2 Normative References
Articles contained in the following documents as referenced herein shall constitute a part of this Specification.For the reference codes and standards with edition note,their subsequent amendments(excluding corrigenda)or revised versions are not applicable to this Specification,while for those without date noted,their latest revisions shall be applicable to this Specification.
GB 146.2 Structure Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways
GB 15603 Rule for Storage of Chemical Dangers
GB/T 17119 Continuous Mechanical Handling Equipment-Belt Conveyors with Carrying Idlers-Calculation of Operating Power and Tensile Forces
GB 18597 Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage
GB 18598 Standard for Pollution Control on The Security Landfill Site for Hazardous Wastes
GB 50077 Code for Design of Reinforced Concrete Silos
GB 50160 Fire Prevention Code of Petrochemical Enterprise Design
GB/T 50192 Code for Design of River Port Engineering
HG/T 20547 Specification on Accuracy of Package and Measure for Chemical Powder-Granule Products
SH 3078 Specification for the Design of Vertical Cylindrical Steel and Aluminum Silos
SH/T 3152 Engineering Specification of Bulk Solid Pneumatic Conveying in Petrochemical Industry
JTJ 211 Design Code of General Layout for Sea Port