TIBCO Spotfire:A Comprehensive Primer(Second Edition)

Coloring, sorting, and other customization of the KPI chart

The KPI chart looks pretty good right now, but there are other settings and customizations we can apply to see if they would be useful.

To color the KPI chart by value, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the KPI chart and select KPI Settings.
  2. Select the Colors property page.
  3. Make sure (Value axis values) is shown for the Columns for coloring.
  1. You can choose a Spotfire default coloring scheme by clicking the pull-out that looks like multiple sheets of paper:
  1. We can refine the color scheme by choosing some suitable colors. I chose green for the Max value to indicate that a high closing price is good; red for Min, indicating that a low closing price is not so good; and yellow was chosen for Average.
  1. We can also choose a default color scheme in Spotfire web clients:

We should sort the KPI chart by value to show the highest closing stock first. There are a couple of steps that need to be followed. In the Analyst client, do the following:

  1. Reopen the KPI Settings, if they're not already open.
  2. Select the Sorting property page.
  3. Click the Sort tiles by dropdown and choose (Axis values) | (Value axis values):
Note that this doesn't immediately apply the sort order to the KPI chart since there is no sort order defined. We need to define whether the sort is ascending or descending from the KPI chart itself. In our case, I think it makes sense to show the best industry sector first.
  1. Close the KPI Settings dialog and right-click on the KPI chart.
  1. Click Sort Order, then choose Best First:

This will sort the KPI chart by the sort order that was defined in the KPI settings (descending in value).

In the web clients, the steps are broadly similar. Now that we have configured the KPI chart, wouldn't it be nice to allow end users to configure the chart interactively—even Spotfire Consumer users? RememberSpotfire Consumer users do not have the ability to configure chartseverything is read-only. The next section will show you how to allows all users to choose which measure the KPI chart displays.