Offering… a 4-day workweek won't affect company profits, economic conditions,or the lives of employees in the ways the reading suggests,直接与阅读对抗,我们已经预见到了,不需记录。
First,准备听公司利润。spend more,导致支出增加。…more money… training,and medical benefits… costs… the same whether… works 4 days or 5,这里解释了增加的点。因为根据阅读,员工人均工资是减少的,所以这里听力选择了人均不变的支出,即培训和医保,所以人数增多,自然支出增多。… more office space and more computers,继续指出增加的来源。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:(首先注意,本段并没有真的去讨论员工工作质量是否会提高的问题,只讨论了阅读所声称的不会增加支出)4天工作日会造成公司成本增加,因为这会要求更多的员工,而更多员工意味着培训、医保、工作空间、电脑等投入都增多。
Second,准备听就业率。… doesn't follow that… more jobs will become available,直接否定前提,并不会带来工作岗位。Hiring new workers is costly… And companies have other options,意思是公司并不需要招新人,有别的解决方法。那接下来肯定是解决方法。ask employees to work overtime,加班。raise expectations,expect… 4-day employees… to do the same… in 5 days,这里都是在说,不用招新人,让工作4天的人做5天的事情就可以了。no additional jobs will be created是废话,current jobs will become more unpleasant是逻辑的必然结果。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:4天工作日并不能解决就业问题,因为公司并不需要招更多的人,只需要让现有的工作4天的人员加班,在4天内把5天的工作量完成。这样,就业没变,现有工作还更高压。
Finally,准备听生活质量。while表让步,offers more free time,承认有更多闲暇,接下来肯定会说这些闲暇不等于生活质量提高。risks… reducing their quality of life,是废话,因为我们预见到了。decrease… job stability and harm… chances for advancing their careers,工作不稳定,没有升迁的机会。the first to lose jobs during an economic downturn,这是在展开刚才的job stability,经济危机来了,公司肯定先开掉这些工作4天的员工。passed over for promotions,就是刚才的没有升迁机会,because companies … prefer … 5-day employees in management positions,招经理肯定得找工作5天的,to ensure continuous coverage and consistent supervision,因为这样才能保持随时在岗。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:工作4天反而可能降低员工的生活质量,因为他们的工作会变得不稳定,也失去了升职的可能性。首先,经济危机时公司肯定会先裁掉他们。其次,公司招经理,肯定会招那些能够一周都在公司工作的人。
The article presents three arguments why companies should offer employees the option of a four-day work week,all of which are contested in the lecture.
For starters,contrary to what the article suggests,the lecturer maintains that the change would result in a cut in company profits, because of increased expenditure. The change would require the company to hire more staff. Even though the salary for employees working 4 days is only 80% of those working 5 days,the expense on medical benefits and training would be the same per person. Also, more employees entail more spending on office space and computers.
Second,the lecturer does not believe that the change would increase employment rate,because it is likely that the companies would adopt other options rather than hire more staff to compensate for the reduced workdays. Companies may expect the 4-day employees to complete just as much work as the 5-day employees. They may require them to work overtime. As a result,no additional jobs will be created,while the current jobs are becoming more unpleasant.
Last,according to the lecturer,the change might lower,rather than improve, the employees' life quality. Their jobs will be less stable,because during economic downturn,they might be laid off first. Also,they may lose opportunity for career advancement,because the companies would prefer managers who can be there the entire work week.