2.2 Symbols
a——mass velocity ratio;
A——cross-sectional area of pipe;
A1——cross-sectional area of pipe at cross-section 1;
A2——cross-sectional area of pipe at cross-section 2;
Ab——reinforcement area for the branch within the reinforcement zone;
Ah——reinforcement area for the run within the reinforcement zone;
Ai——flow area at cross-section i;
Ai-1——flow area at cross-section i-1;
Ap——pressure area;
Ar——required reinforcement area for opening of the run;
Aσ——bearing area;
Aw——fillet weld area within the reinforcement zone;
B——correction factor for steam compressibility;
b——ratio of pressure at piping start to that at piping end;
c——ratio of dynamic pressure to static pressure;
C——additional thickness allowing for corrosion,wear and mechanical strength;
C1——added value due to negative tolerancetolerance of pipe wall thickness;
C2——added value due to negative tolerance of steel plate thickness;
Di——inside diameter of pipe or pipe fittings;
Dib——inside diameter of the branch;
Dih——inside diameter of the run;
Dm——average diameter of reducer;
DN——nominal diameter of pipe or pipe fittings;
Do——outside diameter of pipe or pipe fittings;
Dob——outside diameter of the branch;
Doh——outside diameter of the run;
d——diameter of the minimum flow area of safety valve;
dg——inside diameter of gasket;
dH——pipe elevation variation;
dk——aperture diameter of orifice;
dm——average diameter at the point La apart from the curved section or average diameter of the pipe connected at the smaller end;
dp——medium pressure variation;
d1——dimension of longitudinal centerline of branch opening made in the run;
d2——inside diameter of pipe;
Ec——casting quality factor;
E20——modulus of elasticity of steels at 20℃;
Et——modulus of elasticity of steels at design temperature;
Et——elasticity modulus of pipe material at design temperature;
F——minimum flow area of safety valve;
f——reduction factor of stress range;
——area of orifice aperture in case of critical flow;
Fi——reaction force at cross-section i;
Fix——component force in x direction;
Fiz——component force in z direction;
Fk——area of orifice aperture in case of subcritical flow;
G——mass flow rate of medium;
g——gravitational acceleration;
Gi——flow rate of medium at cross-section i;
H——elevation difference between the start and the end of piping;
H1——elevation at the start of vertical pipe;
H2——elevation at the end of vertical pipe;
h——safety valve lift;
h1——enthalpy of medium at the start of piping;
h2——enthalpy of saturated water at pressure p;
hf——energy loss due to friction drag;
hi——minor axis radius of head;
hj——energy loss due to local resistance;
hn——enthalpy of saturated water at pressure pn;
hw——total resistance loss in piping;
I——correction factor for wall thickness of bends and elbows;
i——stress intensification factor;
K′——factor as a function of head structure;
KPN——nominal pressure conversion coefficient;
Kr——resistance coefficient of pipe fittings;
k——adiabatic index;
L——developed length of pipe;
Lb——reinforcement zone of branch;
Lcb——effective bearing length of the branch;
Lch——half bearing length of the run;
Le——equivalent length of valves and pipe fittings;
Lh——"half width"of reinforcing zone;
Lw——weld joint height;
ΣLd——sum of the equivalent length of pipe fittings and valves on piping;
Ma——resultant moment loading on cross section due to dead weight and other sustained external loads;
Mb——resultant moment loading on the cross section due to occasional loads,such as thrusts from relief/safety valve loads,transient change in pressure and flow and earthquake;
Mc——resultant moment due to thermal expansion calculated based on the full compensation and modulus of elasticity of steel at 20℃;
Mj——resultant moment;j is a subscript;
Mxj,My j,Mzj——moments along coordinate planes x,y and z;
m——allowable negative tolerance of pipe wall thickness specified in the technical specifications;
——mass velocity of medium;
——mass velocity of medium at the start of piping after local change;
Ne——number of cycles within full temperature changeΔTe for which thermal expansion stress σe is calculated;
n——quantity of safety valves installed in parallel;
P——concentrated load at midspan;
Pt——allowable working pressure at design temperature;
PN——nominal pressure;
p——design pressure;
p0——stagnation pressure at the start;
p0k——stagnation pressure before the orifice;
p1——pressure at the start of piping;
p2——pressure at the end of piping;
p2k——pressure after the orifice;
pⅠ——static pressure at the end of piping before local change;
pⅡ——static pressure at the start of piping after local change;
pa——local atmospheric pressure;
pat——atmospheric pressure;
pd——dynamic pressure of medium carried inside the pipe;
pd1——dynamic pressure at the start of piping;
pd2——dynamic pressure at the end of piping;
pdⅠ——pressure at the end of piping before local change;
pdⅡ——pressure at the start of piping after local change;
pc——critical pressure;
pg——operating pressure;
pn——medium pressure in respective section;
pi——medium pressure at cross-section i;
pi-1——medium pressure at cross-section i-1;
p′——spatial pressure at the end;
p″——pressure head due to downstream pipe resistance and backpressure at pipe end;
Q——volume flow rate of medium;
Qs——reference volume flow rate at absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa and temperature of 20℃;
q——dead weight of piping per unit length;
qb——specific flow rate;
R——bend radius of bends and elbows;
RE——thermal expansion force(or moment)applied on piping by the ends which is calculated with the full compensation value and the modulus of elasticity of steel at 20℃;
Re——Reynolds number;
Rn——gas constant;
——minimum tensile strength of steel at 20℃;
——minimum yield strength of steel at design temperature;
——minimum proof strength at 0.2% non-proportional elongation of steel at design temperature;
Rt——thrust or moment imposed on the equipment or end by the piping under operating condition during initial operating period;
R20——thrust or moment imposed on the equipment or end by the piping under cold state during initial operating period;
——thrust or moment imposed on the equipment or end by the piping after adaptive equalization under cold state;
r2——latent heat of vaporization at pressure pc;
——mean radius of branch pipe,mm;
rn——latent heat of vaporization of saturated water at pressure pn;
S——measured minimum wall thickness;
Sb——actual(measured)wall thickness or allowable minimum wall thickness of branch pipe connected to tee according to the purchase technical specifications;
Sb3——equivalent wall thickness of branch pipe;
Sc——calculated pipe wall thickness;
Sh——actual(measured)wall thickness or allowable minimum wall thickness of run pipe connected to tee according to the purchase technical specifications;
Sk——characteristic value of snow load;
Sm——required minimum wall thickness of piping;
Smb——required minimum wall thickness of the branch;
Smh——required minimum wall thickness of the run;
St——selected wall thickness of ellipsoidal head;
Svi——inside wall thickness of elbow without allowance;
Svo——outside wall thickness of elbow without allowance;
s′——entropy of saturated water at pressure pc;
s″——entropy of saturated steam at pressure pc;
——entropy of saturated water at pressure pc-Δp;
——entropy of saturated steam at pressure pc-Δp;
To——stagnation temperature before orifice;
Tpd——calculated thickness under pressure;
t——operating temperature;
tamb——ambient temperature;
W——bending moment at pipe cross-section;
ω——weld strength reduction factor for longitudinal seam steel pipes under creep condition;
x——steam dryness;
xn——calculated dryness at at any point under pressure;
Y——correction factor;
α——angle of tee;
αc——critical pressure ratio;
αt——coefficient of linear expansion of steel from 20℃to the operating temperature;
α′——ratio of pressure at the start of piping to spatial pressure at the end of piping;
β——ratio of specific volume of medium at the end to that at the start;
βc——ratio of critical specific volume of medium to the specific volume at the start of piping;
———105h average creep rupture strength of steel at design temperature.
σeq——equivalent stress due to internal pressure;
σe——thermal expansion stress range;
[σ]s——reference stress corresponding to the nominal pressure.It refers to the allowable stress(MPa)of material at a specified temperature;
[σ]t——allowable stress of material at design temperature;
σeq——equivalent stress due to internal pressure;
σ1——sum of the axial stresses under operating condition due to sustained loads including internal pressure,dead weight and other sustained external loads;
σmax——maximum bending stress of horizontal straight pipe;
δmax——maximum bending deflection;
θ——semi-cone angle of reducer;
θb——chamfer angle;
ω——flow velocity of medium carried inside the pipe;
ωc——critical flow velocity;
ωi——flow velocity of medium at cross-section i;
ωi-1——flow velocity of medium at cross-section i—1;
ωm——average flow velocity of medium in piping;
φ′——factor as a function of head structure;
φ——deflection angle of steam flow with respect to the pipe axis;
γ——kinematic viscosity of medium;
γc——percentage of cold springing;
η——correction factor of allowable stress;
μ——dynamic viscosity of medium;
μ1,μ2——flow coefficient of safety valve,determined according to test results or manufacturer data;
μ1——flow coefficient;
μr——coefficient of snow load distribution on the top of piping.For rectangular piping,μr=1.For round piping,μr=0.4;
μz——friction factor;
υ——specific volume of medium;
υ0——specific volume at the start at stagnation conditions;
υ1——specific volume of medium at the start;
υ2——specific volume of medium at the end;
υc——critical specific volume;
υn——specific volume of steam and water mixture at any point;
υ″——specific volume of saturated steam at pressure pc;
——specific volume of saturated water at pressure pn;
——specific volume of saturated steam at pressure pn;
υⅡ——specific volume of steam at the start of piping after local change;
ξ——local resistance coefficient;
ξm——resistance coefficient corresponding to the flow velocity of medium before the orifice;
ξt——total resistance coefficient;
——resistance coefficient at larger end of reducer;
Σξ1——sum of local resistance coefficient of pipe;
Σξ——sum of the local resistance coefficient of pipe fittings and valves;
ε——equivalent roughness of pipe inner wall;
λ——friction coefficient of pipe;
λy——friction drag coefficient;
ρ——medium density;
ρ1——medium density at pipe inlet;
ρ2——medium density at pipe outlet;
ρe——medium density at the end of vertical pipe;
ρm——average density of boiling water in vertical pipe;
ρn——medium density in individual sections;
ΔP1——pressure loss of straight pipe due to friction drag;
ΔP2——pressure loss of piping due to local resistance;
ΔP——total pressure loss of piping;
Δp——difference between the pressure at the end of piping(p2(pc))and the closest pressure in the table of thermodynamic properties of water and steam;
ΔpⅠ-Ⅱ——steam resistance before and after local change;
Δpf——pressure loss of straight pipe due to friction drag;
Δpk——pressure loss due to local resistance;
Δpm——pressure drop across the orifice;
Δpt——total pressure loss of piping;
Xa,Ya,Za——coordinate values at the start(a)of calculated piping system;
Xb,Yb,Zb——coordinate values at the end(b)of calculated piping system;
ΔX,ΔY,ΔZ——full compensation for linear displacement of piping system along X,Y,and Z axes respectively;
ΔX20,ΔY20,ΔZ20——cold compensation for linear displacement of the calculated piping system or branch along X-axis,Y-axis,and Z-axis;
ΔXa,ΔYa,ΔZa——additional linear displacement at the start(a)of piping system along X,Y,and Z axes respectively;
ΔXb,ΔYb,ΔZb——additional linear displacement at the end(b)of piping system along X,Y,and Z axes respectively;
——cold springs of the calculated piping system or branch(ab)along X-axis,Y-axis and Z-axis;
——thermal elongation of piping system(ab)along X,Y,and Z axes respectively;
Δx——variation of steam dryness under isentropic expansion condition;
Δυ——increment of specific volume based on isentropic expansion within the range ofΔp.