Another excellent way to go about acquiring or improving your top skills is to shadow an experienced manager. Consider this like a ride-along. You get the chance to observe and learn from an experienced professional in an environment that you wouldn't normally be in.
It's important that you choose a manager whom you respect and think has the top skills you want to learn, because they will be your role model in many ways. There are good and not-so-good role models, or the outright off-the-wall different type. You should bear this in mind when selecting your manager to shadow and when you're observing them.
Every person is different, and while they may be experienced, it doesn't mean they will execute a skill perfectly all of the time. The most honest and experienced kind of professional will openly and humbly admit that they get a lot of things wrong. The most important thing is that they then learn from them.
Imagine if someone requested to shadow you. Having a fellow professional take notice and wanting to understand a day in the life of you is very much a compliment. It shows reverence and professional regard. So, it's likely to garner positive feelings, especially for your self-esteem and confidence.
Remember this if you are tentative to approach someone whom you might think doesn't have the time or wouldn't be interested. The worst they can say is no. Even then, you will have paid them a sincere compliment, which might lead to another opportunity later down the line.
When you have found someone to shadow, remember to prepare. Make sure you explain your background and motives for doing this. Be as open and flexible as possible. Share your thoughts and expectations, and invite them to share theirs, so you have a mutual understanding. Know where each other's boundaries are, and work around their schedule. If you follow them into meetings with other people, make sure your presence is explained, and observe without disrupting the meeting.
Keep it as formal or informal as you both feel comfortable, but always professional. This is a professional relationship with a defined goal of them sharing and you learning.