Chapter 1 and 2:The current situation,confusion and reflection about the application of economic paradigm in the research of domestic economic history:Analysis based on literature statistics.In two fronts,I mainly study the current situation which the economic paradigm is applied to the research of domestic economic history.The economic theory and quantitative method has been widely used in economics and history,which does not affect the continuation of the tradition of textual research.There are structural differences in using the economic paradigm between these two disciplines.Economics paradigm occupies a dominant position in the study of economic history by economists;however,the using of economics paradigm is relatively lagging behind in history.The source of this phenomenon is the confusion of the historians about the economics methodology,the work of economists and the using of the economic analysis tool in the paradigm of history.This article responses the confusion above by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of economic paradigm.This article encourage that the two paradigms should respect each other,and the history can use for reference the economic paradigm in the specific levels,such as the basic concepts,the economic theory,the analytical method and so on.In the meantime,the historians should learn to deal with the relationship between history and theory,history and method,old and new knowledge,ideas and tools.Economists and historians should work together to build Chinese economic history database to promote the development of domestic economic history.
Chapter 3:Communication,Cooperation and Opportunity:the Development of New Economic History in Current China.New Economic History is a cross-disciplinary subject.Grasping the New Economic History' research paradigm in the view of scientific philosophy is very necessary.Definition of the subject of New Economic History is open,including economic theory,economic history and quantitative analysis.When economist collaborates with historian,the platform and opportunity of cooperation between economist and historian are important.Different opinions should be discussed and adopted by economist and historian.Fostering academic body can push the development of New Economic History in China.On the research of New Economic History,scholars can conclude convincing theory to explain these history events.The processes of economic growth are different in different nations.Based on the research of New Economic History,we can summarize the same pattern and those different characteristics among these nations.The analysis to the process of economic growth is important to develop the theory of market economy in current China.
Chapter 4,5 and 6:the Change of Economic Paradigm Applied in Economic History Research:New Economic History for Fifty Years.In these fronts,we make a clear distinction among the Cliometrics,the New Economic History,Econometric History and Quantitative History.A translation in Chinese is given to the words of New Economic History.In the fifty years of New Economic History,there are three phases as follows:the germination in the subject of history,the development combining the New Institution Economics and the phase beyond the New Institution Economics.The basic character of the New Economic History is the economic theory and the quantitative method used in the economic history.The main character of the New Economic History is the mutual influence between the economic theory and the economic historical materials.These characters are different in each phase.In the past fifty years,the paradigm of the New Economic History has changed from the paradigm of history to the paradigm of economics.There is a tendency of the innovation of the economic paradigm in the current development of the New Economic History.In the front,we also analyze the content,station and effect of the New Economic History as a subject.The effect and significance of the New Economic History to the history and economics in China are also mentioned.
Chapter 7:The Comparative Analysis of Three Institutional Change Paradigms in the Economic History.Marx,North and Acemoglu represent respectively different institutional change paradigms in the economic history.We compare these institutional change theories in theory premise,methodology,basic hypothesis and theory system.The conclusions are as follows:Acemoglu as the representative of the New Political Economics has a try to integrate the theories of Marxism Economic History and the New Institution Economic History by the mainstream paradigm of the western economics.Acemoglu's theory system and opinions are similar to the Marxism Economic History.The analysis method and angle used by Acemoglu are similar to the New Institution Economic History.The tendency is obvious in the research of economic history that quantities analysis by econometric method and the use of game theory become prevalent.We should try to use these new methods to analyze the economic history of China.
Chapter 8:The analysis of the Ideology Theory in the view of the institutional change:taking North and Hayek for example.The ideological is a key factor during the institutional change.In North's Ideology Theory and Hayek's Theory of Ethical Evolution research,they focus on the morality and ethics.The difference between them are following:the individuality and group character of ideological concept,the “complete rationality”and “limited rationality”of the basic assumptions,the consciousness and spontaneous order of institutional change,the effect weight of ideology,different basic methodology,etc.There is an obvious reference from the former on the latter.Between the two theory,there are many similarities which are as follows:emphasis on “culture”and “learning”effect on the starting point of the theory,converging basic assumptions of “bounded rationality”understanding,taking note the use of game theory on specific methodology,both putting liberalism worldview as their philosophical foundations,agreeing that ideology is an important factor in the institutional system stability and the impact of changes,obtaining the conclusions that formal institutional change should be discussed within the framework of ideology.In this front,we have researched the integrated possibility of the two theories and taken a further thought about the development of Ideology Theory under the institutional change perspective.
Chapter 9:The comparative analysis and integration of the institution change Theories:Between the New Institutional Economics and the Marxism economics.We compare the theory of institution change of the new institution economics which is established by North and the theory of institution change of Marxism economics.Then we analyze the differences from them.In order to further explain the structure and change in economic history of China,we discuss the possibility of integration of the institution change theory between the new institution economics and the Marxism economics,which include the basic hypothesis between the rational person and the social person,the methodology and the motive and manner of the institution change.Our conclusion is following:In order to further explain the structure and change in economic history of China,we should insist on the basic hypothesis of the rational person,and think the ration of a process in which people learn the knowledge through the experience of living in the exterior environment.We can take these factors into the analysis of the rational person as the condition factors which include culture and ethic and sociality.Learning and accumulation of knowledge are all attached importance to the institution change theory by the new institution economics and the Marxism economics.The theories of the motive of the institution change of the new institution economics and the Marxism economics bring into play respectively in different scopes.The non-institution factors,for example the natural resource,are very important to the change of institution.
Chapter 10:Two perspectives of research on institutional change and economic performance:an empirical analysis and model study.In this front,I analyze the two development direction of the theory of institutional change. Namely on the one hand,some scholars collect a large amount of data and use econometrics method to make the empirical analysis of correlation between institutions and economic performance.The conclusion is that the institutional system is essential to the economic performance.These researches provide the powerful data support for the institutional change theory.These papers are empirical analysis for institutional system.On the other hand,other scholars use the game theory analysis tools to make model system.These models explain the mechanism between the institutions and the economic performance.The institutional change theory based on these models explains the existing empirical analysis results well.Those papers could be called researches about modeling institutions and its change.In this front,I summarize the common characteristics of two research directions,and reviews the research clues,analysis tools,the advantages and disadvantages of these researches.
Chapter 11:The new institution economics and the rising and the declining of the Jingtian system:a theory model.We apply the theories of the new institution economics,in order to analyse the original conditions and characters of the Jingtian system,and research those factors that impact the final decline of the Jingtian system through the theoretic model of the manor system which is established by North and Thomas.Then we research the deficiency of the theoretic model of the manor system by comparing the different results of the development of the Jingtian system and the manor system,and analyzing the difference of history between China and the western world.In connection with these different results,we revise these theories of the new institution economics.Our conclusion is following:it is feasible to explain the whole process of the rising and declining of the Jingtian system,by applying the theories of institution change and contract of the new institution economics.But the opinion brought up by North is wrong in explaining the rising and declining of the Jingtian system,which is the press of the population and the inflation that lead the conversion of the contact.We think that some viewpoints of the ideology theory and the new classical theory of nation brought up by North are incorrect in the analysis of the process of the rising and declining of the Jingtian system.
Chapter 12:Economic Development and Relation between the Industry and Agriculture Sectors:The Chinese Planning Economy Revisited in New Economic History.There are some mistakes in dealing with the relation between the industry and the agriculture sectors during the period of Chinese planning economy.China's heavy-industry development strategy with the support of agriculture maybe is right,the method adopted by the nation maybe is wrong.In the paper,we find that the agriculture was inefficient and the industrial elite also didn't get the more benefits from the agriculture sector during the Commune System.The situation is inefficiency and Political Failure.Experiential analysis based on the New Economic History supports the conclusion.If the system of land private ownership that existed from 1952 to 1956 were carried out from 1957 to 1978,the gross value of agricultural output would increase 1/3 at least,and the tax of the agriculture sector taking out by the government in order to develop the industry sector would increase 1.8% or 8.0% at least.The lost of social saving in the Commune System is double to the benefits of industry transferring from the agriculture in fact.All the lost is the cost of the Political Failure.We also make clear why the household responsibility system leads to the reform in 1978.
Chapter 13:The Institutional Change Under Lobbying and the Distribution of Power—The Case Analysis of the Land Ownership System Change in Chinese Mainland in 1978.We develop a model including lobbying and the distribution of the political power to analyze the change of the land ownership system in Chinese mainland in 1978.The paper gets the critical conditions of the extra gain under different institutions and uses the result to depict the critical conditions of occurrence and diversity of the institutional change.We reveal the effect of the lobbying and the distribution of the political power on the institutional change in 1978.These conditions under which the reform happen or discontinue are the function of the legal income of elite,the cost of institutional transfer and the discount rate of the peasant's future profits.The center government is forced to agree these reformers to carry out the household responsibility system,but these farmer and elite must pay for the loss of the center government.The new land ownership system,which has already existed in some areas,becomes legal in the countrywide range.Different local policies transfer gradually to the economic institution allowed by the center government.Because the strategy can maximize everyone's benefits,so the institutional change is efficient.The paper shows how the lobbying and the distribution of the political power influence the institutional change and lead different results and attitudes to the same institution in different area.
Chapter 14:Measuring the Effects of Decollectivization on China's Agricultural Growth:A Panel Instrumental Approach.The mainstream view that decollectivization significantly contributed to China's agricultural growth has recently been challenged by revisionists,who emphasize the positive effects of the socialist legacy,such as irrigation and mechanization.This study contributes to this debate by explicitly recognizing the endogeneity of institutional changes and exploits exogenous variations in initial fixed assets and lagged weather shocks for identification.With improved data on irrigation,mechanization,weather and institutional changes in a provincial-level dataset for the 1970-1987 period,the results of panel instrumental estimations reveal that the Household Responsibility System had a significantly positive effect on China's agricultural growth.