Love 'Em or Lose 'Em

Are They Invisible?

My previous boss never said hello to me. He would walk right past me in the hall as if I did not exist, or was invisible. He did say hello to every vice president. My new boss treats me with respect. I feel like she values me as a person, even though her job level is above mine. I love working here.

—Bank teller

When employees talk about the disrespect that drove them out the door to a new job, they sometimes refer to this feeling of invisibility. You might be simply lost in thought when you pass your employees in the hall and fail to acknowledge them. But they will notice and may feel less than honored or respected.

Note: Different cultures show respect differently. Our Asian colleagues say that while respect is key, bosses may not be likely to smile or greet their employees in the hallway; it’s just not part of the cultural norm. They also say that the bosses who do smile and say hello are sure to win over their people!

To Do

Notice your employees. Pay attention as you walk down the halls and say hello to them by name.

Smile, shake hands, greet your employees, and introduce them to others, even those of higher rank. They will feel honored and definitely not invisible.