Oral Practice 口语训练
Z: Zhang Yang (volunteer of Jinan Vocational College, majoring in CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Technology, signed apprentice of FESTO) 济南职业学院义工,数控技术专业学生,FESTO签约学徒
W: Wang Nan (freshman majoring in Industrial Process Automation Technology) 工业过程自动化技术专业新生
Wang Nan(W)是工业过程自动化技术专业新生,入学第一天学校义工Zhang Yang(Z)向他介绍学院信息,引导他到宿舍并参观校园,介绍学院主要建筑、介绍中德技术学院、指导他乘车出行等。
Dialogue 1 Meeting the New Student 遇见新同学

① 此处是同学之间的自我介绍和向别人提供帮助的说法。在比较正式的场合或向师长、上司自我介绍前,可以先客气的问一句“May I introduce myself?”,后一句中的“May I have your name? ”是询问别人的姓名时的客气的说法,意思等同于“What's your name? ”。向别人提供帮助可以说“Let me help you with...”或者询问“What can I do for you? ”。
② “-Thank you very much. It's very kind of you. -It's nothing.”是致谢和回复的常用说法。通常在表达感谢时,根据情境在thank you之外加上修饰成分,会使表达更具体。常用的感谢的表达还有“Thank you so much for your kind help.”“I do appreciate all you've done for me.”“Thank you for your attendance.”“Thank you anyway.”回答除了“It's nothing.”还有“You are welcome.”“That's all right.”“My pleasure.”。
③ 两位同学初次见面,用“Nice to meet you”互相问候。在正式场合,初次见面,两人还可以说“How do you do?”非正式场合,也非第一次见面时,在欧美学生间比较流行的问候语是“How are you doing? ”,常用的回答包括“Great”“Pretty good”等。
④ major既可以作动词也可以作名词,都是主修、专业的意思,除了对话中的两种用法外,“我学某专业”还可以说“I'm a ... major.”。
⑤ freshman指大一新生,大学二年级学生可以叫做sophomore,三年级学生是junior,四年级学生则被称为senior。
Activity 2:Oral Practice 口语练习。
Please extend greetings to one of your classmates, and introduce yourself.
Activity 3:Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.根据对话内容填空。
1. Zhang Yang is a _____major, while Wang Nan majors in _____.
2. Both Zhang Yang and Wang Nan come from _____.
3. Zhang Yang introduces the position of _____,_____and_____.
Dialogue 2 Visiting the Campus 参观校园

① hand in hand是手拉手,联合的意思。例如,The two departments work hand in hand to solve the tough problem.两个部门联手解决这个棘手的问题。
② as well as的含义是“还有”“不但……而且……”。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在A,不在B。因此,“We are apprentices as well as students.”的译文应该是:“我们不但是学生,还是学徒。”
③ get promoted 的意思是“得到提升”,promotion是其名词形式。
④ fabulous的意思是“极好的,非常精彩的”,例如:look fabulous表示极好看,feel fabulous表示感觉好极了。
⑤ can't wait to do sth.表示迫不及待要做某事,例如: The boy can't wait to play computer games.那个男孩迫不及待要玩电脑游戏。
Activity 4:Please answer the following questions according to the dialogue.请根据对话回答问题。
1. What are the 2 learning places at college mentioned in the dialogue?
2. What are the 2 kinds of knowledge that will be learned mentioned in the dialogue?
3. What are the 2 parties of teaching mentioned in the dialogue?
4. What are the 2 roles of students mentioned in the dialogue?
5. Could you try to summarize the meaning of “dual” in the dialogue?
Activity 5:Look up dictionaries and figure out the meanings of the following phrases.查字典写出以下短语的含义。
1. face to face_____
2. back to back_____
3. shoulder to shoulder_____
4. eyes to eyes_____
5. heart to heart_____
6. side by side_____
7. arm in arm_____
Dialogue 3 Asking the Way 问路

① apply to的宾语是申请的对象,例如经理(manager, director),大学(university, college)等,而apply for的宾语是希望获得的事物,例如工作(job, work),职务(post, position),奖金(reward),签证(visa),工资的提高(an increase in salary)。
例如,He has applied to the banker for loan.他已向这位银行家申请了贷款。For further information, apply to the secretary of the company.欲获得进一步的详情,请与公司秘书联系。
I am applying for a job as a clerk.我正在申请一个做职员的工作。Nobody applied for the reward.谁也没有申请这项奖金。
② 问路常用的句型如下:Could you show me the way to the workshop? / Would you mind telling me the way to the workshop? /How can I get to the workshop?
③ would you mind doing这个句型用来表示请求,意思是“请你做……你是否介意?”“请你做……好吗?”是一种比较客气的表达方式。例如:Would you mind turning off the light in the room?请你把房间里的灯关掉好吗?
要表示“请你不要做……你是否介意?”“请你不要做……好吗?”只需要在doing前面加上not。如:Would you mind not standing in front of me?请你不要站在我的前面好吗?
回答时,如果同意对方的请求,可用“Certainly. / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all.”来表达;
如果不同意对方的请求,常用“Sorry. / I'm sorry.”及陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对。
—Would you mind going to the movies this evening?今晚去看电影好吗?
—I'm sorry. But I haven't finished my homework yet.对不起,我的作业还没有完成。
Would you mind doing...?”句型中的逻辑主语只能是谈话的对方you。如果想要对方允许自己做某事,可用“Would you mind my doing...?”句型,如: Would you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这里吸烟吗?
④ subway地铁,其中sub是英语中常用的前缀。意思是“在……之下的”,例如,subway(地铁),submarine(潜水艇), subconscious(潜意识)。有时sub也表示级别上低一等的,例如,subtitle(副标题), subassembly(次组合件)。
常见的前缀有:a.表示正负(或增减)的,如:un-, in-, im-, non-, mis-, dis-, anti-, re-等;b.表示尺寸的,如:semi-, mini-, micro-, macro-等;c.表示位置关系,如:inter-, super-, trans-,sub-等;d.表示时间和次序,如:pre-, post-等;e.表示数字的,如:semi-, bi-, tri-, quad-, multi-等。
Activity 6:Word Game. Reorder the letters to make correct words of places at school and write down their meanings in Chinese.词汇游戏。重新排列字母组成与校园有关的单词并写出它们的汉语意思。

Activity 7: Complete the following sentences using the phrases.用提供的短语完成句子。
1. Would you mind __________? (help me wash my clothes)
2. Would you mind __________? (give her a cup of tea)
3. Would you mind __________my baby while I'm away? (look after)
4. Would you mind __________ her a message? (give)
5. Would you mind my __________ the window? (open)
6. Would you mind __________ me some suggestions on Math learning? (give)
Activity 8:Change the following words by adding proper prefixes.给下列单词加上适当的前缀。
1. media(媒体)_____(多媒体)
2. necessary(有必要的)_____(没必要的)
3. agree(同意)_____(不同意)
4. large(大的)_____(扩大)
5. lead(带领)_____(误导)
6. clockwise(顺时针)_____(逆时针)
7. active power(有效功率)_____(无效功率)
8. corrosion(腐蚀)_____(防腐蚀)
9. assembly(组件) _____(次组合件)
10. potential(电位)_____(等电位的)