Ⅳ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.
Calling the United States a“common law”country is misleading to the extent that it suggests that the most prevalent form of law is common law. While this might have been true at one point, it is emphatically not true today. Since the turn of the 20th century and particularly since the 1930s, there has been an“orgy of statute-making”ushering in what has been called the“Age of Statute”. The“center of gravity”of the state law has also been shifted to statutes. Indeed, it is probably fair to say that the average state law in the United States has as many statutes as the average civil law country in Europe. If one multiplies that amount of statutory law by 50 states, one can see just how prevalent statutory law is in the United States.
Some statutes have replaced common law, but many more have created entirely new areas of law. On the federal level, volumes of federal taxation, social security, environmental, financial securities and banking law fill the United States Code. On the state level, numerous statutes regulating businesses, consumer rights, commercial transactions, and family relations have been enacted. Common law has not disappeared. Many areas of private law in the states—contracts, torts and property law—are governed primarily by common law with some statutory modifications. In most areas of law, however, statutes are the rule rather than the exception.