The Positive Organization

A Diagnostic Tool

At the end of this book you will find the Positive Organization Generator. The first step in that tool is an assessment of your organization using Figure 1.1 as a guide. Applying this complex and dynamic model of thinking to your own organization, and seeing which values are high and low, should help you take a first step toward becoming bilingual. It may begin to be clear how you can live in two opposing worlds at the same time.

If you would like to make a more systematic assessment we have also developed an online version of the Positive Organization Generator on the Lift Exchange website. In this digital assessment tool you will respond to a set of questions and then receive a profile of your organization. This free online tool gives you the options to do the full version of the Positive Organization Generator, to just choose the assessment option, or to browse 100 positive practices. Feel free to share it with your unit as well. The tool is available at: