Deepak Vohra is a consultant and a principal member of the NuBean.com software company. Deepak is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and Web Component Developer, and has worked in the fields of XML and Java programming and J2EE for over five years. Deepak is the co-author of the Apress book Pro XML Development with Java Technology and was the technical reviewer for the O'Reilly book WebLogic: The Definitive Guide. Deepak was also the technical reviewer for the Course Technology PTR book Ruby Programming for the Absolute Beginner, and the technical editor for the Manning Publications book Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action. Deepak is also the author of the Packt Publishing book JDBC 4.0 and Oracle JDeveloper for J2EE Development, and Processing XML documents with Oracle JDeveloper 11g.
Hari K. T completed his B.Tech course in Information Technology from Calicut University in the year 2007. He is an open source lover (LAMP on his head), and attendee of bar-camp kerala and different tech groups. When he was in the fourth semester (around 2005) searching for GNU/Linux he saw the blog of an Electrical student Dileep. From there onwards he started his own research in the web, started blogging at http://ijust4u.blogspot.com/ (some were his stupid thoughts :) ).
After completing his B.Tech he managed to get a job of his interest as a PHP Developer. In due course, he recognized the benefits of frameworks, ORM, and so on and he contributed his experience to others by starting a sample blog tutorial with zend framework for the PHP community. You can see the post at www.harikt.com and download the code from github. Worked on different open source projects such as os-commerce, drupal, and so on. Anybody interested in building your next web project can get in touch with him through e-mail, twitter, LinkedIn, or through www.harikt.com. For a more detailed information about Hari K. T, you can visit www.harikt.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, and so on.
Martien de Jongis a creative, young developer who loves to learn. He has built and helps build many web applications. Even though he is still young, Martin has many years of experience as he started programming at a very young age.
His main employer of interest at the moment is iDiDiD, a social network (www.ididid.eu) focusing on events and sharing experiences. He has developed many of the core parts of the website