Unit 1 日常寒暄 Daily Greetings
greet[gri:t] v.问候;招呼;迎接
We greeted him with rapturous applause for his arrival.
同义词inquire after问候;
ask after问候
相关词greeting[ˈɡri:tiŋ] n.祝词;
regard[riˈgɑ:d] n.问候
相关短语greet sb with sth以……迎接某人
习语the season's greetings致以节日的问候!
pleasant[ˈplezənt] adj.令人愉快的
What a pleasant surprise it is to meet you here!
反义词unpleasant[ʌnˈpleznt] adj.使人不愉快的
相关词pleasance[ˈplezəns] n.愉快,快乐;
please[pli:z] v.使高兴;使满意;
pleased[pli:zd] adj.欣喜的;满意的;
pleasing[ˈpli:ziŋ] adj.舒适的,使人愉快的;
pleasurable[ˈpleʒərəbl] adj.令人快乐的;舒适的;
pleasure[ˈpleʒə] n.快乐,高兴
相关短语make oneself pleasant处世灵活,八面玲珑
intimate[ˈintimit] adj.亲密的;熟悉的
After two months, they had become very intimate.
同义词chummy[ˈtʃʌmi] adj.亲密的;
familiar[fəˈmiliə] adj.亲密的;熟悉的;
pally[ˈpæli] adj.亲密的
相关词intimacy[ˈintiməsi] n.亲密;
imitate[ˈimiteit] v.模仿
习语be/get on intimate terms with sb熟悉某人且关系密切
business card[ˈbiznis][kɑ:d] 名片
Your business card is very beautiful.
同义词calling card名片;visiting card名片
相关词address[əˈdres] n.地址;
telephone number电话号码
salute[səˈlu:t] v.向……致敬,致意;n.致意,敬礼
We salute the rising flag with the National Anthem.
相关词salutation[ˌsæljuˈteiʃən] n.致敬;
salutatory[səˈlu:tətəri] adj.致意的,致敬的;
salutatorian[səˌlu:təˈtɔ:riən] n.代表毕业生致词的学生
习语in salute以表示敬意;
take the salute行答礼,接受敬礼
civility[siˈviliti] n.礼貌;客气
When we were neighbors, we exchanged civilities, but nothing more.
同义词courtesy[ˈkə:tisi] n.礼貌;客气;
politeness[pəˈlaitnis] n.礼貌
相关词civilized[ˈsivilaizd] adj.有礼貌的;有教养的;
friendly[ˈfrendli] adj.友好的;
courtesy call礼节性拜访
welcome[ˈwelkəm] v.欢迎;adj.受欢迎的
Welcome to our company!
反义词unwelcome[ʌnˈwelkəm] adj.不受欢迎的
相关词welcomer[ˈwelkəmə] n.欢迎者;
welcome mat门口的擦鞋垫;热烈欢迎;
welcome meeting欢迎会
习语You're welcome.不用谢/别客气。
overstay one's welcome做客时间过久使主人不便或烦恼
fine[fain] adj.很好的;不错的
When you were out, everything was fine.
相关词good[gud] adj.好的;
well[wel] adj.良好的;健康的;fine silver纯银
习语get sth down to a fine art学会将某事物做得尽善尽美;
chance would be a fine thing愿做某事但永远没有机会去做
happen[ˈhæpən] v.发生;出现
What happened to you in the last ten years?
同义词occur[əˈkə:] v.发生;出现;
take place发生;come about发生
相关词mishap[ˈmishæp] n.不幸的事,灾难;
disaster[diˈzɑ:stə] n.灾难,大祸;
calamity[kəˈlæmiti] n.灾难,祸患;
catastrophe[kəˈtæstrəfi] n.大灾难
习语a chapter of accidents一系列或一连串的不幸事件
afraid[əˈfreid] adj.害怕的;担心的
I'm afraid it's going to be a boring day.
相关词frightened[ˈfraitnd] adj.受惊的;害怕的;
cowardly[ˈkauədli] adj.胆小的,怯弱的;
fearful[ˈfiəfəl] adj.胆怯的;忧虑的
习语be afraid of one's own shadow很胆小,非常胆怯
run[rʌn] v.经营;跑;运转;n.跑
How does your company currently run now?
相关词runner[ˈrʌnə] n.走私者;跑步者;
running[ˈrʌniŋ] adj.跑着的;运转着的
习语a good run for one's money不白花钱;
come running渴望做某人想做的事;
run its course任其自然发展
recreation[ˌrekriˈeiʃən] n.娱乐活动,消遣
Bookworms often regard reading as a form of recreation.
相关词recreational[ˌrekriˈeiʃənəl] adj.消遣的,娱乐的;
recreation ground(公共的)游乐场;
recreational therapy娱乐疗法;
recreational facilities娱乐设施
kill[kil] v.消磨;使筋疲力尽;杀死
How did you kill the time yesterday?
同义词goopher[ˈgu:fə] v.打发时间;
idle away虚度时光;
fritter away浪费(时间等)
相关短语kill sb/sth off除掉某人/某物
习语kill sb with kindness溺爱某人反而使其受损;
kill or cure不是全胜就是大败;
(be)dressed(up)to kill穿着引人注目
谚语Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.杀鸡取卵。
Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。
coincidence[kəuˈinsidəns] n.巧合;一致;同时发生
It was a coincidence that I met her yesterday in the supermarket.
同义词conjunction[kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən] n.同时发生;
concurrence[kənˈkʌrəns] n.同时发生
相关词coincident[kəuˈinsidənt] adj.同时发生的;巧合的;
coincidental[kəuˌinsiˈdentl] adj.巧合的
相关短语by coincidence碰巧,由于巧合;
a mere coincidence巧合;
accidental coincidence偶然重合
谚语Your life is not a coincidence; it's a reflection of you.
type[taip] n.类型;样式;种类
What type of job do you like?
同义词kind[kaind] n.种类
相关词typical[ˈtipikəl] adj.典型的;模范的;
typify[ˈtipifai] v.成为……的典型;代表;
习语revert to type回复到自然的或原先的状况
occupation[ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃən] n.工作;职业
Why did you choose this occupation?
同义词vocation[vəuˈkeiʃən] n.职业;
profession[prəˈfeʃən] n.职业
相关词occupational[ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃnl] adj.职业的;
occupy[ˈɔkjupai] v.使从事,使忙碌;
occupational disease职业病;
occupational planning职业规划
相关短语blind alley occupation没有前途的职业或工作
peasant[ˈpezənt] n.农民,小农
Most of the farm produce sold in the market is grown by peasant farmers.
同义词farmer[ˈfɑ:mə] n.农民;
son of the soil农民
相关词peasantry[ˈpezəntri] n.农民阶级;
farm[fɑ:m] n.农场;
peasant labour农民工;
agriculturist[ˌægriˈkʌltʃərist] n.农民;农业家
industry[ˈindəstri] n.工业
The proportion of the heavy industry in the national economy declines continuously.
相关词industrial[inˈdʌstriəl] adj.工业的;产业的;
industrial estate工业区;
Industrial Revolution工业革命;
aerospace industry航天工业
习语a captain of industry工业巨头
agriculture[ˈægrikʌltʃə] n.农业
This area depends on agriculture for most of its income.
同义词farming[ˈfɑ:miŋ] n.农业
相关词agricultural[ˌægriˈkʌltʃərəl] adj.农业的;
agriculturalist[ˌægriˈkʌltʃərəlist] n.农学家;
agronomist[əˈgrɔnəmist] n.农学家;
agronomy[əˈgrɔnəmi] n.农学
husbandry[ˈhʌzbəndri] n.农牧业
He gave students a lecture on animal husbandry.
相关词livestock[ˈlaivstɔk] n.牲畜,家畜;
poultry[ˈpəultri] n.家禽;
animal husbandry畜牧业
horticulture[ˈhɔ:tikʌltʃə] n.园艺;园艺学
My father teaches horticulture in the university.
同义词gardening[ˈgɑ:dniŋ] n.园艺学
相关词horticultural[ˌhɔ:tiˈkʌltʃərəl] adj.与园艺有关的;
horticulturist[ˌhɔ:tiˈkʌltʃərist] n.园艺家,园艺学家
breed[bri:d] v.饲养;培育
His main income comes from breeding cattle.
同义词raise[reiz] v.饲养
相关词breeder[ˈbri:də] n.饲养员;
breeding[ˈbri:diŋ] n.饲养;繁殖;
stockman[ˈstɔkmən] n.畜牧业者;
livestock[ˈlaivstɔk] n.家畜,牲畜;
breeding stock种畜;
livestock farming畜牧业
manufacturing[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃəriŋ] n.制造业;工业
To me, manufacturing is the most promising industry.
相关词manufacture[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə] v.大量生产,成批制造;
manufacturer[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə] n.制造者,生产商;
manufacturable[mænjuˈfæktʃərəbl] adj.可制造的;
manufactory[ˌmænjuˈfæktəri] n.制造厂;工厂;
manufactured[ˌmænjuˈfæktʃəd] adj.人造的
factory[ˈfæktəri] n.工厂;制造厂
It's said that our factory will be moved to the suburbs.
相关词mill[mil] n.工厂;制造厂;
sawmill[ˈsɔ:mil] n.锯木厂;
plant[plɑ:nt] n.工厂;发电厂;
factory floor厂房,车间;
factory farm工厂化农场;rolling mill轧钢厂
assemble[əˈsembl] v.装配;组装
Believe it or not, I can assemble bikes.
相关词assembly[əˈsembli] n.装配;组装;
fabricate[ˈfæbrikeit] v.制造;装配;
fabrication[ˌfæbriˈkeiʃən] n.制造;安装;
assembly line生产线,流水线
strike[straik] n.罢工
The strike for salary increase ended in failure.
相关词strikebound[straikˈbaund] adj.因罢工而停业的;
striker[ˈstraikə] n.罢工者;
strike-breaker[straikˈbreikə] n.破坏罢工者;
strike-breaking[straikˈbreikiŋ] n.破坏罢工
相关短语strike for...为……而罢工;
strike against...为反对……而罢工
labour[ˈleibə] n.劳动
We are paid for our labour.
相关词labourer[ˈleibərə] n.劳动者;工人;
labouring[ˈleibəriŋ] n.体力劳动;
labour-saving[ˈleibəˌseiviŋ] adj.节省劳力的;
labour force劳动力
习语a labour of love为爱好而做的工作
market[ˈmɑ:kit] n.市场;集市
We must take measures to open up new markets for our products.
相关词marketability[ˌma:kitəˈbiliti] n.可销售性;适销性;
market forces市场调节作用;
flea market跳蚤市场;
marketeria[ˌmɑ:kiˈteriə] n.自助市场,自己取货的市场
习语price sth out of the market漫天要价以至无人问津;
a drug on the market滞销品,滞销货
stock[stɔk] n.股份;股票
People have different views on the topic that whether a university student should invest in the stock market.
相关词shareholder[ˈʃɛəˌhəuldə] n.股东;
shareholding[ˈʃɛəˌhəuldiŋ] n.股权;
stock company股份公司
习语lock stock and barrel全部地;一股脑儿
depreciate[diˈpri:ʃieit] v.贬值;跌价
The boss said that gold will never be depreciated.
同义词devaluate[di:ˈvæljueit] v.贬值
反义词upvalue[ˈʌpvælju:] v.提高……的价值;升值
相关词depreciation[diˌpri:ʃiˈeiʃən] n.贬值;跌价;
depreciable[diˈpri:ʃiəbl] adj.可折旧的;可减价的
depression[diˈpreʃən] n.萧条期;经济衰退
The stock market crash marked the start of severe depression.
相关词depress[diˈpres] v.使萧条,使不景气;
depressed[diˈprest] adj.不景气的,萧条的;
recession[riˈseʃən] n.经济衰退;
recessionary[riˈseʃənəri] adj.(经济)衰退的;衰退期的
相关短语fall into a deep depression变得意气消沉,精神沮丧
boom[bu:m] n.景气
The insurance business suffered from a vicious cycle of boom and bust.
相关词booming[ˈbu:miŋ] adj.兴旺;
boomtown[ˈbu:mˌtaun] n.新兴都市;
boomy[ˈbumi] adj.景气的
devaluation[ˌdi:væljuˈeiʃən] n.贬值;货币贬值
Under the influence of devaluation, we began to realize that the goods are very expensive.
反义词upvaluation[ˈʌpvæljuˈeiʃən] n.升值
相关词devalue[di:ˈvælju:] v.使(货币)贬值;
revalue[ri:ˈvælju:] v.对……重新估价;
revaluation[ˌri:væljuˈeiʃən] n.货币增值;
devaluationist[ˌdi:væljuˈeiʃənist] n.主张货币贬值者
pressure[ˈpreʃə] n.压力;压迫;v.迫使;说服
Many graduates have to work at high pressure after leaving university.
相关词pressurize[ˈpreʃəraiz] v.对……加压力;
pressing[ˈpresiŋ] adj.急迫的,迫切的
习语bring pressure to bear on sb(to do sth)对某人施加压力(使之做某事)
promising[ˈprɔmisiŋ] adj.有希望的;有前途的
Your new venture looks quite promising.
反义词unpromising[ˌʌnˈprɔmisiŋ] adj.无前途的;没有希望的
相关词promise[ˈprɔmis] n.希望;
prospective[prəˈspektiv] adj.期待的;预期的;
hopeful[ˈhəupfəl] adj.有希望的
习语a lick and a promise潦草从事;敷衍
bear[bɛə] v.忍受;结果;生子女;n.熊
I can't bear the overworking each day.
相关词bearish[ˈbɛəriʃ] adj.粗暴的;脾气坏的;
bearskin[ˈbɛəskin] n.熊皮
习语like a bear with a sore head易怒的;脾气坏的;
bear heavily on sb成为某人的沉重负担;
bear in mind(that)...记住……
take a bear by the tooth胆大妄为
谚语To bear is to conquer our fate.忍耐就能征服命运。
Sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear.
flap[flæp] n.不安;拍打;v.拍打;拍翼而飞
I'm really in a flap and I am worried I will be fired for the faulty work.
同义词pother[ˈpɔðə] n.不安,心神不宁
相关词flapdoodle[ˈflæpˌdu:dl] n.傻话;胡说;
flappable[ˈflæpəbl] adj.容易兴奋的;易于烦乱的
相关短语flap about闲聊;讲空话;
flap away拍着翅膀飞去;
flap out扑灭
习语be in/get into a flap处于忐忑不安、慌乱、紧张等的状态
谚语Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail.跟愚人开玩笑,只会自讨没趣。
marvelous[ˈmɑ:viləs] adj.令人惊奇的;非凡的
Holidays are a marvelous antidote to the pressures of office work.
同义词miraculous[miˈrækjuləs] adj.奇迹的;非凡的;
extraordinary[iksˈtrɔ:dnri] adj.非凡的
相关词marvelousness[ˈmɑ:viləsnis] n.惊奇;
marvelously[ˈmɑ:viləsli] adv.奇迹般地;奇异地
locate[ləuˈkeit] v.使坐落于;把……设置在
Our company locates in another city.
同义词site [sait]v.使……位于
相关词locater[ləuˈkeitə] n.定位器;
locatable[ləuˈkeitəbl] adj.可定位的;
location[ləuˈkeiʃən] n.位置定位;地点;
locality[ləuˈkæliti] n.地区;位置;地点;方位;
localization[ˌləukəlaiˈzeiʃən] n.局限;地方化
civil servant[ˈsivəl] [ˈsə:vənt] 公务员
I don't want to be a civil servant any more, so I want to make a career change.
同义词office-bearer[ˈɔfisˌbɛərə] n.公务员;
officeholder[ˈɔfisˌhəuldə] n.公务员;官员;
governmental employee公务员
相关词Civil Servant System国家公务员制度;
Civil Servant Law公务员法
self-employed[ˌselfimˈplɔid] adj.个体经营的
My father is self-employed.
相关词self-employment[ˌselfimˈplɔimənt] n.个体经营;自营管理;
state-run[ˈsteitrʌn] adj.国营的;
joint adventure合资经营;
sino-foreign joint venture中外合资企业
hunt[hʌnt] v.搜索;打猎;n.搜索;追捕
He is hunting for work now.
同义词search[sə:tʃ] v.搜索
相关词hunter[ˈhʌntə] n.猎人;狩猎者;
hunting[ˈhʌntiŋ] n.打猎;
huntress[ˈhʌntris] n.女猎人
相关短语hunt sb down对某人穷追到底;
hunt sth out找出;
hunt about for搜索;寻求;
on the hunt(for)正在寻找;
hunt after追猎;搜索;
hunt up寻找;找到
谚语Don't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
weather[ˈweðə] n.天气;气象
Whether we will play the match depends on the weather tomorrow.
相关词weatherability[ˌweðərəˈbiliti] n.风化性能;耐风吹雨打性;
weathering[ˈweðəriŋ] n.风化,大气侵蚀;
weatherliness[ˈweðəlinis] n.顶风能力;抗风暴能力
习语make heavy weather of sth对某事小题大做;把某事搞得复杂化;
keep a weather eye open密切注意;留心观察
climate[ˈklaimit] n.气候
In China, the eastern part has a temperate climate, while the western arid.
相关词climatic[klaiˈmætik] adj.气候的;
climatically[klaiˈmætikəli] adv.气候上;
climatology[klaiməˈtɔlədʒi] n.气候学
习语a change of climate换换条件或环境
air[ɛə] n.空气;大气
Let's go out for some fresh air.
相关词airless[ˈɛəlis] adj.空气不流通的;缺少新鲜空气的;
airbed[ˈɛəˌbed] n.空气床;
airfield[ˈɛəˌfi:ld] n.飞机场
习语a breath of fresh air耳目一新;如沐春风;
put on airs装模作样,装腔作势;
with one's nose in the air非常傲慢;自高自大
humidity[hju:ˈmiditi] n.湿度;潮湿;湿气
The relative humidity of air is high in rainy days.
同义词humidness[hju:ˈmidnis] n.湿度;潮湿
相关词humid[ˈhju:mid] adj.湿的;湿气重的;
humidify[hju:ˈmidifai] v.使湿润;增湿
hot[hɔt] adj.热的
The hot weather makes people become irritable.
相关词hot-blooded[ˌhɔtˈblʌdid] adj.易怒的,易激动的;
hot-tempered[ˌhɔtˈtempəd] adj.性情暴躁的
习语hot air空话,大话;
hot on sb's heels紧跟某人;接踵而来;
like a cat on hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁
cold[kəuld] adj.寒冷的;冷淡的;n.寒冷;感冒
The weather is getting colder and colder.
同义词chilly[ˈtʃili] adj.寒冷的;冷淡的;
frigid[ˈfridʒid] adj.寒冷的
相关词freezing[ˈfri:ziŋ] adj.寒冷的;冰冻的;
shivery[ˈʃivəri] adj.寒冷的;使人打冷战的;
cold war冷战;
cold sweat冷汗
习语blow hot and cold about sth优柔寡断;
get/have cold feet临阵退缩或胆怯;
leave sb cold未打动某人;引不起某人的兴趣;
throw cold water on sth对……泼冷水
warm[wɔ:m] adj.温暖的;暖和的
I've got my hands in my pockets to keep them warm.
相关词warmth[wɔ:mθ] n.温暖;暖和;
warmhearted[ˈwɔ:mˌhɑ:tid] adj.热情的;富有同情心的
习语make things warm for sb刁难某人,找某人的麻烦;
as warm as toast十分温暖;暖烘烘的
damp[dæmp] adj.潮湿的;湿气重的
It was a damp, misty morning.
相关词damply[dæmpli] adv.潮湿地;
dampen[ˈdæmpən] v.使潮湿;使沮丧;
dampness[ˈdæmpnis] n.潮湿;湿气;
damp course(墙脚的)防湿层
习语a damp squib未达预期效果;扫兴
dry[drai] adj.干(燥)的;干旱的
Cactus can survive in dry climate.
同义词arid[ˈærid] adj.干旱的;
droughty[ˈdrauti] adj.干旱的;
unwatered[ʌnˈwɔ:təd] adj.干旱的
习语keep one's powder dry做好准备以对付可能出现的紧急情况;
not a dry eye in the house观众都在哭或深受感动;
as dry as dust非常乏味的
moisture[ˈmɔistʃə] n.潮气;水分
These plants need rich soil which retains moisture.
相关词moist[mɔist] adj.多雨的;湿润的;
moisten[ˈmɔisn] v.使变得湿润;
moistness[ˈmɔistnis] n.湿气;
moisturize[ˈmɔistʃəˌraiz] v.使滋润;
moisture-penetrability[mɔistʃəˌpenitrəˈbiliti] n.透湿性;
moisture distribution水分分布
temperature[ˈtempritʃə] n.气温
The temperature may drop abruptly in the next few days.
相关词Celsius[ˈselsiəs] adj.摄氏的;
centigrade[ˈsentigreid] adj.摄氏的;
Fahrenheit[ˈfærənhait] adj.华氏的
习语take sb's temperature量某人的体温;
have a temperature发烧
atmosphere[ˈætməsfiə] n.大气
These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.
相关词atmospherics[ˌætməsˈferiks] n.大气干扰;
atmospheric[ætməsˈferik] adj.大气的;大气层的;
atmospheric pressure大气压;
barometric pressure大气压
sunny[ˈsʌni] adj.晴朗的;阳光充足的
We're having a party in the garden on Sunday, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.
同义词cloudless[ˈklaudlis] adj.晴朗的;
unclouded[ʌnˈklaudid] adj.晴朗的;
sunshiny[ˈsʌnʃaini] adj.晴朗的
相关词sunlight[ˈsʌnlait] n.阳光;
sunshine[ˈsʌnʃain] n.阳光;
sunray[ˈsʌnrei] n.太阳光线;
sunproof[ˈsʌnpru:f] adj.不透日光的;耐晒的
cloudy[ˈklaudi] adj.阴天的;多云的
My mood is very low on a cloudy day.
同义词overcast [ˈəuvəkɑ:st] adj.阴天的;多云的
相关词cloud[klaud] n.云;云状物;
thundercloud[ˈθʌndəklaud] n.雷雨云;
cloudless[ˈklaudlis] adj.无云的;晴朗的;
somber[ˈsɔmbə] adj.昏暗的;阴沉的
rain[rein] n.雨;v.下雨
Rain has been forecast for tomorrow.
相关词rainfall[ˈreinfɔ:l] n.降雨量;
raindrop[ˈreindrɔp] n.雨滴;
rainwater[ˈreinˌwɔ:tə] n.雨水;
rainy[ˈreini] adj.下雨的;多雨的
习语rain or shine风雨无阻;
right as rain十分健康或正常;十分正确
shower[ˈʃauə] n.阵雨
You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?
相关词showery[ˈʃauəri] adj.阵雨的;多阵雨的;
drizzle[ˈdrizl] n.毛毛细雨;
downpour[ˈdaunpɔ:] n.倾盆大雨
storm[stɔ:m] n.暴风雨
A storm halted the advance of our troops.
同义词rainstorm[ˈreinstɔ:m] n.暴风雨
相关词stormy[ˈstɔ:mi] adj.暴风雨的;
stormswept[ˈstɔ:mswept] adj.被风暴破坏的;被风暴吹掉的;
snowstorm[ˈsnəustɔ:m] n.暴风雪;
blizzard[ˈblizəd] n.暴风雪
习语a storm in a teacup小事惹起的轩然大波;小题大做;
the calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静;
any port in a storm慌不择路
gale[geil] n.狂风
Hundreds of old trees were blown down in the gales.
相关词breeze[bri:z] n.微风;
gust[gʌst] n.一阵强风;
dust storm尘暴,沙暴
thunder[ˈθʌndə] n.雷;雷声
The long roll of thunder indicates the storm is coming.
相关词thundery[ˈθʌndəri] adj.有雷的;
thunderbolt[ˈθʌndəbəult] n.雷电;
thunderstorm[ˈθʌndəˌstɔ:m] n.雷雨;
thunderclap[ˈθʌndəklæp] n.霹雳
习语blood and thunder凶杀情节
flood[flʌd] n.洪水;水灾
Half of the villagers were forced to leave home by the continuous rain.
相关词floodgate[ˈflʌdgeit] n.防洪闸门;
flood plain洪泛区;flood tide涨潮;
flash flood(暴雨引起的)暴洪
相关短语flood into sth大量涌入;
flood sb out大水迫使某人离家
习语flood the market(使某物)充斥(常指廉价)
disaster[diˈzɑ:stə] n.灾难;灾害
This is the worst natural disaster ever to befall this area.
相关词disastrous[diˈzɑ:strəs] adj.灾难性的;
disastrously[diˈzɑ:strəsli] adv.悲惨地;
disaster area灾区
catastrophe[kəˈtæstrəfi] n.灾难,灾祸
Wenchuan's earthquake was a terrible catastrophe to China.
同义词calamity[kəˈlæmiti] n.灾难,灾祸
相关词catastrophic[ˌkætəˈstrɔfik] adj.灾难的;灾难性的;
catastrophically[ˌkætəˈstrɔfikli] adv.悲惨地;
calamitous[kəˈlæmitəs] adj.灾难性的;悲惨的
inundate[ˈinʌndeit] v.淹没;泛滥
If the dam breaks, the flood will inundate large parts of the town.
同义词submerge[səbˈmə:dʒ] v.淹没;
overwhelm[ˌəuvəˈwelm] v.淹没
相关词inundation[ˌinʌnˈdeiʃən] n.泛滥,淹没;
freshet[ˈfreʃit] n.洪水,山洪;
deluge[ˈdelju:dʒ] n.暴雨;洪水
fog[fɔg] n.雾
Dense fog halted the advance of the enemy troops.
相关词foggy[ˈfɔgi] adj.有雾的;模糊的;
misty[ˈmisti] adj.多雾的;薄雾笼罩的;
haze[heiz] n.阴霾;薄雾;
mist[mist] n.薄雾
习语in a fog困惑,迷惑
typhoon[taiˈfu:n] n.台风
A lot of people died in the violent typhoon.
相关词cyclone[ˈsaikləun] n.旋风;
hurricane[ˈhʌrikən] n.飓风;
tornado[tɔ:ˈneidəu] n.龙卷风;
whirlwind[ˈwə:lwind] n.旋风;
monsoon[mɔnˈsu:n] n.季风
snow[snəu] n.雪;雪花
The snow on the ground began to melt after the sun rose.
相关词snowball[ˈsnəubɔ:l] n.雪球;
snowflake[ˈsnəufleik] n.雪花;
snowman[ˈsnəumæn] n.雪人;
snowy[snəui] adj.下雪多的;被雪覆盖的;
snow-white[ˈsnəuˈhwait] adj.雪白的,纯白的;
snowfall[ˈsnəufɔ:l] n.降雪量
习语as pure as the driven snow纯真无邪的,冰清玉洁
freeze[fri:z] v.使冻结;结冰
When the lake freezes, we can go skating on it.
相关词frozen[ˈfrəuzn] adj.冰冻的;结冰的;
icy[ˈaisi] adj.冰冷的;结冰的;
hail[heil] n.冰雹;freezing point冰点
习语freeze one's blood使充满害怕、恐怖的感觉
summer[ˈsʌmə] n.夏季
I hate summer because it is the hottest season.
相关词summertime[ˈsʌmətaim] n.夏季;
summery[ˈsʌməri] adj.夏季的;如夏季的;
sunstroke[ˈsʌnˌstrəuk] n.中暑
相关短语summer and winter长期地继续下去;长期追随某人
习语an Indian summer深秋或初冬季节风和日丽的宜人天气;迟来的成功
谚语One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。
autumn[ˈɔ:təm] n.(英)秋,秋季
To the peasants, autumn is the harvest season.
同义词fall[fɔ:l] n.(美)秋
相关词autumnal[ɔ:ˈtʌmnəl] adj.秋天的;像秋天;
spring[spriŋ] n.春天;
springtime[ˈspriŋtaim] n.春季;青春期
相关短语come to one's autumn自食其果;
autumn of one's life垂老之年
winter[ˈwintə] n.冬,冬季
I like the white in winter and the yellow in autumn.
相关词wintertime[ˈwintətaim] n.冬季,冬天;
wintry[ˈwintri] adj.冬天的;寒冷的;
winterize[wintəraiz] v.为……作过冬准备
习语in the dead of winter在隆冬
season[ˈsi:zn]n.季节 v.给……调味,适应
Spring is the best season for learning.
相关词seasonable[ˈsi:znəbl] adj.合时令的;
seasonal[ˈsi:zənəl] adj.季节性的;
seasonality[ˌsi:zəˈnæliti] n.季节性;
unseasonable[ʌnˈsi:znəbl] adj.非时令的
习语the silly season新闻淡季
wash[wɔʃ] v.冲击;冲掉;冲洗;n.冲洗
Heavy rain will wash away the soil and cause serious flood as well.
相关词washboard[ˈwɔʃbɔ:d] n.洗衣板;搓板;
washcloth[ˈwɔʃklɔ:θ] n.毛巾;浴巾;洗碗布;
washstand[ˈwɔʃstænd] n.脸盆架;
washable[ˈwɔʃəbl] adj.耐洗的
相关短语have a wash and brush up梳洗一下;
wash and wear洗后不烫就平的;
wash down洗掉;冲洗;
wash oneself洗澡;
wash up断绝关系;筋疲力尽;把……冲上岸
习语come out in the wash(指错误等)最后完全正确或得以纠正(未造成损失);
wash one's hands of sb/sth对某人/某事物不(再)负责;洗手不干
谚语Don't wash your dirty linen in public.家丑不可外扬。
Salt water and absence wash away love.
fertile[ˈfə:tail] adj.肥沃的;富饶的;丰产的;能生育的
Debris flow has wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.
同义词fruitful[ˈfru:tfəl] adj.肥沃的;富饶的;
fecund[ˈfi:kənd] adj.肥沃的;多产的
反义词sterile[ˈsterail] adj.贫瘠的;不肥沃的;
barren[ˈbærən] adj.贫瘠的;不育的
相关词fertility[fə:ˈtiliti] n.肥沃;富饶;
fertilize[ˈfə:tilaiz] v.施肥;使肥沃;使丰富;
fertilizer[ˈfə:tilaizə] n.肥料
相关短语be fertile of imagination想象力丰富;
a fertile mind想象力丰富的头脑
abundant[əˈbʌndənt] adj.丰富的;充裕的
This area has abundant rainfall.
同义词plentiful[ˈplentifəl] adj.丰富的;充裕的
反义词short[ʃɔ:t] adj.短缺的
相关词abundantly[əˈbʌndəntli] adv.大量地;丰富地;
abundance[əˈbʌndəns] n.丰富;充裕
相关短语abundant in富于…… ……很丰富
recede[riˈsi:d] v.后退;撤回;减弱
The floodwater receded after two days.
同义词subside[səbˈsaid] v.平息;退去
相关短语recede from收回;撤回;
recede into the background失势;不再重要
dyke[daik] n.堤坝
The flood waters burst the dyke.
同义词dike[daik] n.堤坝;
dam[dæm] n.堤;水坝
相关词penstock[ˈpenstɔk] n.水渠;
aqueduct[ˈækwidʌkt] n.渠道;渡槽;
canal[kəˈnæl] n.沟渠;运河;
channel[ˈtʃænl] n.沟渠;海峡;
gully[ˈgʌli] n.排水沟
谚语If one sheep leap over the dyke, all the rest will follow.
homeless[ˈhəumlis] adj.无家可归的
The flood made so many people homeless.
同义词roofless[ˈru:flis] adj.无家的;
outcast[ˈautkæst] adj.无家可归的;
bombed-out[ˈbɔmdaut] adj.无家可归的
相关词homelessness[ˈhəumlisnis] n.无家可归;
homelessly[ˈhəumlisli] adv.无家可归地;
homeless person无家可归者;
The Homeless World Cup无家者世界杯
1.Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.
2.I'd be very happy if you did.
3.I appreciate your warning.
4.What you did helped me save my face.
5.Thank you for coming to meet me.
6.Thanks for the favor. I owe you one.
7.It wouldn't have been possible without your cooperation.
8.I owe everything to you.
9.Thanks to you, I finished the work quickly.
10.Thank you. I will never forget your kindness.
11.I owe you my best thanks.