4.9 Deaerator(Storage Tank)Device Erection
4.9.1 Deaerator(storage tank)proper erection inspection and acceptance are given in Table 4.9.1.
Table 4.9.1 Deaerator(storage tank)proper erection

Table 4.9.1(Continued)

4.9.2 Deaerator accessories erection inspection and acceptance are given in Table 4.9.2.
Table 4.9.2 Deaerator accessories erection

4.9.3 Mandatory provision implementation inspection of deaerator(storage tank)device erection subsection project is given in Table 4.9.3.
Table 4.9.3 Mandatory provision implementation inspection table of deaerator(storage tank)device erection subsection project

Table 4.9.3(Continued)