Lesson 4 Yard Sale Day
1、The day we had our yard sale is a day I’ll never forget. Early on that Saturday morning, we set everything out neatly on tables. People started coming. Some of them bought things, some didn’t.
2、All at once, the sky got very dark. Mom took one look and told Nathan and me to get into the garage②. A big whoosh of wind came. Over went the tables. Crash③went an old lamp. Within a few minutes, it was all over. We walked out of the garage, amazed by the huge mess.
3、I heard a door slam and looked up. Mr. Piper from down the street said it looked like we needed some help. Soon, a bunch of neighbors came to help. I don’t remember how much we sold, but we ended up having the nicest neighborhood gettogether ever! Maybe we should have a yard sale again next summer.
(148 words)
Ⅰ.How well did you read?
1. [Note the facts] What’s the correct order of the following events?
a. People began coming to the sale.
b. Neighbors came to help.
c. The storm blew through.
d. The family set things out on tables.
A. dacb B. dcab C. adcb
2. [Draw a conclusion] What did the writer like best about the yard sale day?
A. The sale.
B. The storm.
C. The time spent with neighbors.
Ⅱ. Read for words.
Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.
1. Early on that saturday morning, we set everything out neatly on tables.
(Para. 1)
A. 起程 B(. 日、月)沉没 C. 放置
2. We walked out of the garage, amazed by the huge mess. (Para. 2)
A. 混乱 B. 餐厅 C. 液体
3. I heard a door slam and looked up. (Para. 3)
A. 猛烈抨击 B. 砰然关上 C. 碰撞
4. Soon, a bunch of neighbors came to help. (Para. 3)
A. a group of B. a few C. a bit of
Ⅲ.Writing practice.
1. Have you ever had any unforgettable day?
2. What happened on that day?