Expert Python Programming(Third Edition)

Using __new__() for overriding the instance creation process

The special method __new__() is a static method that's responsible for creating class instances. It is special-cased, so there is no need to declare it as static using the staticmethod decorator. This __new__(cls, [,...]) method is called prior to the __init__() initialization method. Typically, the implementation of overridden __new__() invokes its superclass version using super().__new__() with suitable arguments and modifies the instance before returning it.

The following is an example class with the overridden __new__() method implementation in order to count the number of class instances:

class InstanceCountingClass: 
    instances_created = 0 
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): 
        print('__new__() called with:', cls, args, kwargs) 
        instance = super().__new__(cls) 
        instance.number = cls.instances_created 
        cls.instances_created += 1 
        return instance 
    def __init__(self, attribute): 
        print('__init__() called with:', self, attribute) 
        self.attribute = attribute 

Here is the log of the example interactive session that shows how our InstanceCountingClass implementation works:

>>> from instance_counting import InstanceCountingClass
>>> instance1 = InstanceCountingClass('abc')
__new__() called with: <class '__main__.InstanceCountingClass'> ('abc',) {} __init__() called with: <__main__.InstanceCountingClass object at 0x101259e10> abc >>> instance2 = InstanceCountingClass('xyz') __new__() called with: <class '__main__.InstanceCountingClass'> ('xyz',) {} __init__() called with: <__main__.InstanceCountingClass object at 0x101259dd8> xyz >>> instance1.number, instance1.instances_created (0, 2) >>> instance2.number, instance2.instances_created (1, 2)

The __new__() method should usually return an instance of the featured class, but it is also possible for it to return other class instances. If this does happen (a different class instance is returned), then the call to the __init__() method is skipped. This fact is useful when there is a need to modify creation/initialization behavior of immutable class instances like some of Python's built-in types, as shown in the following code:

class NonZero(int): 
    def __new__(cls, value): 
        return super().__new__(cls, value) if value != 0 else None 
    def __init__(self, skipped_value): 
        # implementation of __init__ could be skipped in this case 
        # but it is left to present how it may be not called 
        print("__init__() called") 

Let's review these in the following interactive session:

>>> type(NonZero(-12))
__init__() called
<class '__main__.NonZero'>
>>> type(NonZero(0))
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> NonZero(-3.123)
__init__() called

So, when should we use __new__()? The answer is simple: only when __init__() is not enough. One such case was already mentioned, that is, subclassing immutable built-in Python types such as int, str, float, frozenset, and so on. This is because there was no way to modify such an immutable object instance in the __init__() method once it was created.

Some programmers can argue that __new__() may be useful for performing important object initialization that may be missed if the user forgets to use the super().__init__() call in the overridden initialization method. While it sounds reasonable, this has a major drawback. With such an approach, it becomes harder for the programmer to explicitly skip previous initialization steps if this is the already desired behavior. It also breaks an unspoken rule of all initializations performed in __init__().

Because __new__() is not constrained to return the same class instance, it can be easily abused. Irresponsible usage of this method might do a lot of harm to code readability, so it should always be used carefully and backed with extensive documentation. Generally, it is better to search for other solutions that may be available for the given problem, instead of affecting object creation in a way that will break a basic programmers' expectations. Even overridden initialization of immutable types can be replaced with more predictable and well-established design patterns like the Factory Method, which is described in Chapter 17, Useful Design Patterns.

There is at least one aspect of Python programming where extensive usage of the __new__() method is well justified. These are metaclasses, which are described in the next section.