Threats in Kubernetes clusters
With our new understanding of Kubernetes components and threat actors, we're moving on to the journey of threat modeling a Kubernetes cluster. In the following table, we cover the major Kubernetes components, nodes, and pods. Nodes and pods are the fundamental Kubernetes objects that run workloads. Note that all these components are assets and should be protected from threats. Any of these components getting compromised could lead to the next step of an attack, such as privilege escalation. Also, note that kube-apiserver and etcd are the brain and heart of a Kubernetes cluster. If either of them were to get compromised, that would be game over.
The following table highlights the threats in the default Kubernetes configuration. This table also highlights how developers and cluster administrators can protect their assets from these threats:

This table only highlights some of the threats. There are more threats, which will be covered in later chapters. We hope the preceding table will inspire you to think out loud about what needs to be protected and how to protect it in your Kubernetes cluster.