Office 365 User Guide


The bell on the suite bar is where your notifications will show up. The notifications you can expect are for emails, as well as meeting and appointment reminders. To check these notifications, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the bell to open the Notifications panel and see what notifications you may have. You may not see any notifications for a while if you just turned Notifications on under Settings or if the notifications were turned off:
  1. To change the settings for your notifications, click the Notifications settings link at the bottom of the panel or click on Customize settings:
  1. In the Notification settings panel, you can toggle getting New mail notifications on and off, as well as the sounds for them, and the reminders for meetings and appointments and the sounds for them, too. You can also toggle notifications themselves on and off here, as well as under Notification settings:

Once you are done with these settings, whenever you get a new mail or reminder, you will receive a notification with a sound.