THEY JUST DON’T GET IT! is about those times when you’re trying to tell someone something and they just don’t get it, and what you need to do to transform their resistance into understanding.
If that sounds familiar, it should. Study after study shows us that the two most common problems in business are communication and resistance to change. In other words, most issues and problems in nearly every organization come down to the same thing: They just don’t get it!
Typically, each of us looks at this situation as the other person’s failing. We wonder—both silently and aloud—why they don’t get it, why our brilliant explanations fall on apparently deaf ears. “I don’t get it when they don’t get it” is a song we sing, by ourselves and in a chorus with others. And each of us has been on the receiving end ourselves, having that song sung to us because we clearly weren’t getting it.
In our role as change management consultants, we have observed thousands of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, parents, and vested individuals dance the “I don’t get it when they don’t get it” tango. They Just Don’t Get It puts this real-life situation up for discussion using the parable format, illustrated with fun, clever line drawings by Ben Dewey.
They Just Don’t Get It gives owners, entrepreneurs, and managers insight into the reason their ideas don’t get accomplished in the manner they expect; provides behavioral suggestions that help achieve goals in the future; and allows each of us to become aware of our personal responsibility in helping others understand our intentions.
Changing resistance into understanding is a conscious decision that is more about us than it is about them. When we focus only on them, we perpetuate the push-pull struggle. And so long as we are self-righteous, we will be met with resistance.
When it seems like they are not getting it, it is our responsibility to look at ourselves and our approach in a different light, suspend our judgment on their inability to understand, and look at the situation as an opportunity to grow, stretch, learn, and teach. Once we discover how best to engage them with the information, we need to believe passionately that they will be able to get it and succeed.
They Just Don’t Get It is a story about changing from not getting it to really getting it. It’s a unique opportunity to understand the root source of resistance and how, with enlightened awareness on our part, to overcome and prevent resistance in the future.
They Just Don’t Get It provides the reader with personal insight into how to become a better communicator of ideas and an inspired motivator of people, both personally and professionally.
They Just Don’t Get It helps each of us see that when they don’t get it, the solution is really with us. As Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
So get comfortable, remove those distractions that might not let you focus on what you’re reading, and get ready for a story that just might be more about you than it is about them.