Chapter Two Patriotic Tradition of the Chinese Nation
Mr. Fei Xiaotong pointed out that the Chinese nationality refers to all the ethnic groups who reside within the territory of the country and recognize themselves as one nation. It represents unity and multiplicity. Unity means there is only one Chinese nationality, and multiplicity means there are 56 ethnic groups. Imbedded with deep feelings of all the ethnic people, the phrase“Chinese nationality”consists of two Chinese words, China and ethnics. The Chinese nation realized this commonality with strong awareness through the struggles with Western powers over the last one hundred years or so. However, the Chinese nationality as a holistic entity consisting of more than 50 ethnic groups came into being through several thousand years of continuity and change. And it is out of affection for and recognition of a common homeland that the Chinese nationality evolved from multiplicity to unity and from feeling natural to being self-conscientious. The evolution of the Chinese nationality is in fact the history of the development of Chinese patriotism.
The long tradition of Chinese patriotism has been carried through from generation to generation, and has become a huge magnet to the Chinese people. Jiang Zemin pointed out, “In our history, patriotism has always been a great banner under which our people are united and encouraged. It is the spiritual pillar of our nation of all ethnic groups, and has played a crucial role in maintaining national reunification, fending off foreign aggressors and promoting social progress. With this patriotism, our nation holds great confidence, unity and vitality. ”Throughout the history our nation has undergone various, sometimes, tremendous hardships, but, also with this tradition of patriotism and spirit of self-reliance, we have overcome difficulties after difficulties and remain one of the largest nations in the world. The Chinese patriotism has ever since become stronger and more powerful, just like the Yellow River and the Yangtze River originating from streams, joining the big rivers and finally merge with the sea. Today we must nurture and promote patriotism with Chinese tradition.
In Chinese history, the concept of“the Chinese nationality”has had different connotations and denotations. In the context of different social economics, political systems, cultures, ethnic relationships and class struggles, patriotism naturally carries with it different themes and characteristics. Chinese patriotism has approximately undergone five thousand years from conception to evolution, and to maturity. It can largely be divided into three phases:the ancient time, the modern time and the contemporary.