中国—东盟研究(2018年第三辑 总第七辑)

六 结论




The Belt and Road Initiative and China-ASEAN Relations:An Indonesian Perspective

Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro

Abstract Since its introduction in 2013,the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)has been one central issue that defines China’s relations with the world.Many countries have welcomed the BRI,including Indonesia,the largest country in Southeast Asia.The impact of the BRI in the region depends on the state of Sino-Indonesia relations to a significant degree.This three-part article was a brief analysis of the extent to which Indonesia viewed the BRI in the context of bilateral relations with China and how the BRI could help Indonesia manage development for its people.The first part,a SWOT descriptive analysis,demonstrated the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats that Indonesia had in the context of the BRI.Included here was how Indonesians viewed the BRI as well as indications of a possible alignment of the BRI with Indonesia’s development strategy.The second part highlighted the relationship between the BRI and the efforts to develop ASEAN Community,followed by the third part that tried to see the impact of the BRI on a much more complex relationship between China and ASEAN countries,especially Indonesia.The article concluded that multilateralism and partnership were keys to healthy relations between China and the BRI countries.

Key Words China;Indonesia;Belt and Road Initiative

Author Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro,Dept.Head of Department of International Relations,Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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[17] Siwage D.Negara,“The Importance of One Belt One Road for Indonesia”.中国工人问题已成为印尼社交媒体上最受热议的话题之一。印尼社交媒体报道称,印尼有1000万至2000万中国工人,但印尼人力资源部对此表示否认。印尼工业部表示:“在印尼的中国工人只有2.1万人左右且主要从事中国建筑项目的工作。”

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