of this book’s material at Project World Conference (Orlando) 2005, PMI® Congress (The Hague, Netherlands) 2003, and PMI® Congress (San Antonio, Texas) 2002. He has won several Toastmasters Humorous and Motivational Speech contests.
Michael has successfully implemented the book’s content into practice at Exelon, one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with revenues of more than $15 billion. Forbes ranked Exelon as the number one utility company in the United States on its 2005 list “The Best Managed Companies in America.”
Michael is a member of PMI and received his PMP in 1996. He served on the PMI® Chicagoland chapter board of directors. His education background includes a bachelor of science in electrical engineering, with a minor in computer engineering, from Illinois Institute of Technology, and a master’s certificate in project management from George Washington University. Michael welcomes e-mail at m_malinowski@sbcglobal.net.