Living with the Highest Goal
Michael Bush’s story is not unique. People who live with the highest goal (even if they don’t call it that) are able to weather the most difficult storms. In fact, they find themselves relying on this powerful resource as they navigate whatever challenges life tosses their way.
Lorna Catford not only took the creativity course but also became one of the main teachers and developers of it. She has lived with her highest goal for decades, and she recently found herself drawing strength from it in a very immediate way. When her doctor’s office didn’t let her know about the results of a test for cancer, she came face-to-face with fear. Her mind raced as she imagined the worst of scenarios, and then, something happened. But I’ll let her tell the story:
Omigod. I’m going to die of cancer! No, it’s just that they’re disorganized in their office. No it isn’t. They PROMISED they’d get back to me if it were OK. How will my family cope with me gone?
On the way to work, I was writing my farewell letters in my head, planning the music I’d leave for my husband and kids, planning the music for my funeral. I knew about facing fear, and the more I faced the fear, the more I alternated between panic and doom. I knew about moving towards pleasure. What pleasure when your days are so numbered? I knew about finding a gift in all of this. Right. Joke of the century.
Then something happened.
As I drove down the highway, the fields and even other cars seemed beautiful, filled with a sort of spiritual glow. I felt at peace. Parking in the far-away parking lot, as is my habit, and walking across campus to my office, I breathed in the beauty of the grass, the trees, the million-colored flowers, the million-colored leaves. In class and in meetings, I was ON. Electricity, or maybe energy, was present in everything and every interaction—from the ridiculousness of a malfunctioning computer saga to the inspiration of students in class.
Somehow, I’d come to the place of walking through the fear, although I sort of did it blindfolded, or backwards, without realizing it.
When I arrived home there was a message from the doctor saying everything looked fine. Phew. This was enough of a test for me, though.
And the gift? The proof positive that even in the face of a “worst fear,” spirit comes through.
Often a crisis, such as Michael’s troubles with his company or Lorna’s health scare, gives people a sense of their highest goal. It enables them to survive crises and turn them into breakthroughs in business and elsewhere in their lives.