2.22 [47] 景公欲厚葬梁丘据晏子谏
Liangqiu Ju died. Duke Jing summoned Yanzi and informed him about it,saying: “Ju was bound to me by ties of loyalty and affection. Therefore,I want to give him a rich burial and make his grave mound enormous.”
Yanzi said: “Dare I,my Lord,ask about Ju’s loyalty and love for his ruler? May I hear about it?”
The Duke said: “When there were fine things and precious objects that I fancied and the office in charge of these objects was not able to provide me w ith them,then Ju provided me w ith them out of his own resources. In this I recognized his loyalty. Every time I sought him,whether it was stormy or late at night,he surely stayed by my side. In this I recognized his love.”
Yanzi said: “If I reply to this,I w ill commit an offence. If I do not reply,I w ill have nothing w ith which to serve my ruler. How dare I not reply? I have heard that if a minister monopolizes his ruler,he is called ‘disloyal.’ If a son monopolizes his father,he is called ‘unfilial.’ If a wife monopolizes her husband,she is called ‘jealous.’ The way to serve a ruler is to direct him to uphold close relations w ith his father and elder brothers,to deal w ith his various m inisters according to the rites,and to show generosity toward the people and good faith toward the regional princes. This is called ‘loyalty.’ The w ay to be a son is to love one’s brothers unstintingly,to manifest good conduct among all one’s uncles,and to have a merciful and generous attitude toward all of one’s sons and a sincere and faithful attitude toward one’s friends. This is called ‘filial piety.’ The way to be a w ife is to let all the concubines take pleasure in one’s husband. This is called ‘a lack of jealousy.’ Now,all people w ithin the four borders are your subjects,yet only Ju loved you with all his might. Why,then,do so few people love you? A ll the goods w ithin the four borders belong to you,my Lord,and only Ju expressed his loyalty to you w ith all his personal means; why are so few people loyal to you? In blocking the access of all ministers to you and screening you off,was Ju not going too far?”
The Duke said: “Well argued! Without you,sir,I would have never known how far things had gone w ith Ju.” Thereupon,he rescinded the call for conscript labor to make the grave’s mound,and w ithdrew his order for a lavish burial. He ordered the relevant officers to censure m isbehavior in accordance w ith the law. He ordered the ministers to point out faults and remonstrate w ith him. As a result,no laws were disregarded in the administration,m inisters had no hidden loyalties,and the people were extremely content.