Chapter 1 人物 社交
cousin ['kʌzən] n. 堂兄弟姐妹;表兄弟姐妹
cousin 表弟 ←同首词→ count 数数
eg. My little cute cousin is good at counting.
neighbor ['neɪbə] n. 邻居 adj. 邻近的 v. 友好;毗邻而居
neighbor 邻居 ←形似词→ eight 八
eg. His neighbor has a big family with eight naughty children.
stranger ['streɪndʒə] n. 陌生人;外地人;局外人
stranger 陌生人 ←词中词→ strange 奇怪的
eg.There comes a strange stranger with the hood pulled low over his face.
mistress ['mɪstrɪs] n. 女教师;女主人;主妇;女能人
mistress 女教师 ←同首词→ miss 想念
eg. After she left her hometown, she missed her mistress very much.
visitor ['vɪzɪtə] n. 访问者,参观者;视察者;候鸟
visitor 访问者 ←词中词→ sit 坐
eg. That visitor is sitting in the sofa with a cup of tea in his hands.
fellow ['feləʊ] n. 家伙;朋友;同事;会员 adj. 同伴的,同事的;同道的 v. 使……与另一个对等;使……与另一个匹敌
fellow 伙伴 ←同尾词→ follow 跟随
eg. My little fellows always like following me and playing games together.
uncle ['ʌŋkl] n. 叔叔;伯父;伯伯;舅父;姨丈;姑父
uncle 叔叔 ←同尾词→ circle 圆
eg. Uncle Sam drew a circle on the ground with a chalk.
aunt [ɑ:nt] n. 阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈
aunt 阿姨 ←相对词→ uncle 叔叔
eg. We call our mother's sisters "aunt",and our father's brothers "uncle".
Tips auntie是aunt的昵称,aunt 一般比较正式书面,auntie 比较口语。
godparent ['gɒdpeərənt] n. 教父或教母
godparent 教父或教母 ←词中词→ parent 父母
eg. You should respect your parents as well as your godparents.
male [meɪl] adj. 男性的;雄性的;有力的 n. 男人;雄性动物
male 男性的 ←同尾词→ pale 苍白的
eg. When a policeman shows up, that male driver's face turns pale suddenly.
pal [pæl] n. 朋友,伙伴;同志 v. 结为朋友
pal 朋友 ←同首词→ pat 轻拍
eg. His pal patted him slightly when he was frustrated.
guy [gaɪ] n. 男人,家伙 v. 嘲弄,取笑;逃跑
guy 男人 ←形似词→ gay 同性恋者
eg. These two handsome guys are gay.
guest [gest] n. 客人,宾客;顾客 adj. 客人的;特邀的,客座的 v. 款待,招待;作客,寄宿
guest 客人 ←形似词→ guess 猜测
eg. The boss guesses his guest will arrive at his office at 10 am.
niece [niːs] n. 外甥女,侄女
niece 侄女 ←相对词→ nephew 侄子
eg. My niece is older than my nephew, and they have different characters.
senior ['siːnɪə] adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的 n. 上司;较年长者
senior 年长者 ←相对词→ junior 晚辈
eg. As a junior, we should respect the senior.
predecessor ['priːdɪsesə] n. 前任,前辈
predecessor 前任 ←相对词→ successor 继任者
eg. The successor of this company did much better than his predecessor.
female ['fiːmeɪl] adj. 女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的 n. 女人;雌性动物
female 女性的 ←相对词→ male 男性的
eg. The famous band has a female singer and two male drummers.
partner ['pɑːtnə] n. 伙伴;合伙人;配偶
partner 伙伴 ←形似词→ apartment 公寓
eg. Jim found that his business partner and he lived in the same apartment building.
friend [frend] n. 朋友;助手;赞助者
friend 朋友 ←词中词→ end 结尾
eg. We should treasure the friends who can go along with us in the end.
offspring ['ɒfsprɪŋ] n. 后代,子孙;产物
offspring 后代 ←词中词→ spring 春天
eg. Jack, the only offspring of his family, was born in spring.
hybrid ['haɪbrɪd] n. 杂种,混血儿;混合物 adj. 混合的;杂种的
hybrid 混血儿 ←词中词→ rid 使摆脱
eg. Even the most patient teacher of the school wants to get rid of that troublesomehybrid.
orphan ['ɔːfən] adj. 孤儿的;无双亲的 n. 孤儿 v. 使成孤儿
orphan 孤儿 ←同音词→ often 经常
eg. Many kind-hearted people often go to the orphanage to look after the orphans.
insider [ɪn'saɪdə] n. 内部的人,会员;熟悉内情者
insider 知情人 ←词中词→ inside 在……里
eg. According to an insider, they made that big decision inside the office.
outsider [aʊt'saɪdə] n. 外人;无取胜希望者
outsider 局外人 ←词中词→ out 在外
eg. When I go out of my boss' office, I found I was an outsider.
bully ['bʊlɪ] n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸 adj. 第一流的;特好的 v. 欺负;威吓
bully 欺凌弱小者 ←同首词→ buy 买
eg. The bully always makes other children buy expensive gifts for him.
youngster ['jʌŋstə] n. 年轻人;少年
youngster 年轻人 ←词中词→ young 年轻的
eg. Cliff is not young any more, but his brother is still a youngster.
teenager ['tiːneɪdʒə] n. 十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年
teenager 青少年←词中词→age 年龄
eg. Like other teenagers at her age, the girl is a little rebellious.
adult ['ædʌlt] adj. 成年的;成熟的 n. 成年人
adult 成年人←同尾词→fault 错误
eg. If a child is lack of manners,that is the fault of adults.
rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的
rigid 严格的 ←同首词→ rigor 严谨
eg. He was a fairly rigid person and criticized his employees for their lack of rigor.
photogenic [fəʊtə'dʒenɪk] adj. 上镜的;适于摄影的;由光导致的
photogenic 上镜的 ←词中词→ photo 照片
eg. She has got a million photos of her son, who is very photogenic.
unbiased [ʌn'baɪəst] adj. 公正的;无偏见的
unbiased 公正的 ←同首词→ union 联盟
eg. The president of this union is an unbiased guy.
indifferent [ɪn'dɪfərənt] adj. 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的
indifferent 漠不关心的 ←词中词→ different 不同的
eg. My sister is different from me, and she is indifferent to everything.
independent [ɪndɪ'pendənt] adj. 独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的 n. 独立自主者;无党派者
independent 独立的 ←词中词→ depend 依赖
eg. The girl is independent and she never depends on others.
protective [prə'tektɪv] adj. 防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的
protective 关切保护的 ←同首词→ proud 骄傲的
eg. She is proud of her family and protective towards them.
internal [ɪn'tɜːnl] adj. 内部的;内在的;国内的
internal 内部的 ←相对词→ external 外部的
eg. A person's character is shaped by not only external environments, but also internal factors.
goodness ['gʊdnɪs] int. 天哪 n. 善良,优秀;精华,养分
goodness 好心 ←词中词→ good 好的
eg. Only good people have the goodness to help the poor.
weak [wi:k] adj. 疲软的;虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的
weak 虚弱的 ←同音词→ week 星期
eg. She had a letter from her weak mother last week.
handsome ['hænsəm] adj. (男子)英俊的;可观的;大方的,慷慨的;健美而端庄的
handsome 英俊的 ←词中词→ hand 传递
eg. A handsome man handed her a beautiful rose.
elegant ['elɪgənt] adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的
elegant 优雅 ←形似词→ elephant 大象
eg. The elegant girl who is riding the elephant is the princess.
cute [kjuːt] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的
cute 可爱的 ←形似词→ cure
eg. The doctor promised to the woman that he could cure her cute daughter's disease.
coward ['kaʊəd] n. 懦夫,懦弱的人 adj. 胆小的,懦怯的
coward 懦怯的 ←词中词→ cow 母牛
eg. The coward man who married an ill-tempered woman went out to milk the cows everyearly morning.
generous ['dʒenərəs] adj. 慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的;有雅量的
generous 慷慨 ←同尾词→ dangerous 危险
eg. That generous man went into a very dangerous area.
attentive [ə'tentɪv] adj. 细心的;温存的;注意的;周到的,殷勤的
attentive 细心的 ←同首词→ attention 注意
eg. That attentive man attracted her attention.
active ['æktɪv] adj. 积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的
active 活跃的 ←同尾词→ attentive 聚精会神的
eg. That active speaker is looking at the attentive audience with a big smile.
aged ['eɪdʒɪd] adj. 年老的;……岁的;老年人特有的 v. 老化(age的过去式);成熟;变老
aged 年老的 ←词中词→ age 年龄
eg. That aged woman is not willing to tell others her age.
cautious ['kɔːʃəs] adj. 谨慎的;十分小心的
cautious 谨慎 ←同首词→ cause 导致
eg. An accident was caused because he was not cautious enough when driving.
humor ['hjʊːmə] n. 幽默,诙谐;心情 v. 迎合,迁就;顺应
humor 幽默 ←词中词→ humorous 幽默的
eg. My grandfather has a sense of humor and often tells us humorous stories.
conscientious ['kɒnʃɪ'enʃəs] adj. 认真的;尽责的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的
conscientious 认真 ←形似词→ scientific 科学的
eg. He is conscientious about his work and always thinks about how to improve
scientific management for better quality.
diligent ['dɪlɪdʒənt] adj. 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的
diligent 勤勉的 ←同尾词→ student 学生
eg. That girl is the most diligent student in her class and wins the scholarship every year.
negative ['negətɪv] adj. 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的 n. 否定;负数;底片 v. 否定;拒绝
negative 消极的 ←相对词→ positive 积极的
eg. Being positive is always better than being negative in face of difficulty.
talent ['tælənt] n. 才能;天才;天资
talent 天赋 ←词中词→ tale 故事
eg. My mother has a talent for telling fairy tales.
strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的
strict 严格 ←同首词→ street 街道
eg. The man is strict with his son and often scolds him even in the street.
studious ['stjuːdɪəs] adj. 用功的;热心的;专心的;故意的;适于学习的
studious 用功的 ←同首词→ study 学习
eg. He studies very hard and is the most studious pupil in the class.
childish ['tʃaɪldɪʃ] adj. 幼稚的,孩子气的
childish 幼稚的 ←同首词→ childlike 像孩子的
eg. That young lady is always childlike, and her mother requires her to change herchildish behaviors.
curious ['kjʊərɪəs] adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的
curious 好奇的 ←同尾词→ various 各种各样的
eg. The little boy Steve is curious about various things.
callow ['kæləʊ] adj. 年轻而无经验的;羽毛未丰的
callow 羽翼未丰的 ←同尾词→ follow 跟随
eg. Little girls always follow their mothers, because they are too young and callow.
frank [fræŋk] adj. 坦白的,直率的;老实的
frank 坦白的 ←词中词→ rank 军衔
eg. The captain Frank was very frank and he told them his name, rank, serial number.
troublesome ['trʌblsəm] adj. 麻烦的;讨厌的;使人苦恼的
troublesome 讨厌的 ←同尾词→ handsome 英俊的
eg. That pop singer is a handsome but troublesome person.
greedy ['griːdɪ] adj. 贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的
greedy 贪婪的 ←词性变化→ greed 贪婪
eg. His sister is very greedy and her greed makes him ashamed.
noble ['nəʊbl] adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 n. 贵族 v. 抓住;逮捕
noble 贵族 ←同尾词→ trouble 麻烦
eg. The noble won't make trouble as long as their interests are not affected.
obedient [ə'biːdɪənt] adj. 顺从的,服从的;孝顺的
obedient 顺从的 ←词中词→ bed 床
eg. He is obedient to his parents and always goes to bed and gets up early as they tell him.
fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk] adj. 奇异的;极好的;不可思议的;不切实际的 n. 古怪的人
fantastic 不可思议的 ←词中词→ fan 粉丝
eg. The football fans have a fantastic behavior when they see their idols.
animated ['ænɪmeɪtɪd] adj. 活生生的;活泼的;愉快的 v. 使……有生气
animated 活泼的 ←同首词→ animal 动物
eg. When they saw the animals, everyone became more animated.
energetic [enə'dʒetɪk] adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的
energetic 精力充沛的 ←同首词→ energy 能量
eg. This elderly gentleman is always full of energy like an energetic body builder.
introverted ['ɪntrəʊvɜːtɪd] adj. 内向的 v. 使……内向;使内翻
introverted 内向的 ←相对词→ extroverted 外向的
eg. Andrew is introverted, but he wants to have an extroverted girlfriend.
fearless ['fɪəlɪs] adj. 无畏的;大胆的
fearless 无畏的 ←词中词→ less 更小地
eg. The little boy used to be completely fearless, but he is less and less confident now.
candid ['kændɪd] adj. 公正的;坦白的;率直的;偷拍的
candid 坦率的 ←词中词→ can 可以
eg. To be candid with you, that friend of yours can't be trusted.
capricious [kə'prɪʃəs] adj. 任性的;反复无常的
capricious 任性的 ←同尾词→ curious 好奇的
eg. That little boy is capricious and curious.
compliant [kəm'plaɪənt] adj. 顺从的;服从的;应允的
compliant 顺从的 ←形似词→ complain 抱怨
eg. John never complains about his mean boss, because he is too compliant.
excavate ['ekskəveɪt] v. 挖掘;开凿
excavate 开凿 ←同首词→ excavator 开凿者
eg. The excavator excavated a large hole but found nothing.
dip [dɪp] v. 浸,泡,蘸;下沉;舀取;把……伸入 n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿
dip 浸 ←音似词→ deep 深的
eg. On a hot summer day, Jack dipped his legs into deep water.
extend [ɪk'stend] v. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力
extend 扩大 ←词中词→ tend 倾向于
eg. The gardener tends to extend his garden, because he thinks it too small.
browse [braʊz] v. 浏览;吃草;漫不经心地看商品 n. 浏览;吃草
browse 浏览 ←词中词→ brow 眉毛
eg. My grandfather wrinkled his brow when he browsed the news about an accident.
hut [hʌt] n. 小屋;临时营房 v. 使住在小屋中;驻扎
hut 小屋 ←形似词→ hat 帽子
eg. The old man living in the hut doesn't like wearing a hat.
aware [ə'weə] adj. 意识到的;知道的;有……方面知识的;懂世故的
aware 意识到的 ←形似词→ awake 醒来
eg. When the young girl was awake from a dream, she was aware of the danger.
instinct ['ɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能,直觉,天性
instinct 本能 ←形似词→ distinct 不同的
eg. Instinct is reacted in distinct ways.
peer [pɪə] v. 凝视,盯着看;窥视;封为贵族;与……同等n. 贵族;同等的人
peer 凝视 ←音似词→ pear 梨
eg. The old lady peers through the mist, trying to find the pear tree.
launch [lɔːntʃ] v. 发射(导弹、火箭等);发起,发动;使……下水 n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;汽艇
launch 发起 ←音似词→ lunch 午饭
eg. At lunch I heard from the radio that China successfully launched a man-made satellite.
receive [rɪ'siːv] v. 接收,收到;接待;接纳
receive 收到 ←形似词→ relieve 使放心
eg. The old couple were not relieved until receiving the news that their son was safe.
distinguish [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ] v. 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出
distinguish 区分 ←同首词→ distinct 明显的
eg. Can't you distinguish the two words? There are distinct differences between them.
glare [gleə] n. 刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目 v. 瞪眼表示
glare 瞪眼 ←词中词→ are 系动词
eg. The couple are glaring at the thief who attempts to stole their new car.
demand [dɪ'mɑːnd] v. 要求;需要;查询 n. 需求;要求;需要
demand 要求 ←词中词→ demanding 要求高的
eg. Our boss is a very demanding person and he demands not only quantity but also quality.
strive [straɪv] v. 努力;奋斗;抗争
strive 努力 ←同尾词→ survive 幸存
eg. We must strive to survive in such a dilemma.
exist [ɪg'zɪst] v. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在
exist 生存 ←同首词→ exit 出口
eg. We must find the exit, because we can't exist without air.
puff [pʌf] v. 喷出,张开;使膨胀;夸张;喘息;使骄傲自满 n. 粉扑;泡芙;蓬;吹嘘,宣传广告
puff 喷出 ←同首词→ pull 拉
eg. The mother puffed a little after pulling the kid out of the water.
rub [rʌb] v. 擦;摩擦;擦破 n. 摩擦;障碍;磨损处
rub 摩擦 ←形似词→ rob 抢劫
eg. The robber rubbed his hands together a few times.
shove [ʃʌv] v. 挤;强使;撞;猛推 n. 推;挤
shove 挤 ←同尾词→ move 移动
eg. Someone gave Amy a shove in the back and she moved several steps.
stoop [stuːp] v. 弯腰;屈服;堕落 n. 弯腰,屈背;屈服
stoop 屈背 ←形似词→ stop 停
eg. The driver stopped before a tall, thin fellow with a slight stoop.
put [pʊt] v. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予 n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人 adj. 固定不动的
put 放 ←同首词→ push 逼迫
eg. The robber said angrily, "I won't put down the gun. Don't push me."
quiver ['kwɪvə] n. 颤抖;箭袋;震动 v. 颤抖;振动
quiver 颤抖 ←同尾词→ shower 淋浴
eg. After taking a shower, the little girl began to quiver.
mutter ['mʌtə] v. 咕哝;抱怨地说;低声含糊地说 n. 咕哝;喃喃低语
mutter 喃喃低语 ←形似词→ mother 母亲
eg. Her mother always mutters to herself, so nobody knows what she is thinking.
narrate [nə'reɪt] v. 叙述;讲述
narrate 讲述 ←同首词→ narrow 狭窄的
eg. The teacher narrates the story in a narrow classroom.
exclaim [ɪk'skleɪm] v. 呼喊,惊叫;大声叫嚷
exclaim 大声叫嚷 ←同首词→ excitement 兴奋
eg. The boys exclaimed with excitement to announce their victory.
dash [dæʃ] n. 破折号;冲撞 v. 使……破灭;猛撞;泼溅
dash 猛撞 ←形似词→ lash 鞭打
eg. Suddenly a rude man dashed to the woman and lashed her.
say [seɪ] v. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明
say 讲 ←词中词→ saying 谚语
eg. The knowledgeable senior often says that big wisdom was included in sayings.
observe [əb'zɜːv] v. 观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论
observe 观察 ←同首词→ observation 观察
eg. That scientist has good ability of observation and is observing the change of thechemical agent.
beat [biːt] v. 打;打败;拍打;有节奏地舒张与收缩 n. 拍子;敲击;有规律的一连串敲打 adj. 筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的
beat 打败 ←形似词→ beast 野兽
eg. The wild beast beat the fierce tiger just now.
scream [skriːm] v. 尖叫;呼啸;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;令人触目惊心 n. 尖叫声 尖锐刺耳的声音;极其滑稽可笑的人
scream 尖叫 ←词中词→ cream 奶油,乳脂
eg. The little girl screamed on seeing the ice cream spilt on the floor.
bind [baɪnd] v. 绑;约束;装订;包扎;凝固 n. 捆绑;困境;讨厌的事情;植物的藤蔓
bind 绑 ←形似词→ blind 盲的
eg. The blind apprentice is being taught how to bind a book together.
wipe [waɪp] v. 擦;打 n. 擦拭;用力打
wipe 擦 ←同首词→ wish 希望
eg. The teacher looked at him sternly and said, " I wish you'll wipe that thought from your mind. "
老师严厉地看着他,说道: “我希望你打消那个念头。 ”
bring [brɪŋ] v. 带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地
bring 带来 ←相对词→ take 带走
eg. Please bring my breakfast and take away the trash.
scrape [skreɪp] n. 刮掉;擦痕;困境;刮擦声 v. 刮;擦伤;挖成
scrape 擦 ←词中词→ ape 猿
eg. The ape went around the cabin scraping the frost off the windows.
sharpen ['ʃɑːpən] v. 削尖;磨快;使敏捷;加重
sharpen 磨快 ←词中词→ sharp 锋利的
eg. That cook will sharpen the knife first because the knife is not very sharp.
squash [skwɒʃ] v. 受挤压;发出挤压声;挤入 n. 壁球;挤压;咯吱声;南瓜属植物
squash 受挤压 ←词中词→ ash 灰烬,废墟
eg. The house was squashed into ash in the earthquake.