Dialogue: Construction of a Narrative Mode—A Narrative Rhetoric Study of the Dialogues in Xu Yigua's Novels
(School of Literature, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, 350007)
Abstract: On the one hand, the characters'dialogues in Xu Yigua's writings embody the basic features of dialogues as a verbal communication mode of the characters. On the other hand, as a narrative mode, it coordinates with the narrative discourse to complete the construction of the text narration through a special technique. In this sense, the dialogues in her novels are featured by narration and a unique narrative rhetoric. As a narrative mode, by breaking the writer's mono narrative mode, it coexist with the narrator's discourse, which contributes to the multichannel narrative mode characterized by the advancing together of multiple clues. By breaking the balance to participate in the alternative communication, the information gap in the dialogues initiates the fluctuation of the plot. As the recognition of the discourse semantic orientation is closely related to context, Xu Yigua pays much attention to the dependency relationship between dialogues and narrative context, which enriches the implications of the discourse and makes them identifiable.
Key Words: Xu Yigua's novels; dialogue; narrative rhetoric