Section 3 Advanced 高级飞跃
□to indicate 表示,指示
□Believe it or not 无论你相信与否(事实是……)
□use/follow conventional 使用传统的,按照常规
□make up for it in other ways/make up for it some other way 用其他方式弥补
□subtle 微妙的,含蓄的
□may not even be obvious to 甚至可能不明显,甚至很难被领会
1. to indicate
释 to signal表示,指示
例 She waved her hand to indicate that she wanted to see me.她冲我挥挥手,表示她想见我。
2. Believe it or not
释 Whether you believe it or not, it's the truth/it's a fact...无论你相信与否(事实是……)
例 Believe it or not, I've never heard of that rule.
3. use/follow conventional
释 do what most people do使用传统的,按照常规
例 She used conventional gestures to communicate with me.她用约定俗成的手势与我交流。
4. make up for it in other ways/make up for it some other way
释 do something else to compensate for用其他方式弥补
例 He's not very sociable, but I think he means well. He makes up for it in other ways.
5. subtle
释 not direct/not obvious微妙的,含蓄的
例 He made a subtle move backwards, indicating that he wasn't in agreement.
6. may not even be obvious to
释 may not be clearly visible/noticeable甚至可能不明显,甚至很难被领会
例 Adults lose their sense of hearing over time. It may not even be obvious to them.
John: There's universal body language we all understand.
Selina:Right.Most people nod to indicate“yes”,shake their heads from side to side to indicate“no”.But believe it or not,not everyone in the world uses these conventional gestures.In Bulgaria people move their heads up and down to indicate“no” and from left to right to indicate“yes”. Strange, isn't it?
John: I've seen Indians wobble their heads when they're talking. It can sometimes get very confusing.
Selina: Korean women don't usually shake hands with men. Middle Eastern men stand very close to each other. The French, Russians and Arabs kiss each other on the cheeks.
John: Yes. And in Central and South American countries, people are quite physical, when they meet each other… the Chinese not so much.
Selina: But people that don't wear their hearts on their sleeves, so to speak,make up for it in other ways.They enjoy eating and celebrating together quite often.
John:Our body language can be quite subtle too.It may not even be obvious to the person we're talking to.