2.室内空间以木材为主 Indo or Space Mainly Based On Wo oden Materials
木材是北欧室内设计的灵魂,北欧的室内空间少不了木材的运用。北欧大部分地区处在北纬61°~ 68°之间,是密集的针叶林分布区,瑞典更是世界上木材与木制品的主要生产与出口地,得天独厚的自然资源优势使北欧地区的室内设计有大量运用木材的条件。木材有利于室内保温,这非常适合在高纬度地区运用,北欧风格的室内装饰常使用未经过精细加工的原木,以体现室内整体的自然风格和质感。木材本身具有柔和的色彩、细密的天然纹理,在经过细加工组装变形后,成为制作各种家具的主材,例如枫木、橡木等。北欧地区的冬季漫长多雪,为了防止积雪过重压塌房顶,其建筑多以尖顶、坡顶为主,室内可以见到原木制的梁。
Wood is the spirit of Nordic design, because it is an indispensible material in indoor space. Most parts of northern Europe are between latitude 61 degrees to 68 degrees, they are dense zone of coniferous forest. Sweden is a productive country of timber and woodworks exportation. The unique natural resources provide Northern Europe with a large number of wooden materials. Wood is conducive to preserve heat, which is very suitable for high latitude area, the Nordic style indoor often use unrefined logs, in order to reflect the overall indoor natural style and texture.Wood owns soft color and natural texture. When it isrefined and assembled, such as maple and oak can be used as the main material for many kinds of furniture. The winter in Nordic region is long and snowy, in order to prevent the overweight snow on roof, the buildings are mainly with a spire, slope roof, and with original wooden beams indoor.