第4章 句 法
4.1 复习笔记
1.Prescriptive approach and descriptive approach
2.Immediate constituent analysis
3.Constituent structure grammar
4.The “Standard Theory”
5.Transformational grammar
6.Systemic-functional grammar
I. Syntax
2.Word Classes
II. Two Approaches
1.The Prescriptive Approach
2.The Descriptive Approach
III. Structural analysis
1.The Constituent structure grammar
2.Immediate constituent analysis
(1) Definition
(2) Advantages
(3) Problems
IV. The Transformational grammar
1.Chomsky’s Classical Theory
2.The “Standard Theory”
(1) Deep structure and surface structure
(2) The “standard theory”
3.Syntactic Movement
(1) NP-movement
(2) Wh-movement
(3) Aux-movement
4.Move-α rule
V. Systemic-Functional Grammar
1.General Account
2.Three General Functions of Language
I. Syntax (句法)
1.Definition (定义)
Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.
2.Word Classes (词类)
The general word classes include:nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions.
II. Two Approaches (两种研究方法)
1.The Prescriptive Approach (规定式)
It is an approach taken by some grammarians, mainly in eighteenth-century England, which views grammar as a set of rules for the “proper” use of a language, and it is still to be found today and may be best characterized as the prescriptive approach.
2.The Descriptive Approach (描写式)
Throughout the 20th century, linguists collect samples of the language they are interested in and attempt to describe the regular structures of the language as it is used, not according to some view of how it should be used. This is called the descriptive approach and it is the basis of most modern attempts to characterize the structure of different languages.
III. Structural analysis (结构主义研究)
Its main objective is to study the distribution of linguistic forms in a language. The method involves the use of ‘‘test-frames’’ which can be sentences with empty slots in them. By developing a set of test-frames of this type and discovering what forms fit the slots in the test-frames, we can produce a description of some aspects of the sentence structures of a language.
1.The Constituent structure grammar (结构成分语法)
A grammar which analyzes sentences using only the idea of constituency, which reveals a hierarchy of structural levels, is referred to as a constituent structure grammar.
2.Immediate constituent analysis (IC Analysis) (直接成分分析法)
(1) Definition (定义)
The immediate constituent analysis may be defined as:the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents—word groups(or phrases), which are in turn analyzed in to the immediate constituents of their own, and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached. However, for the sake of convenience, in practice we usually stop at the level of word. The immediate constituent analysis of a sentence may be carried out with brackets or with a tree diagram.
(2) Advantages (优点)
Through IC analysis, the internal structure of a sentence may be demonstrated clearly, and ambiguities, if any, will be revealed.
(3) Problems (问题)
①At the beginning, some advocators insisted on binary divisions. Any construction, at any level, will be cut into two parts. But this is not always possible.
②Constructions with discontinuous constituents will pose technical problems for tree diagrams in IC analysis. The most serious problem is that there are structural ambiguities which cannot be revealed by IC analysis.
IV. The Transformational grammar (转换语法)
1.Chomsky’s Classical Theory (乔姆斯基的经典理论)
In the earliest version of transformational grammar sometimes now called the “classical theory”-Chomsky put forward a model which consisted of three parts: a set of phrase structure rules, transformation rules and morphophonemic rules.
(1) The phrase structure rules were based on constituent structure analysis but formalised as a set of rules. Chomsky emphasized the generative aspect of such rules although any constituent structure grammar is generative by definition, that is, it can produce many sentences.
(2) Chomsky then introduced the idea of a set of transformation rules which could transform these simple “kernel” sentences S→NP+VP into a number of related sentences.
(3) The morphophonemic rules would apply to the output of the transformational rules. Their function was to provide the correct morphological shape to the various parts of the structure and finally to give the appropriate phonological description.
(1) 短语结构法则基于结构成分分析,并制定一系列法则。而乔姆斯基的短语结构法则更生成的方面。
(2) 乔姆斯基介绍了把核心句型S→NP+VP转化成其他相关句子的准则,即转化法则。
(3) 形态法则应用于生成法则的结果,它使得各个结构在形式上更合理,能够给出合适的音系描写。
2.The “Standard Theory” (标准理论)
(1) Deep structure and surface structure (深层结构和表层结构)
The deep structure is the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction, i.e., the underlying level of structural relations between its different constituents.
The surface structure is the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction, which closely corresponds to the structural organization of a construction people actually produce and receive.
(2) The “Standard Theory” (标准理论)
3.Syntactic Movement (句法移位)
It refers to the movement of any constituent in a sentence out of its original place to a new position.
(1) NP-movement (NP移位)
It is relative to two constructions, i.e. passive sentence and raising construction. Generally, passive sentences are produced by the movement of the active sentences; in the raising construction, there are two kinds of raising which are raising verbs and raising adjectives.
(2) Wh-movement Wh-移位
The movement mostly takes place in wh-question sentences, indirect wh-question sentences and relative clauses.
(3) Aux-movement Aux-移位
It refers to the movement of such words as be, have, do, may, can, shall, should and so on, from the original position to the beginning of the sentence.
是指诸如be, have, do, may, can, shall, should之类的助动词从原来的位置移动到句首。
4.Move-α rule Move-α规则
It is a general movement rule which accounts for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement.
V. Systemic-Functional Grammar (Halliday’s approach) 功能学派 (布拉格语言学派)
1.General Account概述
The characteristics of the theory are systemic and functional. It characterized Halliday’s theory as more attention is paid to paradigmatic relations than to syntagmatic relations. And this is the main concern of Chomsky. What is new in Halliday is that he has tried to relate the functions of language to its structures. He argues that there are three general functions of language: ideational, interpersonal and textual. And they are related to three grammatical systems: transitivity, mood and theme.
2.Three General Functions of Language (语言的三个功能)
①The function in which we conceptualize the world for our own benefit and that of others is called ideational function.
②Language serves to set up and maintain social and personal relations, including communication roles such as questioner and respondent, and to express the language user’s own attitudes and comments on the content of an utterance. This function of language is called interpersonal function.
③Language also makes links with itself and with features of the situation in which it is used. This is what enables the speaker or writer to construct a text, and enables the listener or reader to distinguish a text from a random set of sentences. This function of language is called textual function.