merit [‘merɪt] ★★★★★
n. 优点
➢ I think both private schools and public schools have their own merits. 我认为私立学校和公立学校各有优点。
determ inative [dɪ’tɜːmɪnətɪv] ★★★★★
➢ Some people believe that nurture produce the determinative effect.有些人相信后天的培养(对一个人的性格养成)会产生决定性的影响。
v. 批评
➢ There has been a dispute over whether students are encouraged to criticize their teachers. 关于是否应该鼓励学生批评他们的老师,一直存在争议。
distract [dɪ’strækt] ★★★★★
➢ Students need to concentrate on study and avoid being distracted from TV programs. 学生们需要集中精力学习,避免被电视节目干扰。
stimulus [‘stɪm jʊləs] ★★★★
n. 刺激;激励
➢ Criticism can be a kind of stimulus to teachers’ self-perfection and improvement of educational quality. 批评对于教师自我完善和提高教育质量来说,是一种激励。
enforce [ɪn’fɔːs] ★★★★★
v. 加强
➢ Effective measures should be taken to enforce education for young people in judging right and wrong. 应该采取有效措施来加强对年轻人的教育,增强他们的是非观。
exploit [ɪk’splɔɪt] ★★★★★
➢ It is necessary for parents and teachers to work together to help students exploit and develop their talent. 家长和教师必须共同努力,帮助学生发掘和开发他们的才能。
adj. 遗传的;基因的
➢ Some studies have shown that the genetic inheritance from parents determines their children’s characteristics. 一些研究报告显示,来自父母的遗传基因决定了孩子们性格的特征。
tiredness [‘taɪədnəs] ★★★★
n. 倦怠
➢ In fact, a class with less students is more likely to give rise to tiredness and boredom, which hinders learning efficiency. 实际上,人数少的班级容易让人感觉倦怠和枯燥,从而降低学习效率。
ignore [ɪɡ'nɔː(r)] ★★★★★
v. 忽视
➢ If university enrolment ignores the differences in sex, graduates may not perform properly in their position after graduation 如果高校招生忽视了性别差异,毕业生可能无法在毕业之后在自己的职位上表现好。
moral development ★★★★★
➢ Parents can influence children’s moral development through their speech and behavior. 父母可以通过言语和行为来影响孩子道德观的培养。
imagination [ɪˌmædʒɪ’neɪʃn] ★★★★★
n. 想象力
➢ Teachers can inspire students’ imagination and creation apart from imparting knowledge. 除了传授知识之外,老师们可以激发学生的想象力和创造力。
impersonal [ɪm’pɜːsənl] ★★★★★
adj. 没有人情味的;冷淡的
➢ Leaning through the Internet is impersonal, which ruins the pleasure of emotional exchanges. 在线学习太没有人情味,而这会破坏情感交流的愉悦感。
loss of talent ★★★★★
➢ Many overseas students are reluctant to return to their home country, which will inevitably lead to a high loss of talents. 很多留学生不愿意回到自己的祖国, 而这难免会造成大量的人才流失。
inseparable [ɪn’seprəbl] ★★★★★
adj. 不可分割的
➢ Both competition and cooperation are inseparable and indispensable in children’s education. 在儿童教育中,竞争与合作都是不可分割的,也是不可缺少的。
strengthen [‘streŋθn] ★★★★★
v. 增强
➢ The target of higher education of a country is to strengthen the general level of intellectual and professional capacity of its labour force. 国家实行高等教育的目的是提升劳动者的智力和职业水平。
supervision [ˌsjuːpə’vɪʒn] ★★★★
n. 监督
➢ Without teachers’ supervision, many students would spend hours playing computer games or surf unhealthy websites. 如果没有老师的监督,很多学生会花大量时间玩电脑游戏或者浏览不健康网站。
privileged [‘prɪvəlɪdʒd] ★★★★
adj. 享有特权的
➢ Some feel that the privileged children of wealthy fam ilies are less able to deal with problems in real life when they grow up. 一些人认为,富裕家庭享有特权的子女在长大后,在现实生活中处理问题的能力较弱。
spoil [spɔɪl] ★★★★
v. 溺爱
➢ It is common to see grandparents spoil children, which is extremely harm ful for their physical and mental development. 祖父母溺爱孩子很常见,而这对孩子们日后的身心发展是极其有害的。
strenuous [‘strenjuəs] ★★★★
adj. 艰苦的;费力的
➢ Many people succeed because of both talent and strenuous work. 许多人之所以能成功,是因为他们既有才华又努力工作。
sufficient [sə’fɪʃnt] ★★★★★
adj. 足够的
➢ It is necessary for governments to provide sufficient school funding to ensure the quality of education. 政府必须提供足够的学校经费来确保教育质量。
➢ With the pressure of entering a top school mounting, students have limited time for leisure activities. 随着进入顶尖学校的压力增加,学生们的休闲活动时间变得非常有限。
social skill ★★★★★
➢ If students work as a team, they can learn various social skills 如果学生进行团队合作,他们可以学习各种社交技能。
en joyable [ɪn’dʒɔɪəbl] ★★★★★
adj. 令人愉快的
➢ Learning through cooperation can be relatively enjoyable and inspiring process compared to competition. 与竞争相比,通过合作的方式学习是一个相对令人愉快和鼓舞人心的过程。
capableind ividual ★★★★★
➢ Competition is an effective way to help children become capable individuals. 竞争能有效地帮助孩子成为有能力的人。
tell right from wrong ★★★★★
➢ One of teachers’ responsibility is to teach students to tell right from wrong. 教师的职责之一是教学生明辨是非。
moral education ★★★★★
➢ Some people believe that schooling should include moral education. 有些人认为学校教育应该包括道德教育。
good-mannered [’ɡud’mAnYd] ★★★★★
➢ Based on this belief, teachers have the responsibility to teach students how to be a good-mannered person. 基于这种信念,老师有责任教导学生如何成为一个有礼貌的人。
impart academic knowledge ★★★★★
➢ I believe that schools should only focus on imparting academ ic knowledge for its own sake. 我认为,学校应该只专注于传授学术知识。
face increasing pressure ★★★★★
➢ Nowadays, students have less time left for leisure activities as they face increasing pressure of entering top schools. 如今,随着进入名校的压力越来越大,学生们在休闲活动上的时间越来越少。
behave in a proper way ★★★★★
➢ Parents send their children to schools in the hope that they can learn how to behave in a proper way. 家长们把孩子送到学校,希望他们能学会得体的举止。
free of charge ★★★★★
➢ Public schools are free of charge and financially supported by the government. 公立学校是免费的,由政府提供财政支持。
learn various social skill ★★★★★
➢ If children learn as a team, they can learn various social skill through communication with their team members. 如果孩子们以一个团队形式学习,他们可以通过和其他团队成员交流学习各种各样的社交技能。
handle the stress ★★★★★
➢ Some parents think competition can be stressful and children are too young to handle the stress, which tends to be influence their academic performance negatively. 一些家长认为竞争压力很大,孩子太小,无法承受压力,这往往会对他们的学业表现产生负面影响。
physical and mental well-being ★★★★★
➢ I believe constant competition at an early age tends to negatively affect children’s physical and m ental w ell-being, m aking them weaker and more self-centered. 我相信,早年的不断竞争往往会对孩子的身心健康造成负面影响,使他们变得软弱和更以自我为中心。
work-related skill ★★★★★
➢ Some people believe the main focus of university should be theoretical knowledge rather than work-related skills. 一些人认为大学的重点目标应该是教授理论知识,而不是与工作相关的技能。
course design ★★★★★
➢ Many educators believe there is clear link between university’s course design and employment rate. 许多教育家认为,大学的课程设计与就业率之间存在着明显的联系。
highly value ★★★★★
➢ Communication skill and cooperation skill are highly valued at modern workplace. 在如今的职场,沟通技巧和合作技巧是非常受重视的。
step in to society ★★★★★
➢ Those graduates who are equipped with both academ ic qualification and workable skills are more likely to find a good job when they step into society. 那些同时具备学术资格和就业技能的毕业生更有可能在步入社会后找到一份好工作。