8.1 疾病诊断名词
1型糖尿病性出汗异常 type 1 diabetic abnormal perspiration [又称]1型糖尿病性异常出汗 △
1型糖尿病性单神经病 type 1 diabetic mononeuropathy [又称]1型糖尿病单神经病变 △
1型糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic oculomotor paralysis
1型糖尿病性多发性单神经病 type 1 diabetic mononeuropathy multiplex [又称]1型糖尿病多发单神经病变 △
1型糖尿病性多发性神经病 type 1 diabetic polyneuropathy [又称]1型糖尿病多发性神经病变 △
1型糖尿病性感觉运动性周围神经病 type 1 diabetic sensory motor neuropathy
1型糖尿病性颅神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic cranial palsy
1型糖尿病性神经根病 type 1 diabetic radiculopathy [又称]1型糖尿病神经根病变 △
1型糖尿病性神经性水肿 type 1 diabetic neurogenic edema
1型糖尿病性外展神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic abducens nerve paralysis
1型糖尿病性小神经纤维神经病 type 1 diabetic small fiber neuropathy
1型糖尿病性眼肌麻痹 type 1 diabetic ophthalmoplegia
1型糖尿病性胰岛素相关性神经炎 type 1 diabetic insulin induced neuritis
1型糖尿病性远端对称性周围神经病 type 1 diabetic distal symmetrical sensory motor neuropathy [又称]1型糖尿病远端对称性多发性周围神经病变 △
1型糖尿病性周围神经病 type 1 diabetic neuropathy [又称]1型糖尿病周围神经病变 △
1型糖尿病性自主神经病 type 1 diabetic autonomic neuropathy
2型糖尿病性出汗异常 type 2 diabetic abnormal perspiration [又称]2型糖尿病性异常出汗 △
2型糖尿病性单神经病 type 2 diabetic mononeuropathy [又称]2型糖尿病单神经病变 △
2型糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic oculomotor paralysis
2型糖尿病性多发神经病变 type 2 diabetic polyneuropathy [又称]2型糖尿病多发性神经病变 △
2型糖尿病性多发性单神经病 type 2 diabetic mononeuropathy multiplex [又称]2型糖尿病多发单神经病变 △
2型糖尿病性感觉运动性周围神经病 type 2 diabetic sensory motor neuropathy
2型糖尿病性脊髓病 type 2 diabetic myelopathy [又称]2型糖尿病伴脊髓病 △
2型糖尿病性颅神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic cranial palsy
2型糖尿病性躯干神经根病 type 2 diabetic truncal radiculopathy
2型糖尿病性神经根病 type 2 diabetic radiculopathy [又称]2型糖尿病神经根病变 △
2型糖尿病性神经性水肿 type 2 diabetic neurogenic edema
2型糖尿病性外展神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic abducens nerve paralysis
2型糖尿病性小神经纤维神经病 type 2 diabetic small fiber neuropathy
2型糖尿病性胸神经根病 type 2 diabetic thoracoabdominal radiculopathy
2型糖尿病性眼肌麻痹 type 2 diabetic ophthalmoplegia
2型糖尿病性胰岛素相关性神经炎 type 2 diabetic insulin induced neuritis
2型糖尿病性远端对称性周围神经病 type 2 diabetic distal symmetrical peripheral neuropathy [又称]2型糖尿病远端对称性多发性周围神经病变 △
2型糖尿病性周围神经病 type 2 diabetic neuropathy [又称]2型糖尿病周围神经病变 △
2型糖尿病性自主神经病变 type 2 diabetic autonomic neuropathy
4型胶原蛋白α1相关综合征 collagen type Ⅳ alpha 1-associated syndrome
AQP4抗体阴性的视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder without AQP4-IgG [又称]视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 △
Behcet病 Behcet’s disease
Bell麻痹 Bell’s palsy,facial palsy [又称]面神经瘫痪 △,贝尔麻痹 △
Bickerstaff’s脑炎 Bickerstaff’s encephalitis [又称]Bickerstaff’s脑干脑炎 △
Churg-Strauss综合征 Churg-Strauss syndrome
Emery-Dreifuss型肌营养不良 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy,EDMD
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker病 Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
GM1神经节苷脂贮积病 GM 1 Gangliosidosis [又称]GM 1神经节苷脂累积病 △,GM 1神经节苷脂沉积症 △
GM2神经节苷脂贮积病 GM 2 Gangliosidosis [又称]GM 2神经节苷脂沉积症 △
GM3神经节苷脂贮积病 GM 3 Gangliosidosis [又称]GM 3神经节苷脂沉积症 △
IgG4相关脑病 IgG4 associated encephalopathy
IgG4相关性疾病 IgG4-related disease [又称]免疫球蛋白G4相关硬化性疾病 △
Leber遗传性视神经病 Leber hereditary optic neurology
Lewis-Sumner综合征 Lewis-Sumner syndrome
Logopenic失语 Logopenic aphasia [又称]原发性进行性失语 △
Sneddon病 Sneddon disease [又称]Sneddon综合征 △
Wolfram综合征 Wolfram syndrome
X连锁肌病伴大量自噬空泡 X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy
X连锁隐性遗传肌张力障碍-帕金森综合征 X-linked recessive dystonia and Parkinsonism
X连锁隐性遗传性共济失调 X-linked recessive ataxia
β受体亢进综合征 beta receptor hypersensitivity syndrome [又称]β受体过敏综合征 △
阿尔茨海默病 Alzheimer’s disease
阿米巴性脑膜炎 Amoebic meningitis
阿米巴性脑脓肿 Amoebic brain abscess
埃可病毒性脑膜炎 ECHO virus meningitis
埃可病毒性脑炎 ECHO virus encephalitis
埃莱尔-当洛综合征 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome [又称]肌挛缩型Ehlers-Danlos综合征 △,埃勒斯-当洛斯综合征 △,18-三体综合征 △
癌性脑白质病 cancerous brain white matter disease
癌性脑病 carcinomatous encephalopathy
癌性脑膜炎 meningitis carcinomatosa
艾滋病 acquired immune deficiency syndrome
艾滋病痴呆综合征 AIDS dementia syndrome [又称]HIV相关性痴呆 △
艾滋病性脑膜脑炎 AIDS meningoencephalitis
艾滋病性脑膜炎 AIDS meningitis
艾滋病性脑炎 AIDS encephalitis
氨基己糖苷A-B酶缺乏症 hexosaminidase A and B deficiency disease,Sandhoff disease [又称]桑德霍夫病 △,氨基己糖苷酶A和B缺乏症 △
氨基己糖苷酶缺乏症 hexosaminidase deficiency disease
鞍上蛛网膜囊肿 suprasellar arachnoid cyst
白喉性多神经炎 diphtheritic polyneuritis
白塞病 Behcet’s disease [又称]白塞氏综合征 △,Behcet病 △
斑马体肌病 myopathy with zebra body
半卵圆中心脓肿 half egg circle center abscess
伴典型自动症的发作 seizure with typical automatism
伴海马硬化的内侧颞叶癫痫 medial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis
伴可变起源灶的家族性局灶性癫痫 familial focal epilepsy with variable origin
伴可逆性胼胝体压部病变的轻度脑炎 mild encephalitis with a reversible splenial lesion,MERS [又称]感染性边缘叶脑炎 △
伴皮层下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病 cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy,CADASIL [又称]伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病 △
伴皮层下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体隐性遗传性脑动脉病 cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy,CARASIL [又称]伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体隐性遗传性脑动脉病 △
伴有初级感觉症状的发作 seizure with elementary sensory symptom
伴有轻偏瘫的偏侧抽搐状态 lateralized status convulsives with hemiparesis
伴有体验性感觉症状的发作 seizure with experiential sensory symptom
伴有听觉特点的常染色体显性遗传癫痫 autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory feature,ADEAF
伴中央颞区棘波的良性儿童癫痫 benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spike [又称]儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波 △
包涵体肌病 inclusion body myositis [又称]散发性包涵体肌炎 △
胞质体肌病 cytoplasmic body myopathy,spheroid body myopathy
贝克肌营养不良 Becker muscular dystrophy [又称]Becker型肌营养不良症 △,贝氏肌营养不良症 △
贝内迪克特综合征 Benedikt syndrome [又称]顶盖综合征 △,红核综合征 △,顶盖-中脑麻痹综合征 △
本体感觉诱发的反射性癫痫 proprioception evoked reflex epilepsy
闭孔神经损伤 lesion of obturator nerve
臂丛神经根炎 brachial radiculitis [又称]臂丛神经炎 △
臂丛神经麻痹 brachial plexus paralysis
臂丛神经损害 lesion of brachial plexus
臂丛神经炎 brachial plexus neuritis
边缘系统性癫痫持续状态 limbic system status epilepticus [又称]边缘叶性癫痫持续状态 △
边缘叶癫痫 limbic epilepsy
边缘叶脑炎 limbic encephalitis
变态反应性脑炎 allergic encephalitis
变形杆菌性脑膜炎 proteus meningitis
病毒性肌炎 viral myositis
病毒性脑膜脑炎 viral meningoencephalitis
病毒性脑膜炎 viral meningitis
病毒性脑炎 viral encephalitis
病毒性脑炎后遗症 viral encephalitis sequela
播散性坏死性脑白质病 disseminated necrotising leucoencephalopathy
卟啉病脑病 porphyric encephalopathy
卟啉病神经病 porphyric neuropathy [又称]血卟啉病性周围神经病 △
不安腿综合征 restless legs syndrome [又称]不宁腿综合征 △
不典型失神发作 untypical absence seizure
不规则的睡眠-觉醒型 irregular sleep-wake type
布朗-塞卡尔综合征 Brown-Sequard syndrome [又称]脊髓半切综合征 △
布氏杆菌多发性神经根神经病 bacterium burgeri polyradiculoneuropathy
布氏杆菌性脑炎 bacterium burgeri encephalitis [又称]布氏杆菌性脑膜炎 △
部分性持续性癫痫状态 partial status epilepticus,Kojewnikow syndrome [又称]Kojewnikow综合征 △
部分性癫痫持续状态 epilepsia partialis continua
部分性癫痫发作 partial seizure,focal seizure [又称]局灶性癫痫发作 △
部分性发作继发全面性发作 generalized seizure secondary to partial seizure
苍白球黑质红核色素变性 pallido-nigro-luysian degeneration,Hallervorden-Spatz disease [又称]哈勒沃登-施帕茨病 △
糙皮病性多神经病 pellagra polyneuropathy
侧窦栓塞 lateral sinus thrombosis
侧窦周围脓肿 lateral sinus surrounding abscess
肠病毒性脑炎 enteric viral encephalitis
肠道病毒性脑膜炎 enterovirus meningitis [又称]肠病毒性脑膜炎 △
肠伤寒所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to ileotyphus
肠系膜上丛交感神经损伤 lesion of superior mesenteric plexus sympathetic nerve
肠系膜下丛交感神经损伤 lesion of inferior mesenteric plexus sympathetic nerve
常染色体显性发作性睡病、肥胖和2型糖尿病 autosomal dominant sleep onset disease of obesity and type 2 diabetes
常染色体显性小脑共济失调、耳聋和发作性睡病 autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia,deafness and relapsing sleep disease
常染色体显性夜发性额叶癫痫 autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy,ADNFLE
常染色体显性遗传的多囊肾病 autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,ADPKD [又称]常染色体显性遗传多囊肾病 △
常染色体显性遗传性共济失调 autosomal dominant hereditary ataxia
常染色体显性遗传性朊蛋白病 autosomal dominant prion protein disease
常染色体显性遗传性视网膜血管病和脑白质病 autosomal dominant retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy
常染色体隐性遗传性共济失调 autosomal recessive hereditary ataxia
陈旧性结核性脑膜炎 chronic tuberculous meningitis
陈旧性脑梗死 old cerebral infarction
成年型脊髓性肌萎缩 adult onset spinal muscular atrophy
弛缓性偏瘫 flaccid hemiplegia [又称]周围性偏瘫 △
弛缓性瘫痪 flaccid paralysis [又称]周围性瘫痪 △
迟发性尺神经炎 delayed ulnar neuritis
迟发性儿童枕叶癫痫(Gastaut型) late onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy(Gastaut type)
迟发性小脑性共济失调 late-onset cerebellar ataxia
迟发性一氧化碳中毒脑病 tardive encephalopathy of carbon monoxide poisoning
迟发性运动障碍 tardive dyskinesia
持续特发性面痛 persistent idiopathic facial pain [又称]非典型性面部痛 △
持续性先兆 aura continua
尺神经麻痹 ulnar nerve palsy
尺神经损害 lesion of ulnar nerve
尺神经炎 ulnar neuritis
齿状核-红核-苍白球-路易体萎缩 dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy,DRPLA [又称]齿状红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩症 △
虫媒病毒性脑炎 arboviral encephalitis
抽动秽语综合征 Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
出血后脑积水 post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus
出血性痴呆 hemorrhagic dementia
出血性梗死 hemorrhagic infarct [又称]出血性脑梗死 △
出血性脊髓血管病 hemorrhagic spinal vascular disease
穿支动脉闭塞 wear the arterial occlusion
穿支动脉狭窄 wear the artery stenosis
创伤后骨萎缩 Sudeck atrophy
创伤后过度睡眠 post-traumatic hypersomnia
丛集性头痛 cluster headache [又称]丛集性头痛综合征 △
猝倒发作性睡病但不伴下丘脑分泌素缺乏 narcolepsy with cataplexy,without low hypocretin [又称]发作性睡病(有猝倒症但无下丘脑分泌素缺乏) △
催眠药物依赖性睡眠障碍 hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder
大肠埃希氏菌脑膜炎 Escherichia coli meningitis [又称]大肠杆菌脑膜炎 △
大脑大静脉畸形 malformation of great vein of galen
大脑动脉闭塞 cerebral artery occlusion
大脑动脉狭窄 cerebral artery stenosis
大脑动脉血栓性偏瘫 cerebral arterial thrombosis hemiplegia
大脑后动脉闭塞 posterior cerebral artery occlusion
大脑后动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) posterior cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction [又称]大脑后动脉闭塞和狭窄 △
大脑后动脉夹层 posterior cerebral artery dissection
大脑后动脉瘤 posterior cerebral artery aneurysm
大脑后动脉瘤破裂 posterior cerebral artery aneurysm rupture
大脑后动脉栓塞 posterior cerebral artery embolism
大脑后动脉狭窄 posterior cerebral artery stenosis
大脑后动脉狭窄性脑梗死 cerebral infarction after posterior cerebral artery stenosis
大脑后动脉血栓形成 posterior cerebral artery thrombosis
大脑后动脉综合征 posterior cerebral artery syndrome
大脑镰下疝 inferior cerebral falx hernia [又称]扣带回疝 △
大脑前动脉闭塞 anterior cerebral artery occlusion
大脑前动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) anterior cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
大脑前动脉闭塞综合征 anterior cerebral artery occlusive syndrome
大脑前动脉夹层 anterior cerebral artery dissection
大脑前动脉瘤 anterior cerebral artery aneurysm
大脑前动脉瘤破裂 anterior cerebral artery aneurysm rupture
大脑前动脉狭窄 anterior cerebral artery stenosis
大脑前动脉血栓形成 anterior cerebral artery thrombosis
大脑性脑室炎 cerebral ventricle
大脑中动脉闭塞 middle cerebral artery occlusion
大脑中动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) middle cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
大脑中动脉夹层 middle cerebral artery dissection
大脑中动脉瘤 middle cerebral artery aneurysm
大脑中动脉瘤破裂 middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture
大脑中动脉狭窄 middle cerebral artery stenosis
大脑中动脉血栓形成 middle cerebral artery thrombosis
大田原综合征 Ohtahara syndrome [又称]Ohtahara综合征 △,婴儿早期癫痫性脑病 △
代谢性脊髓病 metabolic myelopathy
代谢性脑病 metabolic encephalopathy
带状疱疹后神经痛 postzoster neuralgia
带状疱疹后坐骨神经痛 postherpetic sciatica [又称]带状疱疹性坐骨神经痛 △
带状疱疹性多颅神经麻痹 herpes zoster multiple cranial nerves palsy
带状疱疹性多神经病 postzoster polyneuropathy
带状疱疹性脑膜脑炎 herpes zoster meningoencephalitis [又称]带状疱疹脑膜炎 △
带状疱疹性脑膜炎 herpes zoster meningitis
带状疱疹性脑炎 herpes zoster encephalitis [又称]带状疱疹病毒性脑炎 △
带状疱疹性神经根脊髓炎 herpes zoster spinal cord inflammation [又称]带状疱疹神经根脊髓炎 △
带状疱疹性神经根炎 herpes zoster radiculitis
带状疱疹性膝状神经节炎 postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis
丹迪-沃克综合征 Dandy-Walker syndrome
单纯部分性运动性发作伴Jackson发作 simple partial seizure with Jackson seizure
单纯疱疹病毒性脑膜炎 herpes simplex virus meningitis
单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎 herpes simplex virus encephalitis
单光子发射电子计算机断层照相术 single photon emission computer tomography
单神经炎 mononeuritis
胆红素脑病 bilirubin encephalopathy
胆碱能神经功能亢进 cholinergic nerve hyperfunction
胆碱能危象 cholinergic crisis
岛叶癫痫 insular lobe epilepsy
倒班工作睡眠障碍 shift work sleep disorder
低钙血症脑病 hypocalcemia encephalopathy
低钾型周期性瘫痪 hypokalemic periodic paralysis,familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis [又称]低血钾性周期性麻痹 △,家族性周期性瘫 △
低颅压性头痛 low cerebrospinal fluid pressure headache
低钠血症脑病 hyponatremia encephalopathy
低血糖后昏迷的脑病 hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy [又称]低血糖昏迷性脑病 △
低血糖昏迷 hypoglycemic coma [又称]低血糖晕厥 △
低血糖脑病 hypoglycemic encephalopathy [又称]低血糖性脑病 △
迪谢内肌营养不良 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
骶神经根囊肿 sacral nerve root cyst
癫痫持续状态 status epilepticus,SE
癫痫性精神病 epileptic psychosis [又称]癫痫所致精神病 △
癫痫性脑病 epileptic encephalopathies
典型失神发作 typical absence seizure
淀粉样变性周围神经病 amyloid peripheral neuropathy [又称]家族性淀粉样变性周围神经病 △
蝶骨嵴疝 crista sphenoidalis hernia
顶叶出血 parietal lobe hemorrhage
顶叶癫痫 parietal lobe epilepsy
顶叶脓肿 parietal lobe abscess
顶枕叶脑出血 occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage
东方马脑炎 eastern equine encephalitis [又称]东部马脑炎 △
动静脉畸形 arteriovenous malformation
动脉粥样硬化性脑病 atherosclerosis encephalopathy
豆状核出血 lentiform nucleus hemorrhage
毒品/药物所致的睡眠障碍 sleep disorder caused by drug
毒素诱发的睡眠障碍 toxin induced sleep disorder
短暂性脑缺血发作 transient ischemic attack,TIA
短暂性全面遗忘 transient global amnesia [又称]短暂性完全性遗忘 △
多巴反应性肌张力障碍 dopa-responsive dystonia [又称]多巴胺反应性肌张力障碍 △
多重酰基辅酶A脱氢酶缺乏症 multiple acyl-Coa dehydrogenase deficiency [又称]多长链脂酰辅酶A脱氢酶缺陷病 △,MADD(戊二酸尿症Ⅱ型) △
多处脑叶出血 several brain lobe hemorrhage [又称]脑叶出血 △
多发脑梗死性痴呆 cerebral multi-infarction dementia [又称]脑血管多发梗死性痴呆 △
多发性大动脉炎 polyarteritis
多发性单神经炎 mononeuritis multiplex
多发性和双侧入脑前动脉综合征 multiple and bilateral the anteromedial into a brain artery syndrome [又称]多个和双侧入脑前动脉的闭塞和狭窄 △
多发性肌炎 multiple myositis,polymyositis,PM
多发性颅神经麻痹 multiple cranial nerves palsy
多发性颅神经损害 disorder of multiple cranial nerves
多发性颅神经炎 polyneuritis cranialis
多发性脑梗死 multiple cerebal infarction
多发性硬化 multiple sclerosis
多发性硬化(复发缓解型) multiple sclerosis,relapsing remitting
多发性硬化(继发进展型) multiple sclerosis,secondary progressive
多发性硬化(进展复发型) multiple sclerosis,progressive relapsing
多发性硬化(原发进展型) multiple sclerosis,primary progressive
多个大脑动脉闭塞和狭窄 multiple cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis [又称]多发性脑动脉闭塞 △,多发性脑动脉狭窄 △
多个和双侧脑动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) multiple and bilateral cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
多个和双侧入脑前动脉的闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) multiple and double side into cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis caused no cerebral infarction
多汗症 hyperhidrosis [又称]多汗 △
多神经病 polyneuropathy [又称]多发性神经病 △
多系统萎缩 multiple system atrophy,MSA
多系统萎缩-帕金森型 MSA-Parkinsonian phenotype
多系统萎缩-小脑型 MSA-cerebellar phenotype [又称]多系统萎缩C型 △
多小脑回畸形 microgyria malformation
多灶型肌张力障碍 multifocal dystonia
多灶性运动神经病 multifocal motor neuropathy
多轴空病 multicore disease,minicore disease
额顶叶脑出血 frontal and parietal lobe cerebral hemorrhage
额顶枕叶脑出血 frontal occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage
额颞顶叶脑出血 temporal and parietal lobe cerebral hemorrhage
额颞顶枕叶脑出血 frontotemporal occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage
额颞叶变性 frontotemporal lobar degeneration
额颞叶痴呆 frontotemporal dementia
额颞叶出血 the frontal temporal lobe hemorrhage
额叶出血 frontal lobe hemorrhage
额叶癫痫 frontal lobe epilepsy
额叶脓肿 frontal lobe abscess
鳄泪综合征 crocodile tear syndrome
儿童交替性偏瘫 childhood alternating hemiplegia
儿童进行性延髓性麻痹 progressive bulbar palsy of childhood [又称]少年型Ⅲ型脊髓性肌萎缩 △,少年型脊髓性肌萎缩 △
儿童良性阵发性眩晕 childhood benigh episodic vertigo
儿童期脑萎缩 childhood brain atrophy
儿童失神癫痫 childhood absence epilepsy,childhood pyknolepsy
儿童周期性综合征 childhood periodic syndrome
耳源性脑积水 otogenic hydrocephalus
耳源性脑膜炎 otogenic meningitis
耳源性脑脓肿 otogenic brain abscess
二期梅毒性脑膜炎 secondary syphilitic meningitis
发笑性发作 gelastic seizure [又称]痴笑性发作 △
发作性丛集性头痛 episodic cluster headache [又称]慢性丛集性头痛 △
发作性肌张力障碍 paroxysmal dystonia
发作性紧张型头痛 episodic tension-type headache [又称]慢性紧张型头痛 △
发作性睡病 narcolepsy
发作性舞蹈手足徐动症 paroxysmal choreoathetosis [又称]发作性舞蹈-手足徐动症 △
法布里病 Fabry disease [又称]Fabry病 △
反复发作性过度睡眠 recurrent excessive sleep
反射性癫痫 reflex epilepsy
反射性虹膜麻痹 Argyll Robertson pupil [又称]阿·罗瞳孔 △
反射性交感神经营养不良 reflex sympathetic dystrophy [又称]交感反射性营养不良 △
反射性膀胱 reflex bladder
反射性晕厥 reflex syncope [又称]神经介导的反射性晕厥综合征 △
放射性多神经病 radioactive polyneuropathy [又称]放射性多发性周围神经病 △
放射性脊髓病 radiation myelopathy
放射性脑病 radiation encephalopathy
放射性周围神经病 radioactive peripheral neuropathy
放线菌脑膜炎 actinomycete meningitis
非24小时睡眠觉醒综合征 24-hour sleep-wake syndrome
非对称性强直性发作 asymmetrical tonic seizure
非副肿瘤性边缘叶脑炎 non-pseudotumorous limbic encephalitis
非化脓性海绵窦血栓形成 non suppurative cavernous sinus thrombosis
非化脓性横窦血栓形成 non suppurative transverse sinus thrombosis
非化脓性颈静脉血栓形成 non suppurative jugular vein thrombosis
非化脓性颅内静脉窦血栓形成 non suppurative intracranial venous sinus thrombosis [又称]颅内静脉窦血栓形成(非化脓性) △
非化脓性颅内静脉血栓形成 non suppurative intracranial venous thrombosis [又称]大脑静脉非化脓性血栓形成 △
非化脓性脑膜炎 non-purulent meningitis
非化脓性矢状窦血栓形成 non suppurative sagittal sinus thrombosis
非化脓性乙状窦血栓形成 non suppurative sigmoid sinus thrombosis
非化脓性直窦血栓形成 non suppurative straight sinus thrombosis
非进行性脑病的肌阵挛持续病 myoclonic status in nonprogressive encephalopathy,MSNE
非快速眼动睡眠唤醒障碍 non-REM sleep arousal disorder
非特异性脑炎 nonspecific encephalitis
非运动诱发性肌张力障碍 paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia
肥大性橄榄核变性 hypertrophic olivary degeneration,HOD
肥大性间质神经病 hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy [又称]德热里纳-索塔病 △
肥厚性硬脊膜炎 hypertrophic pachymeningitis
腓肠神经损伤 injury of the sural nerve
腓骨肌萎缩 peroneal muscular atrophy,Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
腓深神经麻痹 deep fibular nerve palsy
腓深神经外侧支末端损伤 injury of the distal end of the deep nerve
腓神经麻痹 peroneal nerve palsy
腓神经损伤 lesion of peroneal nerve [又称]腓神经损害 △
腓总神经麻痹 common peroneal nerve palsy
腓总神经损害 lesion of common peroneal nerve [又称]腓总神经损伤 △
腓总神经损伤 common peroneal nerve injury
肺丛神经损伤 lesion of pulmonary plexus
肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy
肺炎球菌脑膜炎 pneumococcal meningitis [又称]肺炎球菌性脑膜炎 △
肺炎支原体性脑炎 mycoplasma pneumoniae encephalitis [又称]支原体脑炎 △
废用性萎缩 disuse atrophy [又称]失用性萎缩 △,Felty综合征 △
费舍综合征 Miller-Fisher syndrome [又称]变异型吉兰-巴雷综合征 △,Miller-Fisher综合征 △
分层蛋白缺乏型先天性肌营养不良 merosin deficient congenital muscular dystrophy [又称]merosin缺乏症 △
风湿免疫病合并肌病 rheumatic or autoimmune disease complicated with myopathy
风湿性关节炎合并肌病 rheumatic arthritis complicated with myopathy
风湿性舞蹈病 chorea rheumatica
风疹性脑膜脑炎 rubella meningoencephalitis
风疹性脑膜炎 rubella meningitis
跗管综合征 tarsal tunnel syndrome
弗里德伦德尔肺炎杆菌脑膜炎 Friedleaender pneumoniae meningitis
福山先天性肌营养不良 Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy,FCMD [又称]Fukuyama型先天性肌营养不良 △
负性肌阵挛发作 negative myoclonic seizure
复发性多软骨炎 relapsing polychondritis,RP
复发性淋巴细胞性脑膜炎 recurrent lymphocytic meningitis
复发性脑血管病 recurrent cerebrovascular disease
复杂性局部疼痛综合征 complex regional pain syndrome
复杂性偏头痛 complicated migraine
副蛋白血症相关神经病 neuropathy associated with paraproteinemia
副神经疾病 disease of accessory nerve [又称]副神经疾患 △
副神经损伤 lesion of accessory nerve
副肿瘤相关的周围神经病 peripheral neuropathy in paraneoplastic disease [又称]副肿瘤性周围神经病 △
副肿瘤性边缘性脑炎 paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
副肿瘤性边缘叶脑炎 paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis [又称]副肿瘤相关性边缘叶脑炎 △
副肿瘤性感觉性神经病 paraneoplastic esthesionosis [又称]特发性感觉神经元神经病 △
副肿瘤性感觉运动性神经病 paraneoplastic sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy
副肿瘤性脑干脑炎 paraneoplastic brainstem encephalitis
副肿瘤性脑脊髓炎 paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
副肿瘤性小脑变性 paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
副肿瘤综合征 paraneoplastic syndrome
腹型偏头痛 abdominal migraine
干燥综合征 Sjogren syndrome [又称]舍格伦综合征 △
干燥综合征合并肌病 Sjogren syndrome complicated with myopathy
肝豆状核变性 Wilson disease [又称]威尔逊病 △
肝性脊髓病 hepatic myelopathy
肝性脑病 hepatic encephalopathy
肝硬化所致精神障碍 cirrhosis caused psychonosema
感觉神经元病 sensory neuron disease
感觉性多发性神经病 sensory polyneuropathy
感觉性共济失调步态 sensory ataxia
感觉障碍性膀胱 sensory paralytic bladder
感染后脑脊髓炎 postinfectious encephalomyelitis
感染后脑炎 postinfectious encephalitis
感染性周围神经病 infectious peripheral neuropathy
橄榄体脑桥小脑变性 olivopontocerebellar degeneration
橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩伴缓慢眼动 olivopontocerebellar atrophy with slow eye movement
橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩伴失明 olivopontocerebellar atrophy with blindness
高钙血症脑病 hypercalcinemia encephalopathy
高钾型周期性瘫痪 hyperkalemic periodic paralysis [又称]高血钾性周期性麻痹 △,强直性周期性麻痹 △
高钠血症性脑病 hypernatremia encephalopathy
高血压脑病 hypertensive encephalopathy
高原性失眠 altitude insomnia
膈神经麻痹 phrenic nerve paralysis
膈神经损伤 phrenic nerve injury
根据特定病因确定的内侧颞叶癫痫 medial temporal lobe epilepsy determined by specific cause
梗阻性脑积水 obstructive hydrocephalus [又称]非交通性脑积水 △
弓形虫脑膜脑炎 toxoplasma meningoencephalitis
弓形虫脑炎 toxoplasma encephalitis
共济失调伴有白内障 ataxia with cataract
共济失调伴有肌阵挛性小脑协同失调 ataxia with myoclonus dyssynergia
共济失调毛细血管扩张症 ataxia telangiectasia [又称]Louis-Bar综合征 △
共济失调综合征 ataxia syndrome
钩端螺旋体病脑膜脑炎型 leptospirosis meningoencephalitis [又称]脑膜脑炎型钩端螺旋体病 △
钩端螺旋体性脑动脉炎 cerebral leptospirosis arteritis
钩回疝 uncal herniation
股神经麻痹 femoral nerve palsies
股神经损伤 injury of femoral nerve,femoral nerve injury
股外侧皮神经卡压综合征 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome,meralgia paresthetica [又称]感觉异常性股痛 △
股外侧皮神经炎 lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis
骨间背侧神经嵌压综合征 posterior interosseous nerve compression syndrome
关岛型肌萎缩侧索硬化-帕金森-痴呆综合征 Guam amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Parkinson dementia syndrome
关岛型帕金森综合征-痴呆综合征 Guamanian Parkinsonism-dementia complex [又称]关岛肌萎缩侧索硬化-帕金森-痴呆综合征 △
管聚集性肌病 myopathy with tubular aggregate
广州管圆线虫病 angiostrongyliasis cantonensis [又称]广州血管圆线虫病 △
广州管圆线虫病性脑炎 angiostrongyliasis encephalitis
过度换气综合征 hyperventilation syndrome
过度运动发作 hypermotor seizure,hyperkinetic automatism
海绵窦动静脉瘘 arteriovenous fistula of the cavernous sinus
海绵窦脓肿 cavernous sinus abscess
海绵窦血栓形成 cavernous sinus thrombosis
海绵窦血栓性静脉炎 cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis
海绵窦炎 cavernous sinusitis
海绵窦综合征 cavernous sinus syndrome
海绵状脑白质营养不良症 Canavan disease,spongy degeneration of central nervous system [又称]卡纳万病 △,Canavan病 △,中枢神经系统海绵样变性 △
海绵状血管瘤 cavernous hemangioma,cavernous angioma
汗足综合征 sweaty feet syndrome
河豚中毒 fugu poisoning
黑色素瘤相关性视网膜病 melanoma associated retinopathy
亨廷顿病 Huntington disease [又称]亨廷顿舞蹈病 △,肌阵挛性肌张力障碍张力失常 △
横纹肌溶解 rhabdomyolysis [又称]横纹肌溶解综合征 △
红斑性面痛 erythroprosopalgia
红斑性肢痛症 erythromelalgia [又称]红斑性肢痛病 △
喉部肌张力障碍 laryngeal dystonia [又称]喉肌麻痹 △
喉返神经麻痹 recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
喉返神经炎 recurrent laryngeal neuritis
后部皮质萎缩 posterior cortical atrophy
后交通动脉闭塞 posterior communicating artery occlusion
后交通动脉瘤 posterior communicating artery aneurysm
后交通动脉瘤破裂 posterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture [又称]后交通动脉瘤破裂伴蛛网膜下腔出血 △
后交通动脉狭窄 posterior communicating artery stenosis
后颈交感神经综合征 Barre-Lieou syndrome
后循环缺血 posterior circulation ischemia
滑车神经损伤 trochlear nerve injury
化脓性海绵窦血栓形成 suppurative cavernous sinus thrombosis [又称]海绵窦血栓形成 △
化脓性横窦血栓形成 suppurative transverse sinus thrombosis [又称]横窦血栓形成 △
化脓性脊髓炎 suppurative myelitis
化脓性颅内静脉窦血栓形成 pyogenic intracranial venous sinus thrombosis
化脓性脑膜脑炎 purulent meningoencephalitis
化脓性脑膜炎 purulent meningitis
化脓性脑室炎 purulent ventriculitis
化脓性矢状窦血栓形成 suppurative sagittal sinus thrombosis
化脓性乙状窦血栓形成 suppurative sigmoid sinus thrombosis
化脓性直窦血栓形成 suppurative straight sinus thrombosis
化学性多神经病 chemical polyneuropathy
化学性脑膜炎 chemical meningitis
还原体肌病 reducing body myopathy
环境性睡眠障碍 environmental sleep disorder [又称]睡眠障碍 △
灰质变性 Alpers syndrome [又称]阿尔珀斯综合征 △
混合型阿尔茨海默病 mixed type of Alzheimer disease
混合型脑膜瘤 mixed meningioma
混合性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 mixed sleep apnea hypopnea syndrom
混合性周围神经病 mixed peripheral neuropathy
获得性癫痫性失语 acquired aphasia with epilepsy [又称]获得性失语综合征 △,Landau-Kleffner综合征 △
获得性多灶性感觉运动神经病 acquired multifocal sensorymotor neuropathy [又称]多灶性感觉运动神经病 △
获得性脑弓形虫病 acquired cerebral toxoplasmosis
获得性周围神经病 acquired peripheral neuropathy
肌、眼、脑病 muscle-eye-brain disease [又称]肌-眼-脑病 △
肌病伴有镶边空泡 myopathy with rimmed vacuole
肌病伴有圆柱状螺旋体 myopathy with cylindrical body
肌管性肌病 myotubular myopathy [又称]肌管肌病 △
肌皮神经损伤 injury of musculocutaneous nerve
肌肉活组织检查 muscle biopsy
肌神经疾患 myoneural disorder
肌萎缩侧索硬化 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
肌营养不良 muscular dystrophy
肌张力障碍 dysmyotonia
肌阵挛-猝倒发作的癫痫 myoclonic-atonic epilepsy [又称]Doose综合征 △
肌阵挛癫痫伴破碎红纤维 myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibre [又称]Merrf综合征 △
肌阵挛发作 myoclonic seizure
肌阵挛失神癫痫 epilepsy with myoclonic absence
肌阵挛失张力发作 epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizure
肌阵挛小脑性共济失调 myoclonus cerebellar ataxia [又称]肌阵挛性肌张力障碍张力失常 △,拉姆齐·亨特综合征 △
肌阵挛性肌张力障碍 myoclonic dystonia
肌阵挛性失神发作 myoclonic absence seizure [又称]肌阵挛失神 △
肌阵挛性小脑协同失调 myoclonic cerebellar dyssynergia
基底动脉闭塞 basilar artery occlusion
基底动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) basilar artery occlusion and stenosis without cerebral infarction
基底动脉畸形 basal artery malformation
基底动脉夹层 basal artery dissection
基底动脉尖综合征 top of basilar artery syndrome
基底动脉瘤 basilar artery aneurysm
基底动脉瘤破裂 basilar artery aneurysm rupture [又称]基底动脉顶端动脉瘤破裂 △
基底动脉栓塞 basilar arterial thrombosis
基底动脉狭窄 basilar arterial stenosis
基底动脉血栓形成 vertebrobasilar thrombosis
基底节病变 basal ganglia lesion
基底节出血 basal ganglia hemorrhage [又称]基底节区出血 △
基底节脑梗死 basal ganglia cerebral infarction
基底节脓肿 basal ganglia abscess
基底型偏头痛 basilar migraine [又称]基底动脉型偏头痛 △
畸胎瘤 teratoma
吉兰-巴雷综合征 Guillain-Barre syndrome,acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy [又称]急性感染性多神经炎 △,急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经根神经病 △
急性播散性脑脊髓炎 acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
急性播散性脑炎 acute disseminated encephalitis
急性播散性脱髓鞘 acute disseminated demyelinating disease
急性长节段横贯性脊髓炎 acute longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis
急性出血性脑白质病 acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy
急性泛自主神经病 acute panautonomic neuropathy
急性感觉神经病 acute sensory neuropathy
急性感觉运动神经病 acute sensorymotor neuropathy [又称]急性运动感觉轴索性神经病 △
急性高原病 acute high altitude sickness
急性和亚急性出血性白质脑炎 acute and subacute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
急性横贯性脊髓炎 acute transverse myelitis
急性脊髓灰质炎 acute poliomyelitis
急性脊髓炎 acute myelitis
急性脑膜脑炎 acute meningoencephalitis
急性脑膜炎 acute meningitis
急性脑血管病 acute cerebrovascular disease
急性全自主神经障碍 acute complete autonomic nerve disorder
急性上行性脊髓炎 acute accending myelitis
急性神经根脊髓炎 acute myeloradiculitis
急性透析性脑病 acute dialysis encephalopathy
急性外伤后头痛 acute post-traumatic headache
急性小脑炎 acute cerebellitis
急性硬膜下出血 acute subdural hemorrhage
急性运动轴索性神经病 acute motor axonal neuropathy
急性中毒性脑病 acute toxic encephalopathy
急性轴索性运动神经病 acute motor axonal neuropathy [又称]急性运动轴索性神经病 △,急性运动感觉轴索性神经病 △
脊神经根损伤 injury of spinal nerve root
脊髓变性 spinal degeneration
脊髓电子神经刺激器引起的机械性并发症 mechanical complication caused by spinal cord electronic nerve stimulator
脊髓动静脉瘘 spinal arteriovenous fistulae [又称]髓内动静脉瘘 △
脊髓多发性硬化 spinal multiple sclerosis
脊髓后侧索综合征 posterolateral spinal symdrome [又称]脊髓后侧索硬化 △,达纳-普特南综合征 △
脊髓灰质炎顿挫型 abortive type of spodiomyelitis
脊髓灰质炎后遗症 postpoliomyelitis syndrome
脊髓灰质炎瘫痪型 paralytic type of spodiomyelitis
脊髓灰质炎无瘫痪型 non-paralytic type of spodiomyelitis
脊髓交界性肿瘤 borderline spinal neoplasm
脊髓结核瘤 spinal cord tuberculoma
脊髓空洞性夏科关节病 syringomyelia Charcot’s arthropathy
脊髓空洞症 syringomyelia
脊髓痨 tabes dorsalis
脊髓囊虫病 spinal cysticercosis
脊髓囊肿 myelocyst
脊髓脓肿 spinal cord abscess
脊髓膨出 spinal protrution
脊髓前动脉瘤 spinal cord ventral aneurysm [又称]脊髓动脉瘤 △
脊髓前动脉瘤破裂 spinal cord ventral aneurysm rupture
脊髓肉芽肿 spinal granuloma
脊髓神经根病 myeloradiculopathy
脊髓神经根炎 myeloradiculitis
脊髓栓系综合征 tethered cord syndrome
脊髓小脑变性 spinal cerebeller degeneration
脊髓小脑性共济失调 spinocerebellar ataxia
脊髓性肌萎缩 spinal muscular atrophy
脊髓性肌萎缩琉球型 Ryukyuan type of spinal muscular atrophy
脊髓血管畸形 vascular malformation of spinal cord
脊髓亚急性联合变性 subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord [又称]侧索联合变性病 △,亚急性脊髓联合变性病 △
脊髓延髓肌萎缩症 spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy [又称]延髓脊髓性肌萎缩 △,肯尼迪病 △,Kennedy病 △
脊髓炎 myelitis
脊髓炎后遗症 sequelae of myelitis
脊髓粘连 adhesion of the spinal cord [又称]脊髓蛛网膜粘连 △
脊髓蛛网膜炎 spinal arachnoiditis
脊髓纵裂畸形 congenital diastematomyelia [又称]先天性脊髓纵裂 △
脊柱结核 spinal tuberculosis
继发性不安腿综合征 secondary restless legs syndrome
继发性侧索硬化 secondary lateral sclerosis
继发性低血钾性周期性麻痹 secondary periodic paralysis due to hypokalaemia [又称]继发性低钾型周期性瘫痪 △
继发性肌张力障碍 secondary dystonia
继发性脑积水 secondary hydrocephalus
继发性脑室出血 secondary ventricular hemorrhage
继发性帕金森综合征 secondary Parkinsonism
继发性三叉神经痛 secondary trigeminal neuralgia
继发性舌咽神经痛 secondary glossopharyngeal neuralgia
继发性失眠 secondary insomnia
继发于结缔组织病的周围神经病 peripheral neuropathy secondary to connective tissue disease
继发于另一种躯体状况的发作性睡病 secondary to sleep another body condition of relapsing disease
寄生虫病并发肌病 parasitic disease complicated with myopathy [又称]寄生虫性肌炎 △,寄生虫疾病合并肌病 △
寄生虫性脑膜炎 parasite meningitis
加利福尼亚脑炎 California encephalitis
家族性阿尔茨海默病性痴呆(晚发性) late-onset family Alzheimer disease [又称]晚发型家族性阿尔茨海默病 △
家族性阿尔茨海默病性痴呆(早发性) early-onset family Alzheimer disease [又称]家族性阿尔茨海默病(早发性) △,早发型阿尔茨海默病 △
家族性(常染色体显性遗传)局灶性癫痫 familial(autosomal dominant)focal epilepsy [又称]家族性局灶性癫痫 △
家族性淀粉样变性周围神经病 familial amyloidosis peripheral neuropathy
家族性高血钾性周期性麻痹 familial hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
家族性颞叶癫痫 familial temporal lobe epilepsy
家族性帕金森综合征伴周围神经病 familial Parkinsonism with peripheral neuropathy
家族性偏瘫型偏头痛 familial hemiplegic migraine
家族性特发性基底节钙化症 familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcif ication [又称]Fahr病 △
家族性震颤 familial tremor
家族性肢带肌无力 familial limb-girdle myasthenia
家族性致死性失眠症 familial fatal insomnia [又称]家族性致死性失眠 △
家族性自主神经功能失调 familial dysautonomia [又称]家族性植物神经功能失调 △
夹层动脉瘤 dissecting aneurysm
甲亢性肌无力综合征 hyperthyreosis myasthenic syndrome
甲亢性周期性瘫痪 hyperthyreosis periodic paralysis [又称]甲亢性周期性麻痹 △
甲状旁腺功能减低合并肌病 infectious disease complicated with myopathy [又称]甲状旁腺功能减退性肌病 △
甲状旁腺功能减退伴肌病 myopathy with hypoparathyroidism [又称]甲状旁腺功能减退性肌病 △
甲状旁腺功能减退脑病 hypoparathyroidism encephalopathy
甲状旁腺功能亢进合并肌病 hyperparathyroidism complicated with myopathy [又称]甲状腺功能亢进性肌病 △
甲状旁腺功能亢进脑病 hyperparathyroidism encephalopathy
甲状腺功能减退脑病 hypothyroidism encephalopathy
甲状腺功能减退所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to hypothyroidism
甲状腺功能减退性肌病 myopathy with hypothyroidism,hypothyroid myopathy [又称]甲状腺机能减退伴肌病 △
甲状腺功能亢进伴眼肌病 ocular myopathy with hyperthyroidism
甲状腺功能亢进所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to hyperthyroidism
甲状腺功能亢进性脑病 hyperthyroidism encephalopathy
甲状腺功能异常眼外肌麻痹 dysthyroid ophthalmoplegia [又称]甲状腺相关眼病 △
假性肌张力障碍 pseudodystonia
假性脑膜炎 meningism
间脑病 diencephalosis
间脑炎 diencephalitis
肩腓型脊髓性肌萎缩 scapuloperoneal form of spinal muscular atrophy
肩和上臂多发性神经损伤 multiple nerves injuries of the shoulder and upper arm [又称]肩和上臂水平的多神经损伤 △
肩和上臂皮感觉神经损伤 cutaneous sensory nerve injury of shoulder and brachium [又称]肩和上臂水平的皮感觉神经损伤 △
肩和上臂神经损伤 shoulder and upper arm nerve injury [又称]肩和上臂水平的多神经损伤 △
肩胛腓型脊髓性肌萎缩 scapularperoneal spinal muscular atrophy
肩胛上神经卡压综合征 suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome
肩手综合征 shoulder-hand syndrome
减压病 decompression sickness
睑痉挛 blepharospasm [又称]眼睑痉挛 △
睑痉挛-口下颌肌张力障碍 blepharospasm oromandibular dystonia [又称]Meige’s syndrome △
僵人综合征 stiff man syndrome
交感神经链综合征 sympathetic chain syndrome
交感神经炎 sympathetic neuritis
交通性脑积水 communicating hydrocephalus
胶原病性神经炎 collagenous neuritis
脚气病性多神经炎 beriberi polyneuritis
觉醒不全综合征 awakening insufficiency syndrome
节段性肌张力障碍 segmental dystonia [又称]节段型肌张力障碍 △
节律性运动障碍 rhythmic movement disorder
结核性脊膜炎 tuberculous meningitis [又称]结核性脑膜炎后遗症 △
结核性脑动脉炎 tuberculous cerebral arteritis
结核性脑膜脑炎 tuberculous meningoencephalitis
结核性脑膜炎 tuberculous meningitis
结核性脑炎 tuberculosis encephalitis
结节病伴多发性颅神经麻痹 sarcoidosis with multiple cranial nerves palsy [又称]结节病性多发脑神经麻痹 △
结节性多动脉炎 polyarteritis nodosa
结节性硬化症 tuberous sclerosis
介入治疗后出血 haemorrhage after interventional therapy [又称]经皮冠状动脉介入治疗后并发症 △
紧张性头痛 tension headache [又称]紧张型头痛 △
进食诱发的反射性癫痫 eating induced reflex epilepsy
进行性苍白球变性 Winkelman’s disease
进行性多灶性白质脑病 progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
进行性多灶性白质脑病伴AIDS progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy with AIDS
进行性风疹全脑炎 progressive rubella panencephalitis
进行性核上性麻痹 progressive supranuclear palsy
进行性肌萎缩 progressive muscular atrophy [又称]进行性肌肉萎缩症 △
进行性肌阵挛癫痫 progressive myoclonic epilepsy [又称]进行性肌阵挛性癫痫 △
进行性脊肌萎缩 progressive spinal muscular atrophy [又称]进行性脊髓性肌萎缩 △
进行性小脑共济失调 progressive cerebellar ataxia
进行性延髓麻痹 progressive bulbar palsy [又称]进行性球麻痹 △
进行性婴儿期灰质营养不良 progressive infantile gray matter dystrophy
进行性脂肪营养不良 progressive lipodystrophy [又称]远心性脂肪营养不良 △
惊吓诱发的反射性癫痫 frightening evoked reflex epilepsy [又称]惊吓性癫痫 △
精神发育迟缓 mental retardation
颈臂综合征 cervicobrachial syndrome
颈动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) carotid artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction [又称]颈动脉闭塞和狭窄 △
颈动脉闭塞或狭窄性脑梗死 carotid artery occlusion or stenosis cerebral infarction [又称]颈动脉闭塞脑梗死 △
颈动脉动脉硬化 carotid artery atherosclerosis [又称]颈动脉硬化 △
颈动脉窦性晕厥 carotid sinus syncope,cervical syncope [又称]颈性晕厥 △
颈动脉梗死 carotid artery infarction
颈动脉夹层 carotid dissection
颈动脉狭窄 carotid artery stenosis
颈动脉血栓形成 carotid artery thrombosis
颈静脉球瘤 tumor of glomus jugulare
颈内动脉闭塞 internal carotid artery occlusion
颈内动脉海绵窦瘘 carotid-cavernous fistula
颈内动脉夹层 internal carotid artery dissection
颈内动脉瘤 internal carotid aneurysm
颈内动脉缺血 internal carotid artery ischemia
颈内动脉栓塞 internal carotid artery embolism
颈内动脉狭窄 internal carotid artery stenosis
颈内动脉血栓形成 internal carotid artery thrombosis
颈神经根损害 injury of cervical nerve root
颈神经根炎 cervical radiculitis
颈外动脉夹层 external carotid artery dissection
颈源性头痛 cervicogenic headache [又称]颈神经后支源性头痛 △,高位神经根性颈椎病 △
颈总动脉闭塞 common carotid artery occlusion
颈总动脉夹层 carotid artery dissection
颈总动脉狭窄 carotid arterial stenosis
胫后神经嵌压综合征 posterior tibial nerve compression syndrome [又称]胫后神经卡压综合征 △
胫神经麻痹 tibial never palsies
痉挛 spasm
痉挛性截瘫步态 spastic paraplegic gait
静脉性梗死 venous infarction
静脉血管瘤 venous hemangioma [又称]静脉性血管瘤 △
酒精性痴呆 alcoholic dementia [又称]酒精中毒性痴呆 △
酒精性的神经系统变性 alcoholic neurodegenerative disease
酒精性肌病 alcoholic myopathy [又称]酒精中毒性肌病 △
酒精性脑变性 alcoholic cerebral degeneration
酒精性小脑变性 alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
酒精性小脑共济失调 alcoholic cerebellar ataxia [又称]酒精中毒性小脑共济失调 △
酒精遗忘综合征 alcoholic amnestic syndrome
酒精(乙醇)戒断性发作 alcohol(ethanol)withdrawal seizure
酒精中毒性多神经病 alcoholic polyneuropathy
酒精中毒性科尔萨科夫综合征 Korsakov’s syndrome,intoxication in alcohol-induced [又称]酒精相关性遗忘综合征 △
酒精中毒性脑病 alcoholism encephalopathy
酒精中毒性胼胝体病变 alcoholic corpus callosum lesion
酒精中毒性视神经病变 alcoholic toxic optic neuropathy [又称]中毒性视神经病变 △
酒精中毒性周围神经病 alcoholism peripheral neuropathy
局限性颅内压增高 localized increased intracranial pressure [又称]良性颅内高压 △
局限性脑膜炎 limitation of meningitis
局限性脑炎 limitation of encephalitis
局灶负性肌阵挛 focal negative myoclonic seizure [又称]负性肌阵挛 △
局灶型肌张力障碍 focal dystonia
局灶阵挛性发作 focal myoclonic seizure
巨脑症 megalencephaly [又称]巨脑 △,先天巨脑回 △,先天性巨脑回 △
巨细胞病毒性脑炎 cytomegalovirus encephalitis
巨细胞性动脉炎 giant cell arteritis [又称]巨细胞动脉炎 △
巨轴索神经病 giant axonal neuropathy
军团菌性脑炎 legionella bacteria encephalitis
卡恩斯-塞尔综合征 Kearns-Sayre syndrome [又称]眼肌麻痹综合征 △,眼肌麻痹伴房室阻滞 △,眼外肌麻痹-色素性视网膜炎-心脏传导阻滞综合征 △,慢性进行性眼肌麻痹 △
凯-弗环 Kayser-Fleischer ring
抗AMPA受体脑炎 anti-AMPA receptor encephalitis
抗amphiphysin相关脑炎 anti-amphiphysin related encephalitis
抗CV2抗体相关脑炎 anti-CV2 antibody related encephalitis
抗GAD抗体相关脑炎 anti-GAD antibody related encephalitis
抗Gly受体抗体脑炎 anti-Gly receptor antibody encephalitis
抗Ma2相关脑炎 anti-Ma 2 related encephalitis [又称]抗Ma 2脑炎 △
抗mGluR脑炎 anti-mGlu receptor encephalitis
抗N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)脑炎 anti-NMDAR antibody encephalitis [又称]抗N-甲基-D-门冬氨酸受体脑炎 △
抗Ri相关脑炎 anti-Ri related encephalitis
抗SOX1相关脑炎 anti-SOX 1 related encephalitis
抗Yo抗体相关脑炎 anti-Yo antibody related encephalitis
抗富亮氨酸胶质瘤失活1蛋白(LGI-1)相关自身免疫性脑炎 anti-LGI1 related autoimmune encephalitis
抗-伽玛-氨基丁酸B(GABA-B)受体脑炎 anti-GABA receptor encephalitis
抗接触蛋白相关蛋白样2(CASPR2)相关脑炎 anti-CASPR 2 related encephalitis
柯萨奇病毒性脑膜炎 Coxsackie virus meningitis
柯萨奇病毒性脑炎 Coxsackie virus encephalitis
科布综合征 Cobb syndrome
咳嗽晕厥 cough syncope [又称]咳嗽性晕厥 △
可传播海绵状脑病 transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
可逆性后部白质脑病综合征 reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome,RPLS [又称]可逆性后部脑白质脑病 △
克莱内-莱文综合征 Kleine-Levin syndrome [又称]Kleine-Levin综合征 △,周期性嗜睡与病理性饥饿综合征 △
克雷伯肺炎杆菌脑膜炎 Klebsiellar meningitis
克罗斯综合征 Cross syndrome [又称]视交叉综合征 △
克-雅病 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [又称]克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病 △
刻板症 stereotypia
空泡样脊髓病 vacuolar myelopathy
库鲁病 Kuru disease
快速眼动睡眠相关性窦性停搏 REM sleep-related sinus arrest
快速眼动睡眠行为障碍 REM sleep behavior disorder [又称]快动眼睡眠行为障碍 △
髋部多神经损伤 multiple nerves injuries of the hip
髋部股神经损伤 hip femoral nerve injury [又称]髋和大腿水平的多神经损伤 △,股神经损伤 △
髋部皮感觉神经损伤 cutaneous sensory nerve injury of hip [又称]髋和大腿水平的皮感觉神经损伤 △
髋部神经损伤 hip nerve injury [又称]髋和大腿水平的多神经损伤 △
髋部坐骨神经损伤 injury of sciatic nerve of hip
眶上神经痛 supraorbital neuralgia
眶下神经损伤 infraorbital nerve injury
拉福拉病 Lafora disease [又称]Lafora病 △
莱姆病 Lyme disease
莱姆病神经病 nervous system Lyme disease [又称]神经莱姆病 △
莱施-奈恩综合征 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome [又称]莱施-尼汉综合征 △,Lesch-Nyhan综合征 △
兰伯特-伊顿肌无力综合征 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic Syndrome [又称]肌无力综合征 △
狼疮脑病 lupus encephalopathy
狼疮性脊髓病变 lupus myeleterosis
狼疮性神经炎 lupus neuritis
狼疮性周围神经病 lupus peripheral neuropathy
老年性舞蹈病 senile chorea
雷诺现象 Raynaud phenomenon
雷诺综合征 Raynaud syndrome
雷特综合征 Rett syndrome [又称]Rett综合征 △
雷耶综合征 Reye’s syndrome [又称]瑞氏综合征 △,脑病合并内脏脂肪变性 △
肋间神经病 intercostal neuropathy
肋间神经损伤 intercostal nerve injury
肋间神经痛 intercostal neuralgia [又称]肋间神经炎 △
类风湿性多神经病 rheumatoid polyneuropathy [又称]类风湿性关节炎伴多神经病 △
类固醇激素反应性慢性淋巴细胞性炎症伴脑桥周围血管强化症 chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroid [又称]CLIPPERS综合征 △
梨状肌综合征 pyriformis syndrome
李斯特菌脑炎 Listeria encephalitis
李斯特菌性脑膜脑炎 Listeria meningoencephalitis
李斯特菌性脑膜炎 Listeria meningitis
立克次体脑炎 rickettsial encephalitis
镰状细胞病 sickle-cell disease [又称]镰状细胞疾病 △,血红蛋白S病 △
链球菌性脑膜炎 streptococcal meningitis
良性单肢肌萎缩 benign monomelic amyotrophy
良性复发性脑膜炎 benign recurrent meningitis
良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎 benign myalgic encephalomyelitis
良性家族性新生儿癫痫 benign familial neonatal epilepsy [又称]良性家族性新生儿惊厥 △
良性家族性婴儿癫痫 benign familial infantile epilepsy
良性颅内压增高 benign intracranial hypertension [又称]特发性颅内压增高综合征 △
良性特发性震颤 benign essential tremor [又称]特发性震颤 △
良性新生儿癫痫发作 benign neonatal convulsion [又称]良性新生儿惊厥 △
良性遗传性舞蹈症 benign hereditary chorea [又称]良性家族性舞蹈病 △,良性遗传舞蹈病 △
良性婴儿癫痫发作(非家族性) benign infantile seizure(non-familial)
良性婴儿肌阵挛性癫痫 benign infantile myoclonic epilepsy [又称]良性婴儿肌阵挛癫痫 △
良性早发性儿童枕叶癫痫(Panayiotopoulos型) earlyonset benign childhood occipital epilepsy(Panayiotopoulos type) [又称]早发性良性儿童枕叶癫痫 △
临床孤立综合征 clinical isolated syndrome
淋巴瘤样肉芽肿病 lymphomatoid granulomatosis
淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎 lymphocytic choriomeningitis [又称]淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜 △
淋球菌性脑膜炎 gonorrheal meningitis
流感嗜血杆菌脑膜炎 haemophilus influenzae meningitis [又称]流感嗜血杆菌化脓性脑膜炎 △
流行性脑脊髓膜炎 epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis [又称]脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎 △
流行性腮腺炎性病毒性脑炎 mumps encephalitis
流行性腮腺炎性多神经病 mumps polyneuropathy
流行性腮腺炎性脑脊髓炎 mumps encephalomyelitis
流行性腮腺炎性脑膜炎 mumps meningitis
流行性眩晕 epidemic vertigo
流行性乙型脑炎 epidemic encephalitis type B
流行性乙型脑炎后遗症 epidemic encephalitis type B sequelae
流行性乙型脑炎极重型 extremely heavy epidemic encephalitis B [又称]极重型流行性乙型脑炎 △
流行性乙型脑炎普通型 epidemic encephalitis B [又称]普通型流行性乙型脑炎 △
流行性乙型脑炎轻型 epidemic light encephalitis B [又称]轻型流行性乙型脑炎 △
流行性乙型脑炎重型 epidemic severe encephalitis B [又称]重型流行性乙型脑炎 △
颅底化脓性脑膜炎 purulent meningitis of skull base [又称]化脓性脑膜炎 △
颅底蛛网膜炎 skull base arachnitis
颅肥厚性硬脑膜炎 hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis [又称]特发性肥厚性硬脑膜炎 △
颅骨板障内蛛网膜囊肿 skull plate barrier arachnoid cyst
颅内出血后遗症 intracranial hemorrhage sequelae [又称]脑内出血后遗症 △
颅内创伤性动脉瘤 intracranial traumatic aneurysm
颅内动静脉畸形 intracranial arteriovenous malformation [又称]脑动静脉畸形 △
颅内动脉瘤 intracranial aneurysm
颅内多发动脉瘤 multiple intracranial aneurysms
颅内感染 intracranial infection
颅内海绵状血管瘤 intracranial cavernous hemangioma
颅内积气 intracranial pneumatocele,pneumocephalus
颅内交界性肿瘤 borderline intracranial tumor
颅内静脉窦静脉炎 intracranial venous sinus phlebitis
颅内静脉窦血栓形成 intracranial venous sinus thrombosis [又称]颅内静脉系统血栓形成 △,非化脓性颅内静脉窦非脓性血栓形成 △
颅内囊肿 intracranial cyst
颅内脓肿 intracranial abscess
颅内、外动脉夹层 intracranial,outside artery dissection
颅内血管瘤 intracranial angioma
颅内炎性肉芽肿 intracranial inflammatory granuloma
颅内硬膜外脓肿 intracranial extradural empyema [又称]硬膜外脓肿 △
颅内硬膜外肉芽肿 intracranial epidural granuloma [又称]硬脑膜外肉芽肿 △
颅内硬膜下脓肿 intracranial subdural abscess
颅内硬膜下肉芽肿 intracranial subdural granuloma [又称]硬膜下肉芽肿 △
颅内占位性病变 intracranial space occupying lesion
颅内脂肪瘤 intracranial lipoma
颅神经麻痹 cranial nerve palsy
颅神经炎 cranial neuritis
颅外动脉夹层 extracranial artery dissection
路易体痴呆 dementia with Lewy body
伦诺克斯-加斯托综合征 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome,LGS [又称]Lennox-Gastaut综合征 △
麻痹性痴呆 general paresis of insane
麻风病神经病 leprosy neuropathy
麻疹并发脑膜炎 measles complicated by meningitis [又称]麻疹脑膜炎 △
麻疹并发脑炎 measles complicated by encephalitis [又称]麻疹脑炎 △
马查多-约瑟夫病 Machado-Joseph disease [又称]脊髓小脑性共济失调3型 △
马德拉斯型运动神经元病 Madras type motor neuron disease [又称]马德拉斯运动神经元病 △
马方综合征 Marfan syndrome [又称]马凡综合征 △
马尾囊虫病 horsetail cysticercosis
马尾粘连 adhesions of the cauda equina [又称]脊髓蛛网膜粘连 △
马尾综合征 cauda equina syndrome
脉络丛囊肿 choroid plexus cyst
脉络膜前动脉梗死 anterior choroidal artery infarction
脉络膜前动脉夹层 anterior choroidal artery dissection
脉络膜前动脉瘤 anterior choroidal artery aneurysm
脉络膜前动脉瘤破裂蛛网膜下腔出血 anterior choroidal artery aneurysm rupture subarachnoid hemorrhage
慢波睡眠中持续性棘-慢复合波癫痫 epilepsy with continuous spike wave during slow wave sleep,epileptic encephalopathy with electrical status epilepticus during slow wave sleep [又称]慢波睡眠中持续棘慢复合波癫痫 △
慢性丛集性头痛 chronic cluster headache
慢性紧张型头痛 chronic tension-type headache
慢性紧张型头痛伴颅骨膜压痛 chronic tension-type headache with pericranium tenderness
慢性紧张型头痛不伴颅骨膜压痛 chronic tension-type headache without pericranium tenderness
慢性进行性部分癫痫持续状态 chronic progressive epilepsia partialis continua [又称]Rasmussen综合征 △
慢性进行性外眼肌麻痹 chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
慢性酒精中毒性神经病 chronic alcoholic neuropathy,chronic alcoholic peripheral neuropathy [又称]慢性酒精中毒性分裂样精神病 △
慢性酒精中毒性神经肌病 chronic alcoholic neuromyopathy
慢性酒精中毒性神经系统损害 chronic alcoholic neurological damage
慢性脑膜炎 chronic meningitis [又称]脑膜炎 △
慢性恰加斯病伴脑膜炎 chronic Chagas disease associated with meningitis
慢性恰加斯病伴脑炎 meningoencephalitis in Chagas disease
慢性透析性脑病 chronic dialysis encephalopathy [又称]透析相关性脑病 △
慢性外伤后头痛 chronic post-traumatic headache [又称]慢性创伤后头痛 △
慢性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病 chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy [又称]慢性吉兰-巴雷综合征 △
慢性硬膜下血肿 chronic subdural hematoma
慢性阵发性偏头痛 chronic paroxysmal hemicrania [又称]慢性偏头痛 △
慢性中毒性脑病 chronic toxic encephalopathy
猫抓性脑炎 cat scratch encephalitis
毛细管扩张 telangiectasia
梅毒肉芽肿 syphilis granuloma
梅毒性多神经病 syphilitic polyneuropathy
梅毒性脊膜炎 syphilis myelitis
梅毒性脑动脉炎 syphilitic arteritis brain
梅毒性脑膜脑炎 syphilis meningomyelitis
梅毒性脑膜炎 syphilis meningitis
梅毒性脑炎 syphilis encephalitis
梅毒性神经炎 syphilitic paralysis
梅毒性视神经萎缩 syphilitic optic atrophy
梅毒性树胶肿 syphilitic gumma
梅毒性血管炎 syphilitic vasculitis
霉变甘蔗中毒 mildew sugar cane poisoning
梦魇 nightmare [又称]梦魇障碍 △
弥漫性颅内压增高 diffuse intracrinial hypertension
弥漫性硬化 diffuse sclerosis [又称]弥漫性硬皮 △,病席尔德病 △,Schilder病 △
迷走神经疾病 vagus nerve disease [又称]迷走神经疾患 △
迷走神经亢进 vagus nerve with hyperthyroidism
迷走神经损伤 vagus nerve injury
免疫相关性周围神经病 immune associated peripheral neuropathy
面部偏侧萎缩 facial hemiatrophy,Parry-Romberg syndrome [又称]面偏侧萎缩症 △,帕罗综合征 △
面肌痉挛 hemifacial spasm
面肩肱型肌营养不良 facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
面肩肱型脊髓性肌萎缩 facioscapulohumeral form of spinal muscular atrophy
面偏侧肥大 facial hemihypertrophy [又称]面偏侧肥大症 △
面神经功能障碍 facial nerve dysfunction
面神经麻痹 facial nerve paralysis [又称]面瘫 △
面神经炎 facial neuritis
磨牙症 bruxism [又称]夜磨牙症 △
末梢神经退行性改变 peripheral nerve degeneration
莫顿跖痛症 Morton neuralgia [又称]行军足 △,Morton病 △
莫旺病 Morvan syndrome [又称]Morvan综合征 △
拇指神经损伤 nerve injury of thumb,thumb nerve injury [又称]拇指指神经损伤 △
难治性癫痫 intractable epilepsy
脑白质病 leukoencephalopathy
脑白质营养不良 leukodystrophy
脑包虫病 cerebral echinococcosis [又称]脑棘球蚴病 △
脑并殖吸虫病 cerebral paragonimiasis [又称]脑肺吸虫病 △,肺吸虫病(脑型) △
脑病 encephalopathy
脑病并内脏脂肪变性综合征 encephalopathy with visceral fat degeneration syndrome
脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage
脑出血后遗症 sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage [又称]脑内出血后遗症 △
脑出血恢复期 recovery period of cerebral hemorrhage
脑出血血肿扩大 cerebral hemorrhage hematoma expansion
脑穿通畸形 porencephaly [又称]先天性脑穿通畸形 △
脑挫伤 contusion of brain
脑电子神经刺激器引起的机械性并发症 mechanical complication caused by electronic brain nerve stimulator
脑淀粉样血管病 cerebral amyloid angiopathy
脑动静脉畸形未破裂出血 cerebral arteriovenous malformation without ruptured hemorrhage [又称]动静脉畸形(任何部位) △,脑动静脉畸形 △
脑动脉闭塞性脑梗死 cerebral arterial occlusive cerebral infarction [又称]大脑动脉闭塞脑梗死 △
脑动脉的闭塞或狭窄(未造成脑梗死) cerebral artery occlusion or stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
脑动脉供血不足 cerebral arterial insufficiency [又称]椎基底动脉供血不足 △
脑动脉畸形破裂出血 cerebral artery malformation rupture hemorrhage
脑动脉夹层 cerebral artery dissection
脑动脉夹层伴出血 cerebral artery dissection associated with bleeding
脑动脉夹层不伴出血 cerebral artery dissection which is not associated with bleeding [又称]大脑动脉夹层形成(未破裂) △
脑动脉夹层不伴梗死 cerebral artery dissection is not associated with infarction
脑动脉痉挛 cerebral arterial spasm
脑动脉瘤(非破裂性) brain aneurysm,non burst [又称]脑动脉瘤(未破裂) △
脑动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞术后出血 postoperative bleeding brain aneurysm coil embolism
脑动脉狭窄性脑梗死 cerebral infarction of cerebral artery stenosis [又称]大脑动脉狭窄脑梗死 △
脑动脉炎 cerebral arthritis
脑动脉粥样硬化 cerebral atherosclerosis [又称]大脑动脉粥样硬化 △
脑分水岭梗死 cerebral watershed infarction
脑钙化 cerebral calcification
脑干病变 brainstem lesion
脑干出血 hemorrhage of brain stem [又称]脑干的脑内出血 △
脑干多发性硬化 brainstem multiple sclerosis
脑干梗死 brain stem infarction
脑干功能衰竭 failure of the brainstem function
脑干脑炎 brainstem encephalitis
脑干受压 brainstem compression
脑干水肿 brainstem edema
脑梗死 cerebral infarction
脑梗死后继发出血 secondary bleeding after cerebral infarction [又称]脑梗死后出血 △
脑梗死后继发出血性渗出 hemorrhagic effusion after cerebral infarction
脑梗死后继发血肿 secondary hematoma after cerebral infarction
脑梗死后遗症 cerebral infarction sequela
脑梗死恢复期 recovery period of cerebral infarction
脑弓形虫病 cerebral toxoplasmosis
脑过度灌注综合征 cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome
脑过小 microencephaly
脑海绵状血管瘤 cerebral cavernoma
脑海绵状血管瘤破裂出血 cerebral cavernous hemangioma rupture hemorrhage
脑灰质异位症 gray matter heterotopia [又称]脑灰质异位 △
脑基底动脉瘤 basal brain aneurysm
脑脊膜膨出 meningocele [又称]先天性脑(脊)膜膨出 △,先天性脑脊膜膨出 △,脑(脊)膜膨出 △
脑脊膜血管梅毒 meninges vascular syphilis
脑脊髓神经病 meninges neuropathy
脑脊髓神经根病 meninges radiculopathy
脑脊髓神经根炎 encephalomyeloradiculitis
脑脊髓炎 encephalomyelitis
脑脊液异常 abnormality of CSF
脑结核瘤 brain tuberculoma
脑静脉闭塞后出血 haemorrhage after cerebral venous occlusion
脑静脉畸形 cerebral venous malformation
脑静脉畸形破裂出血 cerebral venous malformation rupture hemorrhage
脑裂头蚴病 cerebral sparganosis [又称]脑型裂头蚴病 △
脑毛细血管扩张症 brain capillary expansion
脑膜动静脉瘘 meningeal arteriovenous fistula
脑膜脊髓病 meningomyelopathy
脑膜瘤 meningioma
脑膜脑膨出 meningoencephalocele [又称]先天性脑膜脑膨出 △
脑膜脑炎 meningoencephalitis
脑膜炎 meningitis
脑膜炎恢复期 meningitis recovery
脑膜炎球菌感染后关节炎 meningococcal polyarthritis
脑膜炎球菌性关节炎 meningococcal arthritis
脑膜炎球菌性脊髓脊膜炎 meningococcal meningitis the spinal cord
脑膜炎球菌性结膜炎 meningococcal conjunctivitis
脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎 meningococcal meningitis [又称]脑膜炎奈瑟菌病 △
脑膜炎球菌性脑炎 meningococcal encephalitis
脑膜炎球菌性心包炎 meningococcal pericarditis
脑膜炎球菌性心肌炎 meningococcal myocarditis
脑膜炎球菌性心内膜炎 meningococcal endocarditis
脑膜炎球菌性蛛网膜炎 meningococcal arachnoiditis
脑膜炎型鼠疫 meningitis type plague
脑囊虫病 neurocysticercosis
脑囊肿 perencephaly [又称]大脑囊肿 △
脑内动静脉瘘 intracerebral arteriovenous fistulae [又称]脑动静脉瘘 △
脑脓肿 brain abscess
脑桥出血 pontine hemorrhage
脑桥外髓鞘溶解症 extrapontine myelinosis
脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症 central pontine myelinolysis
脑缺氧症 cerebral anoxia
脑肉芽肿 cerebral granuloma
脑软化 encephalomalacia
脑疝 brain hernia
脑实质出血继发蛛网膜下腔出血 parenchymal hemorrhage secondary subarachnoid hemorrhage
脑视网膜血管瘤病 von Hippel-Lindau disease [又称]冯希佩尔-林道综合征 △,von Hippel-Lindau综合征 △
脑室分流后低颅压 intracranial hypotension after ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
脑室内出血 intraventricular hemorrhage
脑室炎 cerebral ventriculitis
脑栓塞 cerebral embolism
脑栓塞性偏瘫 cerebral embolism hemiplegia
脑萎缩 brain atrophy
脑心综合征 cerebrocardiac syndrome
脑型疟 cerebral malaria
脑旋毛虫病 cerebral trichinosis
脑血管病 cerebrovascular disease
脑血管病后遗症 cerebrovascular sequelae
脑血管病恢复期 cerebral convalescence
脑血管病性偏瘫 cerebrovascular disease hemiplegia
脑血管供血不足 cerebral blood supply insufficient
脑血管畸形 cerebral vascular malformation
脑血管瘤 encephalic angioma
脑血管破裂 cerebral vascular rupture
脑血管狭窄 cerebrovascular stenosis
脑血管炎性脑出血 cerebrovascular inflammatory bleeding in the brain
脑血管造影后脑血管痉挛 cerebral vasospasm after cerebral angiogram
脑血栓形成 cerebral thrombosis
脑血肿 cephalophyma
脑炎 encephalitis
脑炎后帕金森综合征 postencephalitic Parkinsonism
脑炎后遗症 encephalitis sequela
脑炎恢复期 recovery phase of encephalitis
脑炎性假瘤 inflammatory pseudotumor of brain
脑炎性肿块 encephalitis mass
脑叶出血 lobar intracerebral hemorrhage
脑源性晕厥 brain-derived syncope
脑占位性病变 space-occupying lesion in the brain
脑肿瘤卒中 brain tumor stroke
脑卒中(未特指为脑出血或脑梗死) stroke,especially not for cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction
脑卒中后遗症 sequela of apoplexy [又称]中风后遗症 △
内分泌疾病相关肌无力综合征 endocrine disease associated myasthenic syndrome [又称]肌无力综合征 △
内囊出血 internal capsule hemorrhage
内脏交感神经损伤 viscera sympathetic nerve injury [又称]交感神经损伤 △
黏多糖贮积症Ⅱ型 Hunter syndrome [又称]拉姆齐-亨特综合征 △,Ramsy-Hunt综合征 △,亨特综合征 △
黏液性水肿昏迷 myxedema coma
念珠菌性脑膜炎 candidal meningitis
尿毒症脑病 uremic encephalopathy [又称]尿毒症性神经病变 △
尿毒症周围神经病变 uremic peripheral neuropathy
颞叶出血 temporal hemorrhage
颞叶脓肿 temporal lobe abscess
颞枕叶脑出血 temporal occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage
凝血功能障碍性脑出血 blood coagulation function obstacle cerebral hemorrhage
帕金森病 Parkinson disease [又称]震颤麻痹 △
帕金森综合征 Parkinsonism
排便障碍 dysporia
排尿困难 dysuresia
排尿晕厥 micturition syncope
疱疹后三叉神经痛 postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia [又称]带状疱疹后三叉神经痛 △
皮层发育不良 cortical dysplasia,malformation of cortical development
皮层下动脉硬化性脑病 subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy,Binswanger disease [又称]皮质下动脉硬化性脑病 △
皮层下血管性痴呆 subcortical vascular dementia
皮肤活组织检查 skin biopsy
皮肌炎 dermatomyositis
皮肌炎性周围神经病 dermatomyositis peripheral neuropathy
皮质层状坏死 cortical laminar necrosis
皮质基底节变性 corticobasal degeneration
皮质类固醇肌病 lipid storage disorder [又称]皮质类固醇性肌病 △
皮质盲 cortical blindness
蜱传病毒性脑炎 tick-borne viral encephalitis
偏侧抽搐-偏瘫综合征 hemiconvulsion hemiplegia epilepsia syndrome [又称]偏侧抽搐偏瘫综合征 △
偏侧肥大 hemihypertrophy
偏侧肌阵挛发作 lateralized myoclonic seizure [又称]肌阵挛发作 △
偏侧投掷症 hemiballismus
偏侧萎缩 hemiatrophy
偏身感觉异常 hemiparesthesia
偏身舞蹈病 chorea dimidiata
偏身型肌张力障碍 hemidystonia
偏头痛 migraine
偏头痛型梗死 migraine model infarction
偏头痛性先兆 migraine aura [又称]偏头痛等位症 △
偏头痛状态 status migraine
胼胝体发育不全 allosal agenesis [又称]胼胝体发育不良 △
胼胝体脓肿 corpus callosum abscess
胼胝体中心性脱髓鞘 central demyelination of corpus callosum [又称]胼胝体中枢性脱髓鞘 △
破碎红纤维 ragged red fiber,RRF
葡萄球菌性脑膜炎 staphylococcal meningitis [又称]葡萄球菌脑膜炎 △
葡萄牙型淀粉样多发性神经病变 Portugal-amyloid in multiple neuropathy
其他脑动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) other cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
其他入脑前动脉的闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) other cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis before entering the brain,caused no cerebral infarction
其他视觉刺激诱发的反射性癫痫 other visual stimulation evoked reflex epilepsy
其他视觉敏感性癫痫 other visual sensitivity epilepsy
其他血管性痴呆 other vascular dementia
其他原因所致蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by other reason
器官移植性脑病 organ transplant encephalopathy
前交通动脉闭塞 anterior communicating artery occlusion
前交通动脉瘤 anterior communicating aneurysm
前交通动脉瘤破裂 anterior communicating aneurysm rupture [又称]前交通动脉动脉瘤破裂 △
前交通动脉狭窄 anterior communicating artery stenosis
前庭神经元炎 vestibular neuronitis
前斜角肌综合征 anterior scalene muscle syndrome
腔隙性脑梗死 lacunar infarction
强直性肌营养不良症 myotonic dystrophy [又称]强直性肌营养不良 △
强直-阵挛发作 tonic-clonic seizure,grand mal [又称]强直-阵挛性发作 △
强制入睡性睡眠障碍 forced sleep disorder
桥本脑病 Hashimoto encephalopathy
桥脑脓肿 bridge brain abscess
桥小脑角蛛网膜囊肿 cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cyst,arachnoid cyst of cerebellopontine angle
青霉胺诱发重症肌无力 penicillamine-induced myasthenia gravis
青年上肢远端肌萎缩症 young muscular atrophy of the distal upper limb,hirayama disease [又称]平山病 △
青少年肌阵挛癫痫 juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,JME
青少年失神癫痫 juvenile absence epilepsy,teenager absence epilepsy
丘脑出血 thalamic hemorrhage
丘脑穿支动脉梗死 thalamus perforator artery infarction [又称]丘脑梗死 △
丘脑脓肿 thalamic abscess
丘脑下部出血 hypothalamus bleeding
球孢子菌病脑膜炎 coccidioidomycosis meningitis
躯体感觉诱发的反射性癫痫 somatosensory evoked reflex epilepsy
去大脑强直 decerebrate rigidity
去皮质综合征 decorticate syndrome
全面性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症 generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus
全面性癫痫持续状态 generalized status epilepticus,GSE
全面性癫痫发作 generalized seizure [又称]癫痫(全面性发作) △
全面性肌阵挛发作持续状态 generalized myoclonus status epilepticus [又称]肌阵挛性癫痫持续状态 △
全面性强直发作持续状态 generalized tonic status epilepticus,GTSE
全面性强直-阵挛持续状态 generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus,GTCSE [又称]全面性强直阵挛癫痫持续状态 △
全面性强直-阵挛性发作癫痫 generalized tonic-clonic seizure [又称]全面强直阵挛性发作 △
全面性阵挛发作持续状态 generalized clonic status epilepticus,GCSE
全身型肌张力障碍 generalized dystonia
全身自主神经功能不全 general autonomic dysfunction
缺血性脊髓血管病 ischemic spinal vascular disease
缺血性脑水肿 ischemic cerebral edema [又称]脑水肿 △
缺血性脑血管病 ischemic cerebrovascular disease [又称]缺血性脑卒中 △
缺血性周围神经病 ischemic peripheral neuropathy
缺氧缺血性脑病 hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
缺氧缺血性脑病后遗症 hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy sequelae
缺氧性脑损害 anoxic brain injury
桡神经麻痹 radial nerve paralysis
热带痉挛性截瘫 tropical spastic paraplegia
热水刺激诱发的反射性癫痫 hot water evoked reflex epilepsy [又称]反射性癫痫 △
热性癫痫 febrile convulsion,FC [又称]热性惊厥 △,热性惊厥附加症 △
任务特异性震颤 task specific tremor
妊娠性舞蹈病 chorea gravidarum
肉毒碱缺乏病 carnitine deficiency
肉毒中毒 botulism [又称]肉毒杆菌中毒 △
肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎 granulomatous amoebic encephalitis
肉芽肿性血管炎 granulomatous angiitis
肉芽肿性炎症 granulomatous inflammation
入脑前动脉闭塞性脑梗死 cerebral infarction caused by precerebral arterial occlusion
入脑前动脉的闭塞或狭窄(未造成脑梗死) precerebral arterial occlusion or stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
入脑前动脉狭窄性脑梗死 cerebral infarction caused by precerebral artery stenosis
入睡相关性障碍 sleep-related disorder
软骨营养不良性肌强直 chondrodystrophic myotonia,Schwartz-Jampel syndrome
软脑膜血管瘤病 leptomeningeal angiomatosis
朊蛋白病 prion disease [又称]朊病毒病 △
三叉神经病 trigeminal neuropathy
三叉神经麻痹 trigeminal nerve paralysis
三叉神经鞘瘤 trigeminal neurinoma
三叉神经损伤 injury of trigeminal nerve
三叉神经痛 trigeminal neuralgia
三叉神经炎 trigeminal nerve inflammation
散发性脑炎 sporadic encephalitis
桑迪弗综合征 Sandifer syndrome
色素沉着、水肿、多发性神经病综合征 pigmentation,edema,polyneuropathy syndrome
森林脑炎 tick-borne encephalitis
沙门菌脑膜炎 salmonella meningitis [又称]沙门菌性脑膜炎 △
筛窦脑膜瘤 ethmoid sinus meningioma
闪光刺激诱发的反射性癫痫 flash evoked reflex epilepsy [又称]光敏性癫痫 △
伤寒并发脑膜炎 typhoid fever complicated with meningitis
上矢状窦血栓形成 superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
上行性脊髓炎 ascending myelitis
上肢单神经病 upper extremity mononeuropathy
少年型Ⅱ型脊髓性肌肉萎缩 juvenile type Ⅱ spinal muscular atrophy [又称]少年型Ⅱ型脊髓性肌萎缩 △,少年型脊髓性肌萎缩 △
少年型GM2神经节苷脂沉积症 juvenile GM 2 Gangliosidosis [又称]GM 2神经节苷脂沉积症 △
少年型脊髓性肌萎缩 juvenile spinal muscular atrophy,juvenile typeⅢspinal muscular atrophy
少年型帕金森综合征 juvenile Parkinsonism [又称]青少年帕金森病 △
舌下神经疾病 hypoglossal nerve disease
舌下神经麻痹 hypoglossal nerve paralysis
舌咽神经疾病 glossopharyngeal nerve disease
舌咽神经痛 glossopharyngeal neuralgia
舌咽神经痛性晕厥 glossopharyngeal neuralgia syncope
深眠状态 parasomnia
神经氨酸沉积症 neuraminic acid deposition disease
神经贝赫切特综合征 neural Behcet syndrome [又称]神经贝赫切特病 △
神经病伴副蛋白血症 neuropathy secondary to paraproteinemia
神经根炎 radiculitis [又称]神经根脊髓炎 △
神经活组织检查 nerve biopsy
神经肌病 neuromuscular disease
神经节苷脂贮积病 gangliosidosis
神经结节病 neurosarcoidosis
神经麻痹 nerve palsy
神经梅毒 neurosyphilis
神经鞘磷脂沉积病 Sphingomyelin deposition disease,Niemann-Pick disease [又称]尼曼-皮克病 △
神经山黧豆中毒 nerve mountain haze bean poisoning
神经损伤 ulnar nerve injury
神经痛 neuralgia
神经痛性肌萎缩 neuralgic amyotrophy [又称]肩胛带神经炎 △
神经系统变性疾病 degenerative disease of nervous system [又称]神经系统变性病 △
神经系统病变 disease of nervous system
神经系统非洲锥虫病 African trypanosomiasis of nervous system
神经系统副肿瘤综合征 paraneoplastic syndrome of nervous system
神经系统钩端螺旋体病 leptospirosis of nervous system
神经系统贾第虫病 giardiasis of nervous system
神经系统莱姆病 Lyme disease of nervous system
神经系统血吸虫病 schistosomiasis of nervous system
神经系统植入的电子刺激器的机械性并发症 mechanical complication caused by implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system
神经性肌强直 neuromyotonia
神经性棘红细胞增多症 neuroacanthocytosis [又称]舞蹈性棘红细胞增多症 △
神经性头痛 headache attributed to psychotic disorder
神经血管性头痛 nerve vascular headache [又称]血管性头痛 △
神经炎 neuritis
神经元腊样脂褐质沉积症 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis,Kufs’s disease [又称]Kufs病 △
神经元铁沉积 neuronal iron deposition
神经轴样营养不良 neuroaxonal dystrophy
神经阻滞剂恶性综合征 neuroleptic malignant syndrome [又称]抗精神病药物恶性综合征 △,恶性抗精神病药综合征 △
肾上腺脑白质营养不良 adrenoleukodystrophy [又称]艾迪生-席尔德综合征 △
肾上腺素功能减退伴肌病 corticosteroid myopathy
肾炎所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to nephritis
渗透性脱髓鞘综合征 osmotic demyelination syndrome
圣路易脑炎 St.Louis encephalitis
失眠 insomnia
失眠障碍(持续性) persistence insomnia
失眠障碍(复发性) recurrent insomnia
失眠障碍(间歇性) intermittent insomnia
失神发作癫痫持续状态 absence status epilepticus [又称]失神性癫痫持续状态 △
失张力发作 atonic seizure
时差变化综合征 time zone change syndrome
食物过敏性失眠 insomnia due to food allergy
视觉刺激诱发的反射性癫痫痉挛 visual evoked reflex epilepsy
视神经脊髓炎 optic neuromyelitis
视网膜型偏头痛 retinal migraine [又称]普通型偏头痛 △,单纯性偏头痛 △
室管膜炎 ependymitis [又称]脑室管膜炎 △
嗜酸性细胞性脑膜炎 acidophil meningitis
嗜血杆菌性脑膜炎 haemophilus meningitis
手足徐动症 athetosis [又称]双侧性手足徐动症 △
书写痉挛 writer’s cramp
双侧大脑动脉闭塞 bilateral cerebral artery occlusion
双侧大脑动脉狭窄 bilateral cerebral artery stenosis
双干脊髓 diplomyelia
双球菌性脑膜炎 diplococcus of meningitis
水痘性脑膜炎 varicella meningitis [又称]水痘脑膜炎 △
水痘性脑炎 varicella encephalitis [又称]水痘脑炎 △
水通道蛋白4抗体阳性的视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with AQP 4-IgG [又称]视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 △
睡惊症 sleep terror
睡眠不足综合征 insufficient sleep syndrome
睡眠癫痫 epileptic seizure during sleep
睡眠关联性疼痛性阴茎勃起 sleep relevance painful penile erection
睡眠-觉醒节律紊乱 disorder of sleep-wake schedule [又称]睡眠-觉醒节律障碍 △
睡眠-觉醒障碍 sleep-wake disorder
睡眠-觉醒转换障碍 sleep-wake transition disorder
睡眠期多汗症 sleep hyperhidrosis
睡眠时相提前综合征 advanced sleep-phase syndrome
睡眠时相延迟综合征 delayed sleep-phase syndrome
睡眠卫生不良 inadequate sleep hygiene
睡眠相关的通气不足 sleep-related ventilatory insufficiency [又称]睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 △
睡眠相关性喉痉挛 sleep-related laryngospasm
睡眠相关性阴茎勃起障碍 sleep correlation penile erectile dysfunction
睡眠性交症 sex somnia
睡眠性头痛 hypnic headache
睡眠遗尿 sleep enuresis [又称]夜尿症 △,遗尿症 △
睡眠窒息综合征 sleep choking syndrome
睡瘫症 sleep paralysis
睡行症 sleepwalking
思考诱发的反射性癫痫 thinking evoked reflex epilepsy
松果体功能障碍 pineal gland dysfunction
速发性肌张力障碍 rapid-onset dystonia
髓内动静脉畸形 intramedullary arteriovenous malformation
髓内血管畸形 intramedullary vascular malformation [又称]脊髓血管畸形 △
锁骨下盗血综合征伴锁骨下动脉狭窄 subclavian steal blood syndrome with subclavian artery stenosis
锁骨下动脉闭塞 subclavian artery occlusion
锁骨下动脉盗血综合征 subclavian artery steal syndrome [又称]锁骨下盗血综合征 △
炭疽杆菌性脑膜炎 anthrax bacillus meningitis
糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷 hyperosmotic nonketotic diabetic coma
糖尿病性出汗异常 diabetic dyshidrosis
糖尿病性单神经病 diabetic mononeuropathy [又称]糖尿病单神经病变 △
糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹 diabetic oculomotor paralysis
糖尿病性多发性单神经病 diabetic mononeuropathy multiplex
糖尿病性多发性神经病 diabetic polyneuropathy [又称]糖尿病多发性神经病变 △
糖尿病性感觉运动性周围神经病 diabetic sensory motor polyneuropathy
糖尿病性股神经病 diabetic femoral neuropathy
糖尿病性颅神经麻痹 diabetic cranial neuropathy
糖尿病性躯干神经根病 diabetic truncal radiculopathy
糖尿病性神经根病 diabetic radiculopathy [又称]糖尿病神经根病变 △
糖尿病性外展神经麻痹 diabetic abducens nerve paralysis
糖尿病性小纤维神经病 diabetic small fiber neuropathy
糖尿病性胸神经根病 diabetic pectoral radiculopathy
糖尿病性血管源性水肿 diabetic angioedema
糖尿病性眼肌麻痹 diabetic ophthalmoplegia
糖尿病性胰岛素相关性神经炎 diabitic insulin induced neuritis
糖尿病性远端对称性周围神经病 diabetic distal symmetrical neuropathy [又称]糖尿病远端对称性多发性周围神经病 △
糖尿病性周围神经病 diabetic neuropathy [又称]糖尿病周围神经病变 △
糖尿病性自主神经病 diabetic autonomic neuropathy
糖尿病腰骶神经根神经丛病 diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy
糖原贮积症 glycogen storage disease,GSD [又称]糖原贮积病 △
糖原贮积症Ⅱ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅱ [又称]2型糖原累积病 △
糖原贮积症Ⅲ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅲ
糖原贮积症Ⅴ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅴ [又称]糖原累积病Ⅴ型 △,McArdle病 △
糖原贮积症Ⅶ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅶ [又称]糖原累积病Ⅶ型 △,Tarui病 △
糖原贮积症Ⅸ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅸ [又称]糖原累积病Ⅸ型 △,磷酸甘油激酶缺陷病 △
糖原贮积症Ⅹ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅹ
糖原贮积症Ⅺ型 glycogen storage disease type Ⅺ [又称]糖原累积病Ⅺ型 △
特发性臂丛神经痛 idiopathic brachial neuralgia
特发性非家族性肌张力障碍 idiopathic non-familial dystonia
特发性复发性肌红蛋白尿症 idiopathic recurrent proteinuria
特发性光敏性枕叶癫痫 idiopathic photosensitivity occipital lobe epilepsy
特发性过度睡眠过度 idiopathic hypersomnia
特发性肌张力障碍 idiopathic dystonia
特发性家族性肌张力障碍 idiopathic familial dystonia
特发性口面肌张力障碍 idiopathic orofacial dystonia [又称]口下颌肌张力障碍 △
特发性颅内压增高症 idiopathic intracranial hypertension [又称]特发性颅高压 △
特发性扭转性肌张力障碍 idiopathic torsion dystonia [又称]特发性扭转性肌张力不全 △
特发性全面性癫痫 idiopathic generalized epilepsy,IGE
特发性失眠 idiopathic insomnia
特发性婴儿和儿童局灶性癫痫 idiopathic infantile and pediatric focal epilepsy
特发性自主神经病 idiopathic autonomic neuropathy [又称]急性全自主神经病 △
听神经损伤 vestibulocochlear nerve injury
同心圆性硬化 concentric sclerosis [又称]Balo病 △,鲍洛病 △
痛性肥胖病 adiposis dolorosa,Dercum’s disease [又称]痛性肥胖症 △,痛性脂肪病 △,德尔肯病 △
痛性趾指多动综合征 painful hyperkinetic syndrome of toe
痛性周围神经病 painful peripheral neuropathy
透明隔囊肿 cyst of pellucid septal cave
吞咽性晕厥 swallow syncope
臀上皮神经卡压综合征 clunial nerve entrapment syndrome,inflammation of superior clunial nerves [又称]臀上皮神经炎 △
臀神经炎 hip neuritis
托德麻痹 Todd paralysis [又称]Todd麻痹 △
脱髓鞘性白质脑病 demyelinating leucoencephalopathy
脱髓鞘性脊髓炎 demyelinating myelitis [又称]脱髓鞘性脊髓病 △
外侧裂蛛网膜囊肿 sylvian arachnoid cyst [又称]蛛网膜囊肿 △
外侧型小脑幕裂孔疝 lateral transtentorial hernia [又称]小脑幕裂孔疝 △
外囊出血 external capsule hemorrhage
外伤后帕金森综合征 post-traumatic Parkinsonism
外伤性臂丛神经痛 traumatic brachial neuralgia
外伤性帕金森综合征 traumatic Parkinsonism
外展神经损伤 abducent nerve injury
晚发型阿尔茨海默病 late onset Alzheimer disease
晚期先天性梅毒性多神经病 late stage congenital syphilitic polyneuropathy
晚期先天性梅毒性脑膜炎 late stage congenital syphilitic meningitis
晚期先天性梅毒性脑炎 late stage congenital syphilitic encephalitis
腕管综合征 carpal tunnel syndrome
微发育不良 microdysgenesis
韦尼克脑病 Wernicke encephalopathy [又称]急性出血性脑灰质炎 △,Wernicke脑病 △,威尔尼克脑病 △,沃尼克脑病 △
韦氏肉芽肿病 Wegener granulomatosis
维生素B12缺乏性贫血性脊髓后侧索硬化症 posterolateral sclerosis secondary to vitamin B 12 deficiency [又称]维生素B 12缺乏性贫血性脊髓后侧索硬化 △
维生素B12缺乏性周围神经病 vitamin B 12 deficiency peripheral neuropathy
维生素B6缺乏脑病 vitamin B 6 deficiency encephalopathy
维生素B缺乏性周围神经病 vitamin B deficiency peripheral neuropathy
维生素E缺乏性脑病 vitamin E deficiency encephalopathy
维生素缺乏性多神经炎 vitamin deficiency polyneuritis
维生素缺乏性周围神经病 vitamin deficiency peripheral neuropathy
尾状核出血 hemorrhage of caudate [又称]尾状核头出血 △
未破裂动脉瘤 unruptured aneurysm
未特指的中枢神经系统脱髓鞘病 demyelinating disease of central nervous system,unspecified [又称]中枢神经系统脱髓鞘病 △
味觉性出汗综合征 gustatory sweating syndrome
纹状体黑质变性 striatonigral degeneration
翁韦里希特-伦德伯格病 Unverricht-Lundborg disease [又称]Univerricht-Lundborg病 △
乌尔里希型先天性肌营养不良 Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
无猝倒发作性睡病但伴下丘脑分泌素缺乏 narcolepsy without cataplexy,with lack of hypocretin [又称]发作性睡病(无猝倒症但有下丘脑分泌素缺乏) △
无菌性脑膜炎 aseptic meningitis
无名动脉盗血综合征 innominate artery steal blood syndrome
无脑回 congenital agyria [又称]先天性无脑回 △
无先兆性偏头痛 pure migraine
无抑制性神经源性膀胱 uninhibited neurogenic bladder
无症状神经梅毒 asymptomatic neurosyphilis
舞蹈症 chorea [又称]舞蹈病 △
西方马脑炎 western equine encephalitis [又称]西部马脑炎 △
西尼罗病毒性脑膜脑炎 West Nile virus meningoencephalitis
西尼罗脑膜炎 West Nile virus meningitis
西尼罗脑炎 West Nile virus encephalitis [又称]西尼罗河脑炎 △
系统性红斑狼疮合并肌病 systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with myopathy
细菌性肌炎 bacterial myositis
细菌性脑膜炎 bacterial meningitis
下丘脑脓肿 hypothalamus abscess
下丘脑性肥胖 hypothalamic obesity
下运动神经元综合征 lower motor neuron syndrome
下肢单神经炎 single lower extremity neuritis
下肢神经损伤 lower extremity nerve injury
下肢神经纤维瘤 lower extremity neurofibroma [又称]先天性神经纤维瘤病(非恶性) △
先天性大脑囊肿 congenital cerebral cyst
先天性多发性神经纤维瘤病 congenital neurofibromatosis [又称]多发性神经纤维瘤病 △
先天性非进行性共济失调 congenital non-progressive ataxia
先天性共济失调(精神发育迟缓及部分无虹膜) congenital ataxia,mental retardation and partial aniridia
先天性肌病 congenital myopathy
先天性肌强直症 congenital myotonia syndrome [又称]先天性肌强直 △,Thomsen病 △
先天性肌无力 congenital myasthenia gravis [又称]先天性重症肌无力 △
先天性肌无力综合征 congenital myasthenic syndrome,CMS
先天性肌纤维比例失常 congenital fiber type disproportion [又称]先天性肌纤维类型不均衡 △
先天性肌营养不良症 congenital muscular dystrophy [又称]先天性肌营养不良 △
先天性积水性脑膨出 congenital hydrencephalocele
先天性积水性无脑 congenital hydranencephaly [又称]水脑畸形 △,积水性无脑畸形 △
先天性脊膜脊髓膨出 congenital meningomyelocele [又称]脊膜脊髓膨出 △
先天性脊髓低位症 congenital low spinal disease
先天性脊髓发育不良 congenital myelodysplasia [又称]脊髓发育不全和发育异常 △
先天性脊髓积水 congenital hydromyelia
先天性脊髓畸形 congenital spinal cord deformity
先天性脊髓膨出伴脑积水 congenital myelocele with hydrocephalus
先天性脊柱裂 congenital spina bifida [又称]脊柱裂 △
先天性脊柱裂伴脊膜膨出 congenital spina bifida with myelomeningocele
先天性颈部脊柱裂伴脑积水 congenital neck spinal cleft with hydrocephalus [又称]颈段脊柱裂伴有脑积水 △
先天性颈部脊柱裂不伴脑积水 congenital cervical spinal cleft without hydrocephalus [又称]颈段脊柱裂不伴有脑积水 △
先天性颅脊柱裂 congenital craniorachischisis [又称]颅脊柱裂 △
先天性慢通道综合征 congenital slow channel syndrome
先天性面瘫 congenital facial paralysis
先天性脑动静脉畸形 congenital arteriovenous malformation of brain
先天性脑动静脉瘘 congenital cerebral arteriovenous fistula
先天性脑发育不全 congenital atelencephalia,congenital ateloencephalia,congenital brain cell hypoplasis [又称]先天性脑细胞发育不全 △
先天性脑发育异常 congenital encephalodysplasia
先天性脑弓形虫病 congenital cerebral toxoplasmosis
先天性脑积水 congenital hydrocephalus
先天性脑疝 congenital cerebral hernia
先天性脑萎缩 congenital brain atrophy
先天性平衡失调综合征 congenital disequilibrium syndrome
先天性神经梅毒 congenital neurosyphilis
先天性头颅畸形伴脑积水 congenital skull malformation with hydrocephalus
先天性透明隔异常 congenital septum pellucidum abnormality [又称]先天性脑透明隔异常 △
先天性小脑共济失调双侧瘫痪 congenital cerebellar ataxia diplegia
先天性小脑颗粒细胞发育不全 congenital cerebellum granulosa cell hypoplasia
先天性小脑性共济失调 congenital cerebellar ataxia
先天性小脑蚓部发育不全 congenital cerebellar vermis agenesis
先天性胸部脊柱裂伴脑积水 congenital thoracic spinal bifida with hydrocephalus
先天性腰部脊柱裂伴脑积水 congenital lumbar spine bifida with hydrocephalus
先天性腰部脊柱裂不伴脑积水 congenital lumbar spine bifida without hydrocephalus
先天性腰骶部脊柱裂 congenital lumbosacral spine bifida
先天性隐形脊柱裂 congenital spinal bifida occulta [又称]隐性脊柱裂 △
先天性营养不良性肌强直 congenital myotonic dystrophy,neonatal dystrophia myotonica [又称]强直性肌营养不良 △
先天性硬膜下囊肿 congenital subdural cyst [又称]硬膜下囊肿 △
先天性枕部脑膨出 congenital occipital encephalocele [又称]先天性闭合性(封闭性)枕骨裂脑露畸形 △,先天性开放性枕骨裂脑露畸形 △
先天性枕骨裂脑露畸形 congenital iniencephaly [又称]先天性闭合性(封闭性)枕骨裂脑露畸形 △
先天性中脑导水管狭窄 congenital malformation of aqueduct of Sylvius [又称]西尔维于斯导水管畸形 △,中脑导水管畸形 △
先天性中枢性肺泡低通气综合征 congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
先天性终板胆碱脂酶受体缺乏 congenital endplate acetylcholinesterase deficiency
先天性蛛网膜囊肿 congenital arachnoid cyst
先天性椎管积水 congenital hydrorachis
纤维肌发育不良 fibromuscular dysplasia
纤维软骨性栓塞 fibrocartilage embolism
线粒体肌病 mitochondrial myopathy [又称]勒夫特病(线粒体脑肌病) △,线粒体脑肌病 △
线粒体肌病伴有辅酶Q缺乏 mitochondrial myopathy with coenzyme Q deficiency
线粒体肌病伴有复合体Ⅰ缺乏 mitochondrial myopathy with complex Ⅰ deficiency
线粒体肌病伴有细胞色素C缺乏 mitochondrial myopathy with cytochrome C oxidase deficiency
线粒体脑病 mitochondrial encephalopathy,Luft disease [又称]勒夫特病 △,线粒体脑肌病 △,FASTKD2相关小儿线粒体脑肌病 △
线粒体脑病伴有乳酸血症和卒中发作 mitochondrial encephalopathy,lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes,MELAS [又称 ]MELAS综合征 △,线粒体脑肌病伴乳酸血症和卒中样发作综合征 △
线状体肌病 nemaline myopathy [又称]杆状体肌病 △
腺病毒性脑膜炎 adenoviral meningitis
腺病毒性脑炎 gland viral encephalitis
小脑扁桃体下疝畸形 Arnold-Chiari malformation [又称]小脑扁桃体下疝 △,阿诺德-希阿里综合征 △,Arnold-Chiari综合征 △
小脑扁桃体下疝畸形合并寰枢椎半脱位 Arnold-Chiari malformation merge atlantoaxial subluxation
小脑变性 cerebellar degeneration
小脑出血 cerebellar hemorrhage
小脑动脉闭塞 cerebellar artery occlusion
小脑动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) cerebellar artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction
小脑动脉瘤 cerebellar artery aneurysm
小脑动脉狭窄 cerebellar artery stenosis
小脑梗死 cerebellar infarction
小脑共济失调 cerebellar ataxia
小脑后下动脉闭塞 posterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion
小脑后下动脉瘤 posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm [又称]小脑下后动脉瘤破裂 △
小脑后下动脉瘤破裂 posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm rupture [又称]小脑后下动脉瘤破裂蛛网膜下腔出血 △
小脑后下动脉狭窄 posterior inferior cerebellar artery stenosis
小脑后下动脉血栓形成 posterior inferior cerebellar artery thrombosis
小脑幕孔上升疝 rise hernia of tentorial hole
小脑幕孔下降疝 decline hernia of tentorial hole
小脑幕裂孔疝 tentorial herniation
小脑脓肿 cerebellar abscess
小脑前下动脉闭塞 anterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion
小脑前下动脉瘤 anterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm [又称]小脑下前动脉瘤 △
小脑前下动脉瘤破裂 anterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm rupture [又称]小脑前下动脉瘤破裂蛛网膜下腔出血 △,小脑下前动脉瘤破裂 △
小脑前下动脉狭窄 anterior inferior cerebellar artery stenosis
小脑上动脉闭塞 superior cerebellar artery occlusion
小脑上动脉瘤 superior cerebellar artery aneurysm
小脑上动脉瘤破裂 superior cerebellar artery aneurysm rupture [又称]小脑上动脉瘤破裂蛛网膜下腔出血 △
小脑上动脉狭窄 superior cerebellar artery stenosis
小脑性步态 cerebellar gait
小脑性发育不良及发育不全 cerebellum cacoepy and hypoplasia [又称]小脑发育不良-毯层视网膜变性 △
小脑性震颤 cerebellar tremor
小脑炎 parencephalitis
小头畸形 microcephaly [又称]先天性小头畸形 △
小腿神经损伤 calf nerve injury,leg nerve injury
小纤维神经病 small fiber neuropathy
斜视眼阵挛-肌阵挛综合征 opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
心丛神经损伤 heart plexus injury
心理生理性失眠 psychophysiological insomnia
心源性晕厥 cardiogenic syncope
新变异性克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病 new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
新皮质癫痫 temporal lobe epilepsy(neocortical) [又称]颞叶癫痫(新皮质) △
新生儿化脓性脑膜炎 neonatal purulent meningitis
新生儿一过性重症肌无力 transient neonatal myasthenia gravis [又称]短暂性新生儿重症肌无力 △
新生儿真菌性脑膜炎 neonatal fungal meningitis
新型隐球菌脑膜炎 cryptococcus neoformans meningitis
兴奋剂依赖性睡眠障碍 doping dependency sleep disorder
性交性头痛 primary headache associated with sexual activity
胸部周围神经损伤 chest peripheral nerve injury
胸长神经麻痹 long thoracic nerve palsy
胸廓出口综合征 thoracic outlet syndrome,syndrome of chest outlet
胸神经炎 thoracic neuritis
旋前圆肌综合征 pronator teres syndrome
血卟啉病 hematoporphyria [又称]卟啉病 △,血紫质症 △
血管迷走性晕厥 vasovagal syncope
血管内中心性淋巴瘤 angiocentric lymphoma [又称]血管中心性T细胞淋巴瘤 △
血管神经性水肿 angioneurotic edema
血管网状细胞瘤 angioreticuloma
血管性痴呆 vascular dementia
血管性帕金森综合征 vascular Parkinsonism
血管性认知功能障碍 vascular cognitive disorder [又称]血管性认知障碍 △
血管炎 vasculitis
血管炎相关神经病 vasculitis related mental derangement [又称]系统性血管炎相关周围神经病变 △
血清病神经病 serum sickness neuropathy
血栓形成 thrombosis
压迫性脊髓病 compression myelopathy
亚急性感觉神经元病 subacute sensory neuropathy,subacute sensory neuronopathy [又称]亚急性感觉神经病 △
亚急性海绵状脑病 subacute spongiform encephalopathy
亚急性坏死性脊髓炎 subacute necrotizing myelitis
亚急性坏死性脑病 subacute necrotizing encephalopathy [又称]利氏综合征 △,Leigh综合征 △
亚急性坏死性脑脊髓病 subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy
亚急性或慢性感觉运动神经病 subacute or chronic sensorimotor neuropathy
亚急性脊髓后侧索综合征 subacute posterolateral or posterior cord syndrome
亚急性小脑变性 subacute cerebellar degeneration
亚急性硬化性全脑炎 subacute sclerostic panencephalitis
亚临床卒中 subclinical stroke
亚硝酸盐中毒 nitrite poisoning
烟酸缺乏性脑病 nicotinic acid deficiency encephalopathy
烟雾病 moyamoya disease [又称]脑底异常血管网病 △
延髓岀血 medulla oblongata bleed
延髓脊髓空洞症 syringobulbia and syringomyelia [又称]脊髓空洞症和延髓空洞症 △
延髓空洞症 syringobulbia
延髓脓肿 medulla oblongata abscess
炎性多神经病 inflammatory polyneuropathy
炎性和中毒性神经病 inflammatory and toxic neuropathy
颜面萎缩症 facial atrophy [又称]面肌萎缩 △
眼动脉瘤 ophthalmic aneurysm
眼动脉瘤破裂 ophthalmic aneurysm rupture
眼肌麻痹型偏头痛 painful ophthalmopegia
眼睑肌阵挛发作 eyelid myoclonic seizure [又称]眼睑肌阵挛 △
眼咽型肌营养不良症 oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy,OPMD
厌氧细菌性脑膜炎 anaerobic bacterial meningitis
羊跳跃脑炎 sheep jumping encephalitis
腰部和骶部及骨盆交感神经损伤 lumbar sacral and pelvic sympathetic nerve injury [又称]腰部、骶部和骨盆交感神经损伤 △
腰骶丛损害 lumbosacral plexus damage
腰骶丛损伤 injury of lumbosacral plexus
腰骶神经根囊肿 lumbosacral nerve root cyst
腰骶神经根炎 lumbosacral radiculitis
腰骶神经损伤 lumbosacral nerve injury [又称]腰骶神经根损伤 △
腰神经根炎 lumbar nerve root inflammation
腰神经炎 lumbar neuritis
腰椎穿刺术 lumbar puncture
腰椎穿刺术后感染 infection after lumbar puncture
腰椎穿刺术后脑疝 cerebral hernia after lumbar puncture
腰椎穿刺术引起的脑脊液漏 cerebral fluid fistular after lumbar puncture [又称]腰椎穿刺引起的脑脊液漏 △
药物相关的睡眠运动障碍 drug related movement disorder of sleep
药物性动眼危象 drug-induced oculogyric crisis [又称]药物源性舞蹈病 △
药物性肌强直 drug-induced myotonia
药物性舞蹈病 drug-induced chorea
药物性震颤 drug-induced tremor
药物诱导性肌病 drug-induced myopathy [又称]药物性肌病 △
药物源性肌张力障碍 drug-induced dystonia [又称]药物性肌张力障碍 △
药物源性肌阵挛 drug source myoclonus [又称]药物继发性帕金森综合征 △,药物源性帕金森综合征 △,药物性肌阵挛 △
药物源性精神障碍 drug-induced mental disorder [又称]药源性精神障碍 △
药物源性头痛 drug source have a headache [又称]药物性头痛 △
药物源性周围神经病 drug-induced neuropathy [又称]药物性周围神经病 △
药源性帕金森综合征 drug-induced secondary Parkinsonism [又称]药物继发性帕金森综合征 △,药物源性帕金森综合征 △
夜间发作性肌张力障碍张力失常 tension disorder onset dystonia at night
夜间进餐(饮料)综合征 dine at night(drink)syndrome
夜间下肢痛性痉挛 nocturnal leg cramp
腋神经损伤 axillary nerve injury
一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病 delayed encephalopathy of carbon monoxide poisoning
一氧化碳中毒所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to intoxication of carbon monoxide [又称]一氧化碳所致精神障碍 △
一氧化碳中毒性脑病 carbon monoxide toxic encephalopathy
一氧化碳中毒致人格和行为障碍 personality and behavioural disorder due to intoxication of carbon monoxide [又称]一氧化碳中毒所致人格和行为障碍 △
胰性脑病 pancreatic encephalopathy
遗传性感觉性神经病 hereditary sensory neuropathy
遗传性感觉自主神经病 hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy [又称]遗传性感觉和自主神经病 △
遗传性橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩 hereditary olivopontocerebellar atrophy
遗传性共济失调 Friedreich ataxia [又称]弗里德赖希共济失调 △
遗传性共济失调伴肌萎缩 hereditary ataxia with muscle atrophy [又称]鲁西-莱维综合征 △
遗传性共济失调性多发性神经炎 heredopathia atactica polyneuritis [又称]植烷酸沉积病 △,Refsum病 △
遗传性肌病 inherited myopathy
遗传性痉挛性截瘫 hereditary spastic paraplegia [又称]Strumpell-Lorrain病 △
遗传性痉挛性截瘫单纯型 hereditary spastic paraplegia pure phenotype
遗传性痉挛性截瘫复杂型 hereditary spastic paraplegia complicated phenotype
遗传性脑血管病 hereditary cerebral vascular disease
遗传性帕金森综合征 hereditary Parkinsonism
遗传性小脑共济失调 hereditary cerebellar ataxia [又称]Marie共济失调 △
遗传性压迫易感性神经病 hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies,HNPP [又称]遗传性压力易感性周围神经病 △,腊肠样神经病 △
遗传性远端型运动神经病 distal hereditary motor neuropathy
遗传性运动和感觉神经病 hereditary motor and sensory and neuropathy [又称]遗传性运动感觉神经病 △
遗传性运动神经元病 hereditary motor neuron disease
遗传性周围神经病 hereditary peripheral neuropathy
乙醇依赖性睡眠障碍 alcohol dependence of sleep disorder
乙状窦栓塞 sigmoid sinus thrombosis
乙状窦血栓形成 sigmoid sinus thrombosis
乙状窦血栓性静脉炎 thrombophlebitis of sigmoid sinus
异常蛋白血症伴发的脱髓鞘性周围神经病 demyelinating peripheral neuropathy associated with abnormal proteinemia
异染性脑白质营养不良 metachromatic leukodystrophy
异态睡眠综合征 parasomnia syndrome
抑制性运动发作 somatic inhibitory seizure,inhibitory motor seizure
疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎 postvaccinal encephalomyelitis
疫苗接种后脑炎 postvaccinal encephalitis
音乐诱发的反射性癫痫 music evoked reflex epilepsy [又称]反射性癫痫 △
隐球菌性脑炎 cryptococcal encephalitis [又称]隐球菌脑炎 △,隐球菌性脑膜炎 △,隐球菌脑膜炎 △
婴儿猝死综合征 sudden infant death syndrome
婴儿肥大性神经病 infantile hypertrophic neuropathy
婴儿进行性大脑变性 infantile progressive cerebral degeneration
婴儿痉挛症 infantile spasm [又称]West综合征 △
婴儿神经轴索营养不良 infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
婴儿型脊髓性肌萎缩 infantile spinal muscular atrophy
婴儿性偏瘫 infantile hemiplegia
婴儿严重肌阵挛癫痫 severe myoclonic epilepsy in infant [又称]Dravet综合征 △
婴儿早期游走性部分性发作 early onset infantile migrating partial epilepsy [又称]婴儿游走性部分性发作 △
营养不良所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to dystrophy
营养缺乏性多神经炎 dystrophic polyneuritis
营养缺乏性脑病 dystrophic encephalopathy
营养神经病 nutrition neuropathy
营养性周围神经病 dystrophic peripheral neuropathy
硬脊膜动静脉瘘向脊髓静脉引流 spinal cord venous drainage from spinal dural arteriovenous fistula [又称]硬脊膜动静脉瘘 △
硬脊膜外脓肿 spinal epidural abscess
硬脊膜外肉芽肿 spinal epidural granuloma
硬脊膜下脑膜瘤 subdural meningioma
硬脊膜下脓肿 spinal subdural abscess
硬脊膜下肉芽肿 spinal subdural granuloma [又称]硬膜下肉芽肿 △
硬脊膜下髓周动静脉瘘 spinal subdural perimedullary arteriovenous fistula [又称]硬脊膜动静脉瘘 △
硬膜外脓肿 extradural abscess
硬膜外血肿 epidural hematoma [又称]硬脑膜外血肿 △
硬膜下出血 subdural hemorrhage [又称]硬脑膜下出血 △
硬膜下脓肿 subdural abscess [又称]硬脑膜下脓肿 △
硬膜下炎性肉芽肿 subdural inflammatory granuloma
硬脑膜动静脉瘘 dural arteriovenous fistula [又称]硬脊膜动静脉瘘 △,硬脑膜动静脉瘘出血 △
硬脑膜动静脉瘘出血 dural arteriovenous fistula bleeding
硬脑膜横窦血栓形成 dural sinus thrombosis
硬脑膜下积液 subdural effusion
硬脑膜炎 pachymeningitis
硬皮病合并肌病 scleroderma complicated with myopathy
由于入脑前动脉栓塞引起的脑梗死 cerebral infarction due to precerebral artery embolism [又称]入脑前动脉血栓引起的脑梗死 △
有典型先兆的偏头痛 migraine with typical aura [又称]先兆偏头痛 △
有机磷中毒性周围神经病 organophosphorus toxic peripheral neuropathy [又称]有机磷中毒迟发性神经病 △
有迁延性先兆的偏头痛 protracted migraine aura
有先兆急性发作的偏头痛 migraine with aura acute attack
与多巴胺-β-羟化酶缺乏相关的交感神经功能障碍 sympathetic dysfunction associated with dopamine-β-hydroxylase deficiency
语义性痴呆 semantic dementia
原发进行性非流利失语 primary progressive non-fluent aphasia
原发书写震颤 primary writing tremor
原发性阿米巴脑膜脑炎 primary amebic meningoencephalitis
原发性不安腿综合征 primary restless legs syndrome
原发性侧索硬化 primary lateral sclerosis [又称]原发性侧索硬化症 △
原发性脑室内出血 primary intraventricular hemorrhage
原发性胼胝体变性 Marchiafava-Bignami disease,primary degeneration of corpus callosum
原发性三叉神经痛 idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia
原发性舌咽神经痛 idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia
原发性阅读性癫痫青少年肌阵挛癫痫 reading of primary epilepsy juvenile myoclonic epilepsy [又称]原发性阅读性癫痫 △
原发性直立性低血压 idiopathic orthostatic hypotension [又称]直立性低血压 △
远端型肌营养不良症 distal muscular dystrophy [又称]远端型肌营养不良 △
远端型脊髓性肌萎缩 distal form of spinal muscular atrophy [又称]远端型脊髓性肌萎缩症 △
远端性肌病 distal myopathy [又称]肢带型肌营养不良 △,远端型肌病 △
阅读诱发反射性癫痫 reading evoked reflex epilepsy [又称]阅读性癫痫 △
运动神经元变性病 motor neuron degeneration
运动神经元病 motor neuron disease
运动性周围神经病 motor neuropathy
运动诱发性肌张力障碍 paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia [又称]发作性运动诱发性运动障碍 △
运动障碍性膀胱 motor disturbance bladder
早发型阿尔茨海默病 early onset Alzheimer disease
早发性肌阵挛性脑病 early myoclonic encephalopathy [又称]早发性肌阵挛脑病 △
早发性小脑性共济失调 early onset cerebellar ataxia [又称]Marinesco-Sjogren综合征 △
粘连性脊髓蛛网膜炎 spinal adhesive arachnoiditis
真菌性肌炎 fungal myositis
真菌性脑膜炎 fungal meningitis
枕大神经痛 greater occipital neuralgia
枕大神经炎 greater occipital neuritis
枕骨大孔疝 cerebellar tonsillar hernia [又称]小脑扁桃体疝 △
枕神经痛 occipital neuralgia
枕小神经痛 lesser occipital neuralgia
枕叶出血 occipital lobe hemorrhage
枕叶癫痫 occipital lobe epilepsy
枕叶脑白质病变 white matter lesion of the occipital lobe
枕叶脓肿 occipital lobe abscess
阵挛发作 clonic seizure
阵挛性半面痉挛 clonicity hemi-facial spasm
正常钾型周期性瘫痪 normal kalemic periodic paralysis [又称]正常血钾性周期性麻痹 △
正中神经麻痹 median nerve palsy
正中神经嵌压综合征 median nerve entrapment syndrome
正中神经损害 median nerve damage
症状性(或可能为症状性)局灶性癫痫 symptomatic(or probably symptomatic)focal epilepsy [又称]症状性局灶性癫痫 △
症状性精神病 symptomatic psychosis
支架植入术 stent implantation
支架植入术后出血 haemorrhage after stent implantation [又称]支架植入后出血 △
肢带型肌营养不良症 limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
肢体麻木 numbness of the limb,numbness
直窦血栓形成 straight sinus thrombosis
直立性低血压性晕厥 orthostatic hypotensive syncope [又称]体位性低血压性晕厥 △
跖趾神经炎 metatarsophalangeal neuritis
指间神经瘤 interdigital neuroma
指纹状体肌病 fingerprint body myopathy
指印体肌病 finger-print myopathy
中脑导水管梗阻 midbrain aqueduct obstruction
中脑脓肿 midbrain abscess
中脑周围出血 around the midbrain hemorrhage [又称]中脑出血 △
中脑周围静脉性蛛网膜下腔出血 midbrain around vein subarachnoid hemorrhage [又称]中脑周围非动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血 △
中枢神经系统Sjogren综合征 Sjogren syndrome of the central nervous system
中枢神经系统白血病 central nervous system leukemia
中枢神经系统表面铁沉积症 superfacial siderosis of the central nervous system
中枢神经系统并发症 central nervous system complication
中枢神经系统感染 central nervous system infection
中枢神经系统功能异常 dysfunction of the central nervous system [又称]中枢神经系统功能检查异常 △
中枢神经系统淋巴瘤 central nervous system lymphoma
中枢神经系统淋巴瘤样肉芽肿 lymphomatoid granulomatosis of central nervous system
中枢神经系统慢病毒感染 slow virus infections of central nervous system
中枢神经系统毛霉病 central nervous system mucormycosis
中枢神经系统其他特指的脱髓鞘疾病 other specified demyelinating disease of central nervous system [又称]中枢神经系统脱髓鞘病 △
中枢神经系统曲霉病 central nervous system aspergillosis
中枢神经系统朊粒病 central nervous system prion disease
中枢神经系统血管内淋巴瘤 intravascular lymphoma of the central nervous system,central nervous system intravascular lymphoma
中枢神经系统原发性血管炎 primary angiitis of central nervous system [又称]原发中枢神经系统血管炎 △
中枢性肺泡低通气综合征 central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
中枢性呼吸衰竭 central respiratory failure
中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 central sleep apnea syndrome [又称]中枢型睡眠呼吸暂停 △
中枢性协调障碍 centrale coordination disturbance
中心核肌病 centronuclear myopathy
中央轴空病 central core disease
肿瘤相关性视网膜病 tumor associated retinopathy
肿瘤性脑出血 tumor hemorrhage
肿瘤样炎性脱髓鞘病 tumor-like inflammatory demyelinating disease
中毒性肌病 toxic myopathy [又称]中毒性肌肉病 △
中毒性脑病 toxic encephalopathy
中毒性帕金森综合征 toxic Parkinson syndrome
中毒性神经肌肉病 toxic neuromuscular disease
重症肌无力 myasthenia gravis
重症肌无力伴胸腺瘤 myasthenia gravis with thymoma
周期性共济失调 periodic ataxia [又称]贝克肌营养不良 △,Becker型肌营养不良症 △,发作性共济失调 △
周期性瘫痪 periodic paralysis [又称]周期性麻痹 △
周期性肢体运动障碍 periodic limb movement disorder
周围神经病性震颤 peripheral neuropathy tremor
周围神经电子神经刺激器引起的机械性并发症 mechanical complication caused by peripheral nerve electronic stimulator
周围神经和自主神经系统良性肿瘤 benign tumor of the peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
周围神经血管内淋巴瘤 peripheral nerves intravascular lymphomatosis
轴索型腓骨肌萎缩 axonal peroneal muscle atrophy [又称]腓骨肌萎缩症Ⅱ型 △
轴周性脑炎 Schilder disease(Schilder encephalitis)
肘管综合征 cubital tunnel syndrome [又称]尺神经卡压征 △
昼夜节律失调性睡眠障碍 circadian rhythm sleep disorder
蛛网膜囊肿 arachnoid cyst
蛛网膜憩室 arachnoid diverticulum
蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage
蛛网膜下腔出血伴大脑中动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血伴后交通动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with posterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血伴基底动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage with basilar artery aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血伴颈内动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with internal carotid aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血伴脑梗死 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with cerebral infarction
蛛网膜下腔出血伴前交通动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with former traffic artery aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血伴椎动脉动脉瘤破裂 subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with vertebral artery aneurysm rupture
蛛网膜下腔出血不伴脑梗死 subarachnoid hemorrhage without cerebral infarction
蛛网膜下腔出血后脑积水 hydrocephalus after subarachnoid hemorrhage
蛛网膜下腔出血后遗症 subarachnoid hemorrhage sequelae [又称]蛛网膜下出血后遗症 △
蛛网膜炎 arachnoiditis
蛛网膜粘连 arachnoid’s adhesion [又称]脊髓蛛网膜粘连 △
主观性失眠 subjective insomnia
椎动脉闭塞 Avellis syndrome [又称]阿韦利斯综合征 △
椎动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) vertebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction [又称]椎动脉闭塞和狭窄 △
椎动脉闭塞或狭窄性脑梗死 vertebral artery occlusion or stenosis cerebral infarction [又称]椎脉狭窄脑梗死 △,椎动脉闭塞脑梗死 △
椎动脉梗死 vertebral artery infarction
椎动脉夹层 vertebral artery dissection
椎动脉瘤 vertebral aneurysm
椎动脉栓塞 vertebral artery embolism
椎动脉狭窄 vertebral artery stenosis
椎动脉血栓形成 vertebral artery thrombogenesis
椎管内脓肿 intraspinal abscess
椎管内肉芽肿 intraspinal granuloma
椎基底动脉扩张延长 extended vertebral basilar artery expansion [又称]椎基底动脉延长扩张症 △
椎-基底动脉综合征 vertebral-basilar artery syndrome
椎体海绵状血管畸形 vertebral spongiform vascular malformation
灼痛 causalgia [又称]灼性神经痛 △
子痫 eclampsia
自发性低颅压综合征 spontanous intracranial hypotension [又称]原发性低颅压 △
自身免疫相关性脑病 autoimmune associated encephalopathy [又称]自身免疫性脑炎 △
自主神经功能紊乱 autonomic nervous system dysfunction
自主神经系统疾患 autonomic nervous system disorder [又称]自主神经性发作 △
自主神经系统良性肿瘤 autonomic nervous system benign tumor
自主性膀胱 autonomic bladder
足底内侧神经损伤 medial plantar nerve injury
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
最外囊出血 outside the capsule hemorrhage
坐骨神经损害 sciatic nerve damage
坐骨神经损伤 sciatic nerve injury
坐骨神经痛 sciatica
坐骨神经粘连 sciatic nerve adhesion