There are a lot of people who deserve my gratitude for supporting me while I wrote this book. I would like to acknowledge them and the organizations who helped with this project in one way or another—some intentionally and some not.
In October 2005 I attended a workshop called Group Process Consultation put on by the National Training Laboratories (NTL) Institute and facilitated by a man named Chuck Phillips. This experience was a turning point for me in the way I interacted with and engaged others. It gave me the practice and courage to truly listen to what people were saying and to figure out how to create connections with others. Chuck‧s wisdom, encouragement, and fostering of ownership for process-focused interventions and conversations was extremely influential.
In August 2006 I attended a workshop called The SPEED of Trust put on by CoveyLink, the consulting firm of Stephen M.R. Covey. I had met Stephen briefly at the American Society for Training and Development International Conference and was fascinated by his work on trust. The workshop, based on his book The SPEED of Trust, really opened my eyes to the many facets of trust. It is the one thing that leaders need if they want to get the best from others. I also want to thank Stephen for his testimonial for this book, which personally means a lot to me.
The Publishing team at Management Concepts—particularly Courtney Chiaparas, Myra Strauss, and Mary Cowell—have been a joy to work with. Their feedback, insights, and attention to detail along the way have helped us move this book along. Speaking of feedback, a number of people inside and outside the Management Concepts team read early drafts of the manuscript and offered their feedback. To each of you, thank you for your time, energy, and commitment to helping readers become engaging leaders.
Finally, I want to acknowledge my family and my wife, Celene, for their support. Writing a book isn‧t a one-person job. It takes nights and weekends and involves, at times, a bit of stress. Thank you for your patience, love, support, and engagement in the process.