2 打车 叫车 Taxi

To the airport, please. 送我去机场。
Take me to this address. 我想去这个地址。
To the airport, as fast as possible. 去机场,开快点。
I’m running late, can you hurry? 我要迟到了,请开快一点好吗?
Please take the quickest way possible. 请走最近的路。
Please pull up here and I’ll get out. 请在这儿停下,我要下车了。

A: Where to? 要去哪里?
B: I’d like to go to this address. 我想去这个地址。
A: I’d like to go to ZhongGuanCun. 我要去中关村。
B: Alright. 好的。

Can you turn up the heat? 可以把暖风开大一点吗?
Please roll up your window. 请把车窗关上。
Can you pull over here? 在这停车可以吗?
Wait here a sec. 在这儿稍等片刻。
How much will this cost? 这一趟多少钱?
I need a receipt. 给我一张发票。
I’ll pay what the meter says. 我会按计程器付钱的。
Keep the change. 不用找钱了。

A: Could you crank up the heat? 你可以把暖风开大一点吗?
B: Sure, no problem. 当然可以,没问题。
A: Are you comfortable enough? 觉得够舒服吗?
B: Actually I’m cold. Could you roll up your window? 其实我有点冷。请把车窗关上好吗?