Meet the Protagonist of Your New Love Story: The Transformational Consumer
Transformational Consumers are a massive and growing group of people who see life as a never-ending series of projects to live healthier, wealthier, wiser lives.
They spend a great deal of their time and money on the products, services, and content that can help them make these changes.
They are early adopters. Th ey influence the buying behavior of everyone around them. And they engage in joyful, two-way love affairs with the brands that change their lives.
They are triathletes, Crossfitters, and fitness walkers. They do Soul-Cycle and the senior exercise classes at Kaiser Permanente. Some of them are hardcore health nuts. Others might call their lifestyles “healthy-ish.”
If you have been vegan and Paleo, at different times in your life, you might be a Transformational Consumer.
Transformational Consumers pick carefully the things they put in, on, and around their bodies.
They are always studying a course in something, exploring a new certification, or starting a business on the side. They read lots of business and wisdom lit erature, such as this book.
They experiment with frugality. They think a lot about designing their lives and course correcting the total picture of what they do with their work, their careers, and their time. They may have rejected a regular day job to drive for Uber or rent out their spare space on Airbnb, so they can work on their art or their entrepreneurial endeavors.
The specific aspirations of an individual Transformational Consumer at a given time don’t matter right now. For now, the most important thing to understand is how these people define and view themselves. Transformational Consumers consciously view themselves as committed to growth, development, change for the better, and constantly making pro gress toward living a healthier, wealthier, wiser life.
And Transformers are the companies that transcend the transactional by understanding, reaching, engaging, and serving Transformational Consumers in the same way these people see themselves: through the lens of change.