1.1 Literature Reviews of the Belt and Road Initiative…1
1.1.1 Researches under the Neoclassical Framework…2
1.1.2 From Equilibrium to Disequilibrium Economic Geography Settings…6
1.1.3 Researches from the Marxist Perspective…9
1.1.4 Researches from the International Political and Diplomatic Perspectives …10
1.1.5 From Geopolitics to Geo-economics…11
1.1.6 Reviews of the Academic Researches…13
1.2 Annual Progress of the Belt and Road Initiative…15
1.2.1 Advancing Construction of Organization Mechanism…15
1.2.2 From Consensus up to Mechanism…18
1.2.3 System Compatibility …20
1.2.4 Problems in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative…22
1.3 Suggestions for the Strategic Strongholds and Urban Networks Expansion …25
1.3.1 The Research Progress …25
1.3.2 TheoreticalBasis and Historical Backgrounds…32
1.3.3 Reality Requires of the Innovative Expansion Mode…36
1.3.4 Expansion Modes of the“Differentiated Strategic Strongholds-Layered Urban”Networks…39
1.3.5 Construction Modes of the“Differentiated Strategic Strongholds-Layered Urban”Networks…43
2.1 The Economic and Trade Cooperation Pattern along the Belt and Road Initiative…48
2.1.1 China is the Leading Nation along the Belt and Road…49
2.1.2 The Economic and Trade Cooperation Pattern…53
2.1.3 The Economic and Trade Investment Pattern…56
2.2 Primary Effects of the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy in the Context of The Belt and Road Initiative…59
2.2.1 The causes of the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy …59
2.2.2 Historical Process and Current Situations of the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy…62
2.2.3 Financing Modes and Expansion Characteristics of the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy…66
2.2.4 Primary Effects of the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy …69
2.2.5 Challenges and Solutions for the China’s High-speed Railway“Going Global”Strategy…71
2.3 Financial Platform Construction for the Silk Road Economic Belt…75
2.3.1 Backgrounds …75
2.3.2 Composition of the Silk Road Economic Belt’s Financial Platform…76
2.3.3 Financial Service Progress in the Silk Road Economic Belt Construction…80
2.3.4 Problems of the Silk Road Economic Belt’s Financial Platform…82
2.3.5 Policy Options of the Silk Road Economic Belt’s Financial Platform Construction …85
2.4 Situations and Options for the China–Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation …88
2.4.1 Backgrounds of the China–Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation …88
2.4.2 Development Basis of the China–Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation …90
2.4.3 Historical Progress and Problems in the China–Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation…92
2.4.4 Options for the China–Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation …95
2.4.5 Related Policy Recommendations…98
3.1 Research onthe Construction of the China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor …100
3.1.1 Practical Basis of the China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor …100
3.1.2 Construction Progress of the China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor …102
3.1.3 Difficulties and Problems in the China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor …109
3.1.4 Improving Measures of the China-Central Asia-Western Asia Economic Corridor Construction…111
3.2 Central Asia:Functional Orientation in the Silk Road Economic Belt …114
3.2.1 Literatures Review and Theoretical Analysis…115
3.2.2 Models and Data …118
3.2.3 Circumstance Simulation and Result Analysis…120
3.2.4 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations…125
3.3 Progress and Situation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor…126
3.3.1 Construction Basis of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor…126
3.3.2 Progress and Achievements in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor …129
3.3.3 Significances of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Construction …134
3.3.4 Construction Risks of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor…137
3.3.5 Strategic Options for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor…141
4.1 Construction of the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative …143
4.1.1 Establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone…143
4.1.2 Suggestion Demands for the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone during the Transition in the Shanghai City and the Yangtze River Delta Area…148
4.1.3 Economic Effects of Reform in the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone…151
4.1.4 Process and Problems in the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Pilot Zone Construction …153
4.1.5 Policy Recommendations…156
4.2 Researches on the Tianjin Free Trade Zone Piloting the Regional Industry Transition …159
4.2.1 Questions …159
4.2.2 Theoretical Framework Based on the New-structured Economics…161
4.2.3 Necessity of the Tianjin City Piloting the Circum-Bohai Sea Regions’Industry Upgrading…162
4.2.4 Mode Options for the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Regional Industry Upgrading…166
4.2.5 Policy Recommendations…168
4.3 The Comparison of the Inland-type Free Trade Zone with the Coastal-type Free Trade Zone…173
4.3.1 The Comparison of the Foreign Coastal-type Free Trade Zone with the Inland-type Free Trade Zone…173
4.3.2 The Comparison of the Chinese Coastal-type Free Trade Zone with the Inland-type Free Trade Zone…178
4.3.3 Conclusions and Suggestions…184
5.1 International Trade’s New Rules’Enlightenment for The Belt and Road Initiative …187
5.1.1 Traditional Rules of the International Trade…187
5.1.2 Drivers and Process of the International Trade’s New Rules…190
5.1.3 Main Contents of the International Trade’s New Rules—Illustrated by the Example of TPP …192
5.1.4 Property and Characteristics of the International Trade’s New Rules …197
5.1.5 Application Requirements and Potential Effects of the International Trade’s New Rules …200
5.1.6 International Trade’s New Rules’Enlightenment for the Belt and Road Initiative …201
5.2 Enlightenment of the China-Korea Free Trade Area…205
5.2.1 Overview of the China-Korea Free Trade Area…205
5.2.2 Construction Process of China-Korea Free Trade Area…208
5.2.3 Problems and Solutions in China-Korea Free Trade Area…213
5.2.4 Future Options for China-Korea Free Trade Area…216
5.3 Researches on Integrating the"Silk Road Economic Belt"Initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union…218
5.3.1 Review …219
5.3.2 Difficulty and Risks of Advancing the Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative …220
5.3.3 Practical Significances of Integrating the"Silk Road Economic Belt"initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union…223
5.3.4 Key Areas in Integrating the"Silk Road Economic Belt"initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union…227
5.3.5 Feasible Ways of Integrating the"Silk Road Economic Belt"initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union…230
5.3.6 Policies and Measures of Integrating the"Silk Road Economic Belt"initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union…233
5.4 Coordinated Development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization…235
5.4.1 Overview of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization…235
5.4.2 Situations of China’s economic and trade cooperation with Central Asian countries and Russia…240
5.4.3 Practical Significances of Collaboration ofthe Silk Road Economic Belt with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization…244
5.4.4 Key Areas and Feasible Ways of Collaboration…247