People all say the crystal-like dews are the tears shed by the stars. But do you ever know, they are also my yearning tears for you?
For you
We are afraid that we have fallen in the feeling of missing. But we have fallen. We can never take it out of the heart. It is said that the dews are the tears shed by the stars. But they are really the yearning tears for the lover.怕相思,却相思,我们的这份情感难以释怀。据说露珠是星星的眼泪,其实那是为心爱的人而流的相思之泪。
Words and Phrases
crystal[ˈkrɪstl] n.水晶;结晶
shed[ʃed] v.流出
yearn[jɜ:n] v.思念;渴望
yearning[ˈjɜ:nɪŋ] n.渴望;向往
desire[dɪˈzaɪə(r)] v.渴望;n.欲望;渴望
desirable[dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj.向往的