9 Release of Isolation and Notes after Discharge
Standards for terminate isolation are same since the first edition to the sixth edition, which are: “Body temperature returns to normal for more than 3 days; the respiratory symptoms recovered significantly; lung imaging shows obvious absorption and recovery of acute exudative lesion; and the detection of respiratory pathogenic nucleic acid is negative in both two consecutive tests(the sampling interval is at least 1 day).”
The sixth edition adds “Notes After Discharge”:
(1)Designated hospitals should strengthen communication with basic medical institutions in patients’ residence, share medical records,and forward information of discharged cases to relevant neighborhood committee and basic medical institutions.
(2)Discharged cases are recommended for continuously health monitor for 14 days, wearing facial masks, living in an ventilated single room, reducing frequency of close contact with family members, eating alone, keeping hand hygiene and avoiding outdoor activities due to the compromised immunocom and risk of infecting other pathogens.
(3)A follow-up and return visit in the second and fourth weeks respectively after discharge is recommended.
Rongmeng JIANG
Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China