Population-based cancer registries systematically monitor the frequency of new cancer cases each year in well-defined populations and over time.Cancer registration has a pivotal role in cancer control,which provides basic data for cancer policy making and evaluation.One prominent achievement of cancer registration in China is to publish China Cancer Registry Annual Report,which has been a great value for cancer prevention and control in different periods of the country.Prevention and control on cancer and other chronic diseases has been one of the major tasks in the 2019 Report on the Work of the Government in China,and people’s health has been a national strategy.In achieving the goal of“Healthy China of 2030”,basic data on cancer burden of the country has become more and more important.
Since the first volume of China Cancer Registry Annual Report published in 2008,this book is the 12 thvolume of the Annual Report.In this volume,we reported the cancer incidence and mortality data in Chinese cancer registration areas of 2015.A total of 501 cancer registries submitted data to National Cancer Center(NCC)China by 30 thJune,2018.After data quality control,a total of 388 cancer registries(142 urban registries and 246 rural registries)were included in the present China Cancer Registration Annual Report.In this volume,we summarized data of the incidence and mortality for all cancers combined and 22 cancer sites in 2015,overall,by age,sex and area.
Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control,Department of Publicity in National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China have provided sustainable support in the fast publication of the China Cancer Registry Annual Report 2018.We acknowledge all staff working for the cancer registries and the editorial board who contributed to this publication.
National Cancer Center