1. 连词的种类:
连词是用以连接语句中的两个部分的,如单词和单词,短语和短语,分句和分句等,要把它们连接起来就得用连词。连词有两种:一为并列连词(Coordinate Conjunction),一为从属连词(Subordinate Conjunction)。并列连词是用以连接同等关系的字句的,而从属连词所连接的,便有主从之分,即一为主句,一为从句。这里所谓从句,即是名词从句,形容词从句,或是副词从句,在复句中,处于从属地位。兹各举几个实例如下:
a. A woman and a melon are hard to choose.
b. Do you go by land or by sea?
c. Speech is great,but silence is greater.
以上句中的 and、or、but 为并列连词。
d. That we shall win is certain.(名词从句)
e. People who live in glass house should never throw stones.(形容词从句)
f. Let us be silent that we may hear the whispers of the gods.(副词从句)
以上句中的 that、who 为从属连词。
2. 并列连词的用法:
and |
Fifty houses were entirely destroyed and ten were partly destroyed. |
and... also |
He is guilty,and you also. |
both... and |
He is both proud and poor. |
as well as |
as well as |
He is poor as well as proud. |
〔说明〕单是把两个词句结合拢来,可用 and;要加强双方的意思,就用 both...and;至于用 not only...but also 来连接时,就是后者的意思比前者更强;用 as well as 时便要反转来说,因后者的意思是弱于前者的。
比较: |
not only A but also B. B as well as A. |
He is not only a knave,but a fool. = He is a fool as well as a knave.
but |
Please call the servant. Yes,but she went early to the station. |
and yet |
He made great efforts,and yet he failed to gain his end. |
still |
He was unsuccessful;still he did not lose heart. |
nevertheless |
All men were against him;nevertheless he persevered. |
indeed... but |
He recovered indeed,but his health has never been so good since. |
it is true... but |
It is true he is old,but he is still strong. |
therefore |
A is equal to B,which is in turn equal to C. Therefore A is equal to C. |
so |
It was raining,so I could not go out. |
〔说明〕therefore 用于证明议论等场合,至于日常单纯的事柄就用 so。
either... or |
Either you or I must be out of our senses. |
neither... nor |
Neither he nor they are mistaken. |
He will not go,and I will not go,either.
He will not go,neither will I.
He will not go,nor will I.
3. 从属连词的用法:
when |
When the cat is away,the mice will play. |
while |
Make hay while the sun shines. |
as |
Just as I got to the station,the whistle was heard. |
〔说明〕when 可用于过去、现在、未来的任何时候,while 表示继续的意思,as 用以表时,有“同时”之意。
比较: |
1. Every one listens when he speaks. 2. I was just going to explain,when the bell rang. |
〔说明〕(1)句中的 when 为“从属连词”,(2)句中的 when,其前有逗号时为 and then 之意,所以是“并列连词”。
as soon as |
As soon as it was light enough in the morning to see,he was up and reading. |
scarcely...when |
no sooner... than |
No sooner had we started for the excursion than it began to rain. |
〔说明〕以上三者全是“随即”的意思,as soon as 的动词前后皆可用 Past;其他二者就是前用 Past Perfect,后用 Past。
as long as |
I will take care of you as long as I live. |
so long as |
So long as a youth has true respect,vice has little attraction for him. |
if |
If you are hungry,I will give you something to eat. |
unless |
Unless you read it again you will not understand it. |
in case |
I will leave a note in case he is absent. |
so that |
You may go there so that(if only)you come back in time. |
provided |
I will pardon him provided he acknowledge his fault. |
where |
Where there is smoke,there is fire. |
as |
Do not act as he did. |
as if |
I felt as if I were going to die. |
as far as |
As far as the eye can react,nothing is to be seen but sand. |
as much as |
It is as much as he can do to keep out of debt. |
the more... the more |
The higher the steed,the greater the fall. |
because |
He has been promoted because he is able and industrious. |
for |
He must have passed this way,for here are his footprints. |
since |
Since it has come to that,there is no help for it. |
as |
As prices are going up daily,poor people are in great distress. |
now that |
Now that you have finished your work,you may go. |
〔说明〕because 表直接的原因;for 表推论;since 表自然的推论,可译作“既然……就”;as 多用于口语,意较 because,since 为弱。又 since,as 常置于句首,now that 与 since 用法相同。
such...that |
He was in such a condition that we all felt anxious about him. His eloquence was such that we could not but be moved. |
so...that |
He was so kind that he was loved by all. Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes it. |
so that |
A great part of Belgium is flat,so that the country is not particularly pretty. |
〔说明〕such...that 和 so...that 同义,不过在 such 后接名词(有时可略去),在 so 后接形容词或副词。
though |
Though love cannot plant morals in the human breast,it cultivates them when there. |
even if |
Even if he has never been abroad,he speaks good English. |
however |
However hard you may try,you will not be able to solve this question in a day or two. |
as |
Old as he is,he is very active. |
〔说明〕as 用作 though 之意时,其前可接(1)Noun(无冠词的),或(2)Adjective 或(3)Adverb,或(4)Past Participle;后接 Subject 及 Verb,例如:
(1)Hero as he was,he was surprised at the news.(Noun)
(2)Important as sugar is as an article of food,we cannot live upon it.(Adjective)
(3)Much as I want to do so,father will not allow me to do so.(Adverb)
(4)Surrounded as he was by the enemy,he was not afraid.(Past Participle)
whether... or not Students must study,whether they like it or not.
that... may |
We usually praise only that we may be praised. |
so that... may |
We sent for him at once so that we might talk it over with him. |
in order that |
He labors day and night in order that he may become rich. |
lest |
The old man walks with a cane,lest he should stumble. |
(1)as... as 用于不同的二物或二人所有的相同的程度时,否定时用 not so...as。
The ice was as smooth as glass.
She is not so beautiful as her sister.
(2)as... as any,as... as ever,the Superlative... that ever 三者全是表最高级。
He can ride on horseback as well as any man in the country.
You see in him as complete a villain as ever disgraced humanity.
He is the worst boy that I have ever seen.
As the human body is nourished by the food,so is a nation nourished by its industries.
(4)as far as(表范围),so far as(表限制或条件)
As far as he could see was a turbulent flood.
I will go with you as far as London.
So far as I know,there is no such word in English.
Progress has been very slow indeed,so far as the social life of the people is concerned.
(5)not so much... as(与 rather than 相同,但顺序不同,如 not so much A as B = rather B than A)
A man’s worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is.
(6)no matter how(或 who 或 whether)may
Those who have achieved good results kept on trying,no matter how great the obstacles.
I shall always obey your order,no matter what it may be.
You should go to the country for a change,no matter where.
表惊讶的:Oh!Ah!Hah!What!Why!Dear me!Oh dear!Good Heavens!Lo!Behold!
表赞赏的:Bravo!Well done!Good!Nice!Excellent!
表轻蔑的:Pooh!Pshaw!Tut-tut!Fie!For shame!
表注意的:Look!Hark!Look here!