3 General Provisions
3.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to intensifying construction engineering quality control in electric power industry,improving construction quality level,and unifying the relevant requirements in construction quality acceptance standard and evaluation for thermal power generation engineering.
3.0.2 The construction quality acceptance for thermal power generation project shall be conducted by batch,subitem,subsection,and subsystem.the construction quality acceptance is only applied with a quality grade"qualified";in case of any nonconformity,it shall comply with the requirements in Article 4.1.12 in this Part.
3.0.3 The engineering quality evaluation shall be conducted for the projects that apply the"high quality"titles.
3.0.4 The engineering quality evaluation shall be conducted by the three phases(stage)-individual project,individual unit and overall project.
3.0.5 The construction quality evaluation for individual project shall be conducted upon that the construction quality acceptance for all subsystems is qualified and the collection and rearrangement of engineering technical document is completed,and the evaluation shall cover the whole work content before 168-h trial running with full load.
3.0.6 The quality evaluation for individual unit shall be conducted after the construction quality acceptance for all individual projects and the 168-h trial running of the unit with full load are completed and the environmental works supported are normally put into operation.The synergic system shall be bought into the evaluation for the first unit.
3.0.7 The quality evaluation for overall project shall be conducted after the quality evaluation for all individual units,the performance tests of the units and the engineering archives evaluation are completed.